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Everything posted by soflabasser

  1. Muskies are large predatory fish that are similar to barracudas in the way they hunt. Both fish will hit a large lure just like they will hit a small lure. You have to present the lure at the right place, at the right time, with the right presentation and hope the fish bites and when it does it will remind you why you invest so much of your free time chasing these awesome fish.
  2. Seems like the weather has gotten more drastic compared to the past. There was a day this week that the high was around 87-88 degrees and the low was 50 degrees. Ice that should not be melting is melting in Antarctica and the North Pole. There are certain parts of the World that has had worse floods than before. Other places with droughts. You can research this online if you like, the fact is the weather is changing. I can only imagine what type of weather future generations are going to deal with.
  3. These increased wages should have occurred decades ago, not during the worst pandemic in over a century. I am not surprised reading the responses in this thread about supply chain issues, it will most likely continue for obvious reasons. Let's see what happens in the next couple of months.
  4. From what I read Zander is a good tasting fish which is no surprise since they are related to walleye. Greyling is another good tasting fish.
  5. Over 1 million Americans have died in this pandemic, anyone that thinks this is no big deal is someone I will never invite fishing. This lack of empathy is an insult to those who died and those who lost loved ones. There are supply issues for obvious reasons. Hard to have everything back to normal when a big percentage of the workforce died and other factors that slow everything down. It is no surprise why things are going the way they are with so many people who only care about themselves. This has a huge effect on everything yet some like to look the other way.
  6. Congratulations to the angler for catching the new Missouri State Record paddlefish.
  7. I have lost count of the big bass I have caught on hollow belly frogs and spinnerbaits while using spinning reels. According to some ''experts'' you cannot use spinning reels for this type of fishing. Bass do not care what rod and reel you use, they care how you present the lure. That is why it is best to spend your time on the water and learn what works best for you.
  8. Lol, believe it or not South Florida is still getting decent cold fronts. It was in the low 60's this morning, the afternoon was in the 80's which was nice. The 2010 cold fronts where stronger but I feel this Winter had more cold fronts than 2010. We had a day that the high temperature was in the high 80's and then dropped to 50 degrees at night. On a related subject, the Conger ice shelf in Antartica recently disintegrated since the weather has been 40 degrees warmer than usual.
  9. I hope Mr. King gets a nice replica of his 51 pound muskie to put his wall, he earned it! It is an impressive accomplishment, even more since he caught this muskie from land. Both Mr. King and the Fish and Game personnel did a great job releasing this giant muskie.
  10. I highly recommend you fish for sharks when you get a chance, especially if you enjoy catching fish that can peel over 100 yards of line and give you a good workout. You can catch big sharks from land so you do not need to hire a guide but you do have to bring the appropriate tackle to land these fish. From what I read the small Wels catfish taste ok but I would not eat them. The big Wels catfish supposedly do not taste good. Most people that fish for Wels catfish release them just like most bass fishermen release bass.
  11. The man that caught this 51 pound muskie did a excellent job releasing it. I am sure he is very happy and could care less about some people criticizing him. Congratulations to Luke King for catching a 51 pound muskie from land, thousands of people hire guides in boat and rarely catch a fish that compares to his catch.
  12. I prefer to release all the bowfin I catch just like I release all the largemouth bass I catch. Both of these fish are native fish which I prefer to release. If I wanted to keep freshwater fish I would keep exotic fish such as Oscars and Mayan cichlids, which taste much better than any native freshwater fish I have eaten including crappie and walleye.
  13. Best part of the story is he caught the 51 pound muskie from land.
  14. I live in South Florida where you can spend a whole lifetime fishing and never fish all the lakes, ponds, canals, and other bodies of water. A vacation house with a lake is nice but I rather fish several locations since I enjoy multi species fishing.
  15. Wels catfish would definitely be on my list if I travel to Europe. With that said shark fishing is very similar to catfishing so I rather catch sharks which grow larger than wels catfish and I do not have to travel far to catch sharks. European northern pike and zander would be very nice to catch as well.
  16. Welcome to the forum
  17. Besides fishing gear I bring food and water when I go fishing.
  18. Interesting subject. Lots of people in Europe fish for carp along with northern pike, zander, Wels catfish, and European perch.
  19. I use 30-50 pound test braid when frog fishing regardless of how much aquatic vegetation is in the place I am fishing.
  20. The ''best spinning reel'' is the one you enjoy using the most, regardless of price.
  21. Best piece of advice I can give you is know who you are and learn to not care much what others say about you. I have had people talk garbage to me as well since I don't give out my best spots where I catch my biggest bass to random people on the internet. Yes I take close family and friends to these spots but not some random person who clearly wants to use me. Even if they find these spots it won't be enough since you still have to know what you are doing to catch these bass. Be proud of your accomplishments and make sure to have fun when you fish since having fun should be every fisherman's main goal while fishing.
  22. I think this is a typical Winter Time subject. Bass like to be around structure so if the weather is decent there should be some bass around a dock.
  23. In my experience Shimano Stradics are great reels. You can always get a Stella if you want to spend more money.
  24. South Florida is getting a cold front now and the temperature might drop to the low 50's. It must be exceptionally cold up North for South Florida to get a low 50's night in Mid March. Good thing it only takes a day or 2 for the temperature to be in the 80's again.
  25. I have done several 1 day fishing trips that I drove over 8 hours. For me it is worth driving far since I usually catch very nice fish on these fishing trips. With that said I live close to the Everglades and other good fishing locations so I don't have to drive far to fish in places with amazing fishing.
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