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Everything posted by soflabasser

  1. A lot of places are overlooked since people tend to fish places that they see other people fishing in. That is one of the reasons I like to explore new places and it has helped me find many awesome places to fish.
  2. Went fishing this past weekend and caught a couple peacock bass and largemouth bass. It is nice to live in an area that has good bass fishing in very month of the year. If I want to fish light tackle I can do that too but I prefer heavier tackle so I can catch bass and release them quickly.
  3. I have fished in northern waters and southern waters for bass and without a doubt Florida strain largemouth bass in Florida are much harder to catch than smallmouth bass. Northern strain largemouth bass are also much easier to catch than a pure Florida strain largemouth bass. It is easier for a Southern bass fisherman to adapt to northern bass fishing. Smallmouth bass are fun to catch but I prefer catching peacock bass since they are a much more beautiful fish and fight harder.
  4. If you are willing to invest up to $150-200 you can get a saltwater Ugly Stik rod with Penn Fierce spinning reel. I have a couple of these combos and I have caught lots of snapper, snook, tarpon, grouper, sharks, etc. You can probably find this gear on sale and save more money.
  5. I have caught muskies they are a fun species to fish for but pound for pound peacock bass are better fighters and more exciting to catch on lures. Tarpon fight even harder and you can catch them on bass tackle in canals that are 100% freshwater. I do agree that in Northern waters muskies are in the top of the list of best freshwater gamefish to catch.
  6. Looks like a good place to fish with a hollow belly frog.
  7. There are plenty of places you can fish from the bank and do very well, even better than a lot of people that fish on boats.
  8. Welcome to the forum
  9. A good fisherman is able to adapt to high fishing pressure and finds a way to catch fish.
  10. I agree. A couple years ago me and my better half rented a cabin and a boat for a couple days on a large lake in Central Florida. This was a place that had guides and one of those guides told us we where not going to catch much by ourselves. He was wrong and I ended up catching lots of nice fish. It felt very rewarding that I fished a new lake, figured out where to fish, and caught fish.
  11. I have caught many bass on windy days on topwaters. A good choice would be a buzzbait. Do not fight the wind and use it to your advantage. Spinnerbaits are another good lure for windy days.
  12. I have caught bass on topwaters on all year long, day or night, rain or shine.
  13. I would not want a guide either. I rather catch my own fish. Renting a cabin with a boat is a great idea.
  14. Welcome to the forum. Bass taste ok if you prepare them properly but there are much better tasting fish where you live. You can keep bass if you want if they are legal size and in the time of year you can keep them. They where probably watching you since you where doing well and they where not. They where probably observing what technique you where using. Same thing happens to me when I am fishing and I learned long ago to not pay much attention to those type of people.
  15. I have lost count of the 5 pound or bigger bass I have caught on cut bait while fishing for catfish. Also caught bass on a bare hook, bread, a piece of gum, hotdogs, and other unusual bait.
  16. Went to the Everglades this past weekend and saw much more people fishing than I usually do. I still had a great time, saw alligators, and caught a couple largemouth bass and peacock bass.
  17. Go fishing with your boyfriend as much as possible. That would be worth more than any thing you can buy him.
  18. Bring a landing net and learn how to use the drag of the reel to properly fight a fish. I catch most of my bass from land and learned a long time ago that a good landing net is worth every penny. Big bass and other fish are experts at shaking off the hook near the shore and a net increases the chances of landing a big fish.
  19. That is unusual that the hook on that lure is rusted. All the Booyah spinnerbaits I have purchased where in good condition.
  20. Welcome to the forum
  21. Seems like Florida is still winning this year with 15 bass submitted that where 13 pounds or bigger including a 14 pound, 11 ounce bass. Last year a 15 pound, 13 ounce bass (+15.81 pounds) was caught in Florida, when was the last time a bass bigger than that was caught in Texas? From what I researched Florida has beat Texas in 2019 and so far this year 2020. Visit the website TrophyCatchFlorida.com and compare catches with TexasShare Lunker program, Florida is winning this year. With this said both states have awesome bass fishing and anyone fishing these states should have a very good chance at catching a bass of a lifetime.
  22. How many 13 pound or bigger bass where submitted to the Texas ShareLunker program this year? I see at least 15 bass that where 13 pounds or bigger submitted to FWC TrophyCatch program. From what I read there are more 8.0-12.9 pound bass submitted to the TrophyCatch program this year as well. From this data it is clear that Florida is leading the nation in Trophy bass catches this year. Bigger bass have been caught in Florida including some over 20 pounds. I think most of here do our best to release bass safety. If Martin does not what to bed fish that is ok with me and I respect his decision. We need more people like that and less people who kill spawning bass to put on the wall (no need to kill a bass when you can get a high quality replica).
  23. What was the biggest bass submitted this year and last year to the Sharelunker program? Anyone can have a opinion on a subject but facts will always be facts.
  24. I will do further research on this subject to see how the Texas ShareLunker program compares to the Florida TrophyCatch program. What is the biggest bass submitted this year to the ShareLunker program? What about last year? A bunch of +13 pounders have been submitted to the TrophyCatch program this year including a 14 pound, 11 ounce bass. Last year a man submitted a 15 pound, 13 ounce bass to TrophyCatch, what was the last time a bass bigger than that was submitted to the ShareLunker program? Thousands of bass have been submitted to the TrophyCatch program and every year more and more catches are submitted. Most of the catches come from Central and Northern Florida which is the best place in the nation to catch a 8 pound or better bass. Please let me know what data you find that supports your conclusion.
  25. Texas has great bass fishing but does it really lead the nation in bass fisheries biology? I would say Florida or Georgia has that title.
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