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Everything posted by soflabasser

  1. Anyone here caught a palomino trout? They stock these fish along with the regular rainbow trout. Catching a palomino trout was one of my favorite catches when I fished up north on vacation.
  2. Roostertails are a good choice on 4-6 pound test line.
  3. I will not hire a guide for any freshwater fish in North America but would hire one for fishing the Amazon. Will consider trading fishing trips through. Have done my research and found several places where I should have a good time ice fishing. Several of those places are in the USA. I have no problem with tip ups and will gladly fish that way if it means I will catch a big fish. I understand where you are coming from when it comes to cleaning reels compared to ice fishing, that is how I feel about bass under 5 pounds in South Florida. I won't leave my house for any largemouth bass under 5 pounds, I only care for bass 5 pounds and up at this moment in time and rather fish for little cichlids than catch a bass under 5 pounds. Snook fishing is another thing I rather do and catching big snook is far more fun than catching a regular sized largemouth bass.
  4. Most of the kayakers down here do not use leashes since they get in the way and prefer using a small section of pool foam float. It works great, does not get in the way, so you have more time to focus on fishing and less worries about losing gear.
  5. That is why I said 100% guarantee since I do not have time to waste on my vacations. So far I have had 100% success rate in catching nice fish in my vacations up north with my better half. I do very well in South Florida and can give a 100% guarantee that I can take someone fishing me and they will catch lots of fish such as peacock bass, snook, various species of shark, and other fish that people pay hundreds of dollars to guides to catch. Would not be fair to ice fish and not catch much while I take someone fishing with me and they break new PB's for various species of fish so I expect a very good ice fishing trip in return. That 45.5 inch pike must of been fun to catch! I caught a similar sized muskie from public waters on my first trip up north and it is an experience I will always remember. I am sure open water fishing is much more fun just like snook fishing is more fun than bass fishing but it is always good to try new types of fishing. It makes you a more well rounded fisherman than someone who only fishes for bass. I enjoy challenges and ice fishing has been on my bucket list for many years now so I will do it for sure in a future vacation. This is a bass forum but many bass fishermen also do multi species fishing I am sure there are plenty of bass fishermen that enjoy ice fishing for other species of fish.
  6. Have caught all my northern fish in the early Spring and late Fall so I know from experience those are great times to fish in northern states. Have not ice fished before so its worth a try at least once. I will gladly use live bait if it means I will have a good time ice fishing.
  7. You Northerners have a very unique opportunity to ice fish yet many in this forum seem to not like it. I would consider trading a peacock bass fishing trip (even a shark fishing trip) with someone that would 100% guarantee me an ice fishing trip that I would catch lots of muskie, pike, or lake trout.
  8. Welcome to the forum. You are in a very good area of the country for bass fishing. Georgia has more black bass species than any other state. You can catch over 5 species of black bass in a week if you wanted to. I would focus more on river bass fishing if I was in Northern Georgia but that's just me since I rather catch another black bass species to add to my list of species of bass I have caught.
  9. There is always warm weather somewhere so it might be a good idea to travel to areas with warm weather to fish even if its for 1 day in the winter season.
  10. Funny you should post this. My better half's first bass was a bass that was pushing 8 pounds. She caught a bigger bass than that one a couple months ago and she was not even trying to bass fish. Guess she learned my techniques well to say the least!
  11. Lots of good responses. It would be a good idea to add a small section of pool foam float (enough to make the rod float) to the rod you plan on using for kayak fishing. That why you can get your rod back in case it falls in the water while you are kayaking.
  12. I prefer modern day soft plastics over the pork baits of the past.
  13. Every topwater has its place and time it does best. One topwater might be the best lure to use on a particular fishing trip and the next trip it might not be the best. Weather, water temperature, and other factors are things to take into consideration when fishing with topwaters. Best thing you can do is put your time on the water and figure out what works best on the day you are fishing.
  14. I rather focus my efforts on the water than buying a book that does not discuss in detail fishing for bass in South Florida.
  15. Welcome to the forum
  16. Welcome to the forum
  17. Punxsutawney Phil predicted a early spring. We will see if he got it right the next couple weeks.
  18. Decided to do something more productive than watching a game so I went fishing today. Had a great time catching big bass which for me beats watching the tv.
  19. I have not watched tv in years and do not care for it. I prefer watching YouTube videos and reading online.
  20. Looks like a good book but I have the highest percentage catching big bass when I am actually bass fishing and learning on the water.
  21. From my understanding Atlanta is not the Atlanta of 50 or more years ago. It now has many people from the NorthEast that moved there and you know how terrible many of them drive just based on some of the responses in this thread alone. I will go back to Georgia to catch other species of black bass but I will do my best to drive away from Atlanta. Los Angeles, California had terrible drivers the last time I was there several years ago and from what I read it has gotten worse. Makes me appreciate South Florida more to say the least!
  22. The overhead press will definitely workout the serratus anterior just don't go too heavy on it since you might mess up your shoulders like so many people do. Also stay away from PED's they have nasty side effects that can effect your health decades after you take them. Better to be a lifetime natural athlete and know all your achievements where done by you than take PED's and know that you needed illegal help to achieve something you could not do naturally.
  23. Have caught plenty of big bass on Berkeley big game mono or straight braid in both clear and murky water. I find the knot strength of flourocarbon to be below my expectations and less than the knot strength/ abrasion resistance of a quality mono line.
  24. I do well with 1/2 ounce and 1/4 ounce spinnerbaits.
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