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Everything posted by soflabasser

  1. You are welcome. Corn is good bait for many cichlid species and barely anyone uses corn unless they are fishing for carp. I throw out the corn with a size 4 hook without a bobber. I can see why the bass you catch are so thick and healthy they are most likely eating lots of baby tilapia.
  2. Nice tilapias they are a fun fish to catch. I catch tilapias on bread as well. Corn works well if you want to give it a try one day. Tilapias are pound for pound stronger than a equal sized bass and they are eager biters which is great when you just want to have a easy day of catching fish.
  3. There are plenty of big bass in the North East portion of the state so you are in a very good place if your goal is to catch trophy bass. I know of a man that post several double digit bass that he catches every year and he catches them from land near where you live. He is not a member of this forum and he post his catches on another social media but this lets you know the type of bass that live near you. Put in your time on the water, learn from each fishing trip, and eventually you will be very comfortable fishing in your area.
  4. Better to go fishing and see if the bass are biting than stay at home reading about bass fishing.
  5. My last 2 bass of 2018 where a 23.5 inch and 24 inch largemouth bass. Today is January 1st and I went fishing for a couple hours in the late afternoon/early night. Ended up with my first 2 largemouth bass for 2019 which measured 23.75 inches and 20 inches. Looking towards to what 2019 has to offer and hope to improve my bass fishing skills by the end of the year.
  6. I got a 23.75 inch largemouth bass earlier today. Will try very hard to catch another double digit bass this year to add to my list. At the very least I will fish very hard to catch one or at the very least catch a bunch of 7-9 pounders.
  7. Happy New Year to all the BassResource members.
  8. Thank you for posting this video, it is very good! Have seen videos like these before on Youtube. I have caught tuna both on lures and artificial bait and would like to try this type of fishing one day. Looks like a great whole body workout as well!
  9. Nice river smalllie. It would be best to bring a scale to get a more accurate weight than guessing it from a picture. You can also use the following formula for a close estimate; Length X Length X Girth / 1200 = estimated weight of bass. You can use fishing line to measure the length and girth.
  10. I accomplished my bass fishing goals for 2018 and I am looking towards to what the year 2019 has to offer.
  11. Every bass has its unique pattern so check the pictures and compare the 3 different bass. For example you can check for birth marks and if one has a birth mark in a exact location and the others do not then they are different bass. With that said I recently caught 3 bass in the same day that all measured between 23.5-23.75'' and they where each a different bass which different birth marks, girth, gill plate pattern, etc. I think these bass might be from the same year class since they are so similar to each other in size.
  12. Welcome to the forum
  13. LOL so true. Not every ''tournament fisherman'' is a talented bass fisherman that is for sure. I have met so many people that complete in tournaments that do not even have a double digit bass PB yet they will wear your ear off by telling you how many tournaments they have completed and that they are ''sponsored'' or ''prostaff'' by some lure company. There are also many talented bass fishermen that do not care for tournament fishing and all they care for is catching big bass and lots of them.
  14. Ask your Doctor if it is ok to incorporate swimming into your exercise plan. Swimming is excellent cardiovascular exercise and many people with joint problems prefer swimming over walking. You will need to find a heated indoor pool. Take your time, train safe, and work your way up until you can comfortably swim for 30-60 minutes 3-5 times a week.
  15. Yes I use a kayak for saltwater fishing and diving. Do not really need a boat for bass fishing in South Florida and I catch my fair share of big bass from the bank.
  16. soflabasser


    Welcome to the forum
  17. Sounds like a good warmup. Get your Doctor's approval first before you start any exercise plan. If you get the green light you can start walking for 30 minutes 5 times a week and build up to 60 minute walks 5 days a week. Next step is to start running for 5 minutes and build up to 30-60 minute runs 5 times a week. You will have energy to give away if invest in your health which is the most important thing anyone has.
  18. Welcome to the forum. Alabama has very good bass fishing and has a couple very unique species of redeye bass.
  19. That sounds like something I will enjoy doing very much. Don't think the cold weather would bother me much if I am catching hard fighting fish. Reminds me of the blackfin tuna I have caught on vertical jigs, they hit the jig extremely hard then proceed to make several powerful runs that easily strip lots of line from the reel.
  20. Go ice fishing or travel somewhere where there is no hard water. Life is too short to not be enjoying your favorite hobbies.
  21. LOL. I lost count of meeting people who caught ''8,9,10 or more pounders'' just to see a picture of a bass that is under 24 inches with not much girth. I just smile and tell them they caught a nice fish and walk away letting them believe what they caught is a trophy bass. That is why it is best to weight the fish on a decent quality scale or at the very least get a length and girth measurement for a close estimate. There will always be doubts on the size of a bass if a person does not get good measurements. Thank you @stratoliner92. The bass in your avatar is the type of bass I like to fish for. The line measuring technique you mentioned is very good and every bass fisherman has fishing line so there should be no excuse when it comes to getting the length and girth measurements.
  22. Welcome to the forum. It appears to be a nice sized northern strain largemouth bass. Hard to give you a exact estimate since you did not give length and girth measurements of this bass. Next time measure the length and girth to get a close estimate by using the following formula; Length X Length X Girth / 1200 = estimated weight of bass in pounds. For example 20 length X 20 length X 15 girth / 1200=5 pounds estimated weight If this is too much work then I suggest you buy a good scale to easily weigh your fish.
  23. I still want to try ice fishing and will plan a ice fishing trip in a future vacation. Being in the freezing cold and waiting for several hours for a fish to bite is not very fun compared to fishing in warm tropical weather that is for sure. With that said I consider ice fishing a new challenge in fishing for me and it is something I have been planning for years. I researched a couple locations that offer very good ice fishing and will continue to research other locations. I got no problem using live bait so you best believe I will use live suckers or other live bait under the ice for a muskie, pike or any fish that gives a decent fight. Seen videos of tip ups ice fishing it looks like a unique way to catch a fish. Very nice lake trout. Must of been a blast catching it on light tackle.
  24. Full Moon during the spawn = big bass might be on a nest Find a big bass on a nest = easy way to get a new personal best bass
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