I see lots of members here have encountered rude people while fishing and I have encountered them as well. Many people are inconsiderate jerks and only care about themselves and they could care less about anyone else. Where I live you have to wear a mask in public and distance yourself at least 6 feet away yet I rarely see that. This is the law in Miami-Dade County at this moment in time and this law exist to protect people, those who do not respect this law are inconsiderate jerks to say the least. I see lots of people not wearing mask and walking less than 3 feet from you. The worst fishermen are the ones that go to where you are fishing when they see you are catching fish, that is unsportsmanlike behavior and I will gladly leave a spot to not fish with those types of people. This is why I do my best to fish far away from the common fishing spots, even if they are good. Besides I value my fishing time with my Wife and much prefer fishing with her than anyone else.