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Everything posted by soflabasser

  1. Have you tried fishing with poppers besides hollow belly frogs? A good choice is a Rebel Pop-R.
  2. It is better to be fishing than being at home.
  3. Send the photo to Ohio DNR so a biologist can help you identify this fish. I have caught hybrid striped bass in South Florida that had continuous line markings and no breaks in the pattern. These fish where very similar to pure striped bass but they where hybrid striped bass. You have to go to Northern Central Florida and Northern Florida to catch a pure striped bass in Florida and every striped bass in South Florida is a hybrid striped bass.
  4. This weekend I had several fishermen approach me when I was fishing with my wife. These fishermen where following the ''bent rod pattern'' since they saw me catching fish. I understand they where desperate to catch fish but people need to understand that it is rude to bother a couple fishing. I had to change locations several times and fortunately for me I caught lots of fish in each of the places I fished. I see all the above in many of the places I fish. People need to respect the wildlife and pick up after themselves.
  5. I agree! I could care less what some app or person says is the best time to fish. I go fishing whenever I want.
  6. I have several Penn reels that are over 20 years old each and I still use them for big game saltwater fishing. These are American made reels and they where built to last. Hopefully more reel companies start making reels in America again.
  7. I have caught bass in the same places there where carp. They seem to get along and don't bother each other. You can always move to another spot where you do not see carp to see if they make a difference in the place you are fishing in. You can catch carp on lures so do not be surprised if you hook into one while bass fishing.
  8. They are well made lures but I see them more as a collectors item than a lure I would like to fish with. More big bass have been caught on jigs than any of these swimbaits. You can buy plenty of jigs for much less. I live in Florida where 4-7 pound bass are common and lots of bass fishermen have 10 pound or better PB's. These big bass will hit large lures just like they will hit a small lure. The way you present the lure and where you are fishing is more important than what lure you are fishing with.
  9. Try fishing a buzzbait near flooded cover or other structure that is usually shallower. Weightless soft plastics are another good choice.
  10. Guess I must be very lucky since I found muskies to be much easier to catch than other species of fish I have caught in my travels. Try catching a 8 pound or better bass from land in a highly pressured public park and you will learn what a true ''fish of 10,000 cast'' is. Another fish that can be considered a ''fish of 10,000 cast'' is a tiger shark caught from land. I studied muskie biology, seasonal patterns, techniques, YouTube videos, and other sources. By doing that I have been able to catch several muskies from land in public water while on vacation which is much harder than some local fisherman fishing on a boat with a fish finder and other things that makes fishing much easier. Take the muskie off the pedestal, there are much more difficult species of fish to catch in this country.
  11. Welcome to the forum
  12. Looks good.
  13. It is common for a deep hole to exist near a dam, spillway, mill, or similar manmade structure. These deep holes can be very good places to fish since predatory fish often congregate in these places.
  14. Countless muskie fishermen have had their ego bruised by knowing that land based bass fishermen catch muskies from land on bass lures. A muskie is not a mythical animal that only hits muskie lures, they will hit anything just like a bass will. It is not the ''fish of 10,000 cast'' some people make them out to be. They can be caught like any other fish if you are willing to learn about them and put the time on the water needed to catch them.
  15. The most valuable lure is the one that catches lots of fish.
  16. Sounds similar to what you can expect to catch in the Everglades with the exception that you might get a 4-5 pound or better bass in the mix. You can expect to catch a bunch of other native and exotic species of fish while bass fishing which is a huge plus for me.
  17. I have seen several videos of salmon and steelhead (rainbow trout) fishing in New York. They even tell you where they fish which is nice. It looks like a fun way to fish.
  18. That sounds like a fun lake to fish and you should be able to catch the remaining bass quickly there. What is the average size of these bass? There are days I have caught over 100 bass in a couple hours but most of these bass are only 1-2 pounds average weight with the biggest one 4-5 pounds. I have noticed that some of the places I catch 8 pound or better bass are not the best places to catch more than 40 bass in a day and most of the time less than 20 bass.
  19. Central Florida is a great place to go bass fishing in February so you should have a good time. Try fishing one of the Fab 5 Lakes or other lakes in the area.
  20. I will not be surprised if you pass 1000 bass this year since you still got over 3 months to do it. You can probably get it done in October since you only have 93 bass left.
  21. The fish you are holding in your hands is a striped shiner.
  22. This part of the state has very good saltwater fishing so it would be a good idea to do some saltwater fishing when you visit.
  23. You can go to Ohiodnr.gov and check out the section called Fish Ohio Recognition Program that shows how to qualify for Ohio master angler award. From what I researched a 20 inch or bigger smallmouth bass is enough to qualify for the award. You will have to send them the photo.
  24. From what I researched a 20 inch or bigger smallmouth bass is big enough for an Ohio smallmouth bass master angler award. You can send the picture to Ohio DNR and if they approve it you will get an Ohio smallmouth bass master angler award.
  25. Fall is a good time to fish with jerkbaits.
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