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Everything posted by soflabasser

  1. I have noticed that a large percentage of people have become more aggressive with less empathy since the pandemic started over 2.5 years ago. These people only care about themselves and could care less about anyone else. Many of these people act like they are righteous, but they are the exact opposite. Best thing you can do is ignore these types of people and be kind to everyone, regardless how they act.
  2. I have read all the responses in this thread and it is obvious the increased gas prices is affecting most here since they fish for bass on boats. The best thing you can do is to improvise, adapt, and overcome, this applies for anything else in life. Well said Tom.
  3. This is an old thread, but it is a good one. I found this forum since I wanted to learn more about bass fishing. Since then I achieved my goal and have learned many new techniques and will continue learning more, since bass fishing is a hobby you learn for a lifetime.
  4. It is easier to have your GoPro on a chest mount and use the method I described above. It is best to keep things simple so you can focus more on fishing. Do what you feel works best for you and makes you happy since that is what is most important.
  5. Welcome to the forum. I mostly use 30 pound test braid for most of the topwater frog fishing I do and have caught lots of big fish this way. I use 40 pound test braid in areas with extremely heavy aquatic vegetation where I know I have a good chance at catching a 8 pound or bigger fish, and even then most of the time 30 pound braid would of been enough. Some people like using 80 pound test braid for topwater frog fishing, these people are fishing for big bass in places with sawgrass, submerged timber, and heavy aquatic vegetation. Make sure to tie good knots and check your line often. Cut out any section of abraded line and make sure your hooks are sharp. I hope you and your boyfriend have a good fishing trip!
  6. It's easier to turn the camera on when needed, and turn the camera off when it is not needed. For example, you can turn the camera on when you are in a location you know you might catch fish and have the camera turned off when you are not casting.
  7. Congratulations on quitting smoking, not everyone is strong enough to do so. Nicotine is extremely addictive and the cigarette companies only care about making maximum profit, to them people dying from smoking is just ''the cost of doing business''. Smoking is one of the most disgusting and unhealthy things a person can do to their health.
  8. Increased gas prices will affect those more who need to use boats to catch bass. Those that do well from the bank will not be affected as much. It seems some people buy more gas when prices go up just like people bought more toilet paper in the beginning of the pandemic. Most people are extremely predictable, oil companies know this so they are making record profits from all the people buying more gas than ever now.
  9. I know, I saw YouTube videos on this, and they found more human remains in Lake Mead since the low water level is exposing decades worth of crimes committed. The people that killed these people are demons and all demons will have to one day face God to pay for what they have done to others. These demons will burn in the fiery pits of hell for eternity, which is well deserved for the killings they did.
  10. I saw many European people fishing for common carp when I was on vacation in Northern waters. These people love fishing for carp, many of them keep the carp they catch to eat. Maybe eating carp is an acquired taste for some, or maybe they have amazing cooking skills. If eating carp makes them happy then let them eat all the carp they want, these fish are thriving across the USA so there is plenty of fish for them to eat. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some people see bass as trash fish, while others dedicate most of their fishing time to mostly bass fishing. I find snakeheads to be a beautiful fish that is a better gamefish than black bass. A 5-8 pound bullseye snakehead fights much harder than a 10 pound largemouth bass, and a snakehead over 10 pounds fights like a big snook going into the mangroves.
  11. Buy whatever tackle that makes you happy.
  12. There is record drought occurring in many parts of California and other South Western states at this moment in time so there will be a lot of things that will be found with the water level so low.
  13. We have water moccasins, rattlesnakes, coral snakes, Burmese pythons and many other snakes in South Florida. Most snakes are non venomous and they will leave you alone if you leave them alone. Florida also has crocodiles, alligators, bears, Florida panthers, sharks, stingrays, Portuguese man o' war, poisonous plants, and other dangerous wildlife. South Florida is very similar to Australia, which is a beautiful country with lots of dangerous wildlife.
  14. People have freedom of choice to do whatever they want, sadly many only think of themselves and think they are invincible. At this point in the pandemic most people understand how dangerous Covid-19 is and this virus appears to be getting better and better at infecting people, even those with natural immunity and multiple vaccinations. The real damage will be seen 10 or more years from now, let's see what happens in the long run.
  15. I hope you get better soon and make a full recovery. At this point in the pandemic we all have had Covid-19, we are all fortunate to still be alive since many have died. This virus is not like any other virus, it keeps mutating and Clinicians and Scientist are doing the best they can. The new variants are almost as infectious as the measles, which is the most infectious virus known to Man. In the long run this will affect generations of people, all because some people trusted with important decisions did not take it seriously. There are people who are getting hit hard now by Covid-19 that did not get hit hard in the past 2.5 years, it goes to show that nobody is 100% safe from this virus, regardless how strong you think you are.
  16. Welcome to the forum
  17. Welcome to the forum
  18. I have noticed that people have become more aggressive and selfish during the past 2.5 years of the pandemic. We are living during a time in history with a pandemic, war, inflation, and other things that make people behave in ways they did not did before. It is best to stay away from these types of people and wish them well. Smile and walk away if anyone is being a jerk while fishing, it is not worth confronting these types of people. Consider it a compliment if they want to fish where you are, it shows you know something they do not. If you are a good fisherman you can always catch fish almost anywhere you go. Well said.
  19. I see lots of bluegills spawning in the Spring and Summer in South Florida. They might not grow as big as largemouth bass, but they are fun to catch.
  20. Welcome to the forum. Fish whenever you have the time to fish and focus on having fun.
  21. It is incredible the amount of old threads that have been opening again. I know this happens every year on forums but this year it is above normal. It has been a long, cold Winter in many Northern states. People are bored so they will keep opening up old threads until they can go fishing again. It is almost May and it is still snowing in many Northern states, let's see when it stops snowing and open water season starts.
  22. I have met some fly fishermen that think too much of themselves to say the least. I do have to give fly fishermen credit since they are still catching the fish themselves, unlike those who use electric reels and brag about how hard a fish fought even though the electric reel did all the work. lol Most saltwater fishermen will not understand why you enjoy bass fishing, I know from experience. In the end what matters is you like bass fishing and it makes you happy. Besides, you can always go shark fishing and catch a big shark if you want, you already developed that skillset and will have that knowledge for life.
  23. It has been a long, cold Winter in Northern states so people are bored and they are bringing up old threads.
  24. A heavy action Ugly Stik with a large Penn or Shimano reel is more than enough for any flathead, blue, or channel catfish. I have Ugly Stiks that have caught me sharks that weigh several hundreds of pounds, a catfish is warmup for these rods. It has been a long Winter up North this year, lots of people are bringing up old threads. lol
  25. I have caught both spotted bass and Alabama bass, they both look very similar. Easiest way to tell the difference is knowing what body of water you are fishing in, some places only have spotted bass, other places have Alabama bass. It is best to send a picture to a Fisheries Biologist in the state you are fishing in and tell him/her where you are fishing in for proper identification of the bass you caught.
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