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Everything posted by soflabasser

  1. I was fishing from land in pressured public waters so if I am able to catch muskies from land a person fishing from a boat should be able to catch lots of muskies, especially if they live in a state with awesome muskie fishing like Minnesota. I will admit that I have lots of experience fishing for barracudas and big bass and I feel that helped me. You have to put your time on the water wisely and do your best to learn from each fishing trip. Same can be said if your goal is to catch a 8 pound or better bass in public water.
  2. Fish with the reels you like best, whether its a spinning reel or baitcasting reel. I prefer fishing with spinning reels and have caught lots of nice bass with these reels.
  3. I found muskies to be much easier to catch than many other species of fish I have caught in my travels. These fish can be caught often and there are many people that do. There are plenty of Youtube videos that show people catching muskies and many of those videos teach how to fish for muskie well.
  4. Sounds like a fun pond to fish.
  5. I caught my first muskie the first day I fished for them and caught a couple more after that one. They are not as hard to catch as some people think they are but they do require more effort to catch compared to bass. You do have to understand what makes these fish bite, where to fish, when to fish, and what to use in order to catch muskie and big bass.
  6. It is far more impressive to catch three 7 pound smallmouth bass like you did that catch three 7 pound largemouth bass. A 7 pound smallmouth bass is a rare catch and a 7 pound largemouth bass is commonly caught, especially Florida strain largemouth bass.
  7. Fishing for big bass is very similar to muskie fishing since you need lots of patience and really understand what makes these fish want to bite. That challenge is one of the things that makes these fish so fun to catch.
  8. Nice meanmouth bass hybrid.
  9. Have caught some nice bass during the night when the moon was full. Have also done well on a new moon. Any time you can fish is good.
  10. Welcome back to the forum
  11. Hunters and Anglers live in towns with less than thousand people and cities with over a million people. Regardless where they live they all share the same passion for the outdoors.
  12. 30 pound test braid can be abraded by rubbing on a concrete pilling, rocks, sawgrass leaves in the water, and other things the line can touch while the bass is fighting. I also use 30 pound test braid for frog fishing but there are times I have to use heavier braid or fish a different technique since some of the places I fish has very heavy aquatic vegetation.
  13. I have a caught a couple muskies while on vacation up north and I enjoyed fishing for them. They remind me of the barracudas I catch in South Florida which is a fish I enjoy catching very much.
  14. A snook or redfish is pound for pound much more powerful than any black bass so any decent inshore combo you use should be able to handle any bass that bites in open water. The problem is bass like to live near heavy aquatic vegetation and structure that can easily abrade 30 pound test braid. You have to be careful when fighting a bass and not let it use its surroundings to its advantage. A lot of times a heavy action rod, a strong reel, and strong braid can help you pull a big bass away from heavy aquatic vegetation or structure so it is worth having a decent heavy action combo. Most of my bass rods are between 6-7 feet long and that is more than enough. If a person is catching quality fish on a consistent basis then they know what they are doing and it does not matter what people think of their gear. For example I have lost count of the big bass I have caught on Ugly Stik rods and spinning reels so I could care less what gear snobs think of my fishing gear.
  15. My favorite lures to use are topwaters but I will use whatever lure is needed to catch bass.
  16. Ditch pickle is a nickname for bass. A lot of people use that nickname to be funny and it should not be taken seriously. Catfish, walleye, and other species have nicknames as well.
  17. I caught a big walleye in a river with lots of current and it gave a decent fight but nothing compared to the hybrid striped bass I have caught in similar conditions. Most fish in running water give a better fight than fish caught in calm water. With that said I enjoyed catching that walleye and I can see why people like fishing for them.
  18. I rinse my rods with freshwater especially after fishing in saltwater. So far it has worked well and I got +20 year old rods that are in great shape cleaning them this way.
  19. I use straight green braid for frog fishing and catch lots of nice bass that way.
  20. A 4/0 Texas rig hook is a good choice for a Zoom Super Fluke.
  21. Most of the time I use the uni knot when fishing with monofilament line.
  22. Congratulations to Matthew Dunham for catching the new South Dakota state record largemouth bass. I remember a couple years ago a man caught the South Dakota state record smallmouth bass.
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