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Everything posted by soflabasser

  1. The more different places you learn to fish well the more well rounded bass fisherman you are.
  2. Looks like the weather has gotten much warmer the past couple of years if Virginia believes F1 hybrid largemouth bass will do well there.
  3. South Florida is a fisherman's paradise and my favorite place that I fished in my travels. I can catch a bass on a topwater every single month which is great since it is the most exciting way to fish for bass. With that said I have fished topwaters in Northern waters so I will fish topwaters whenever I get a chance.
  4. I fish topwaters whenever I want since it is my favorite way to catch a bass.
  5. A lot of places I fish have clear tea colored water and I do well with clear mono.
  6. My main 2021 fishing goal is to have a good time while fishing.
  7. You can workout at home. Give yourself fitness goals and work to accomplish them.
  8. It appears to be very old Stren fishing line. It is amazing that a store was recently selling it. Would be a nice addition for someone that collects fishing tackle.
  9. That box design looks very old, what date does it say on the box? It would probably make a good addition for fishing tackle collection.
  10. Your post reminds me of a fishing trip I had with one of my friends. We where both fishing side by side with the same lure yet I was catching much more fish than he was. He asked me what I am doing different and I told him it took me years to figure out how to trigger strikes when bass are being picky. There is nothing you can read online or see online that will compare to actual fishing experience. You have to put in your time on the water and do your best to learn from each fishing trip.
  11. There are times a slow presentation is best and other times a reaction style presentation catches bass when nothing else will. When the bite is hot anything will work.
  12. I have caught saltwater fish on soft plastic frogs, soft plastic swimbaits, lipless crankbaits, spinnerbaits, topwaters, and other freshwater lures.
  13. I have no interest in tournament fishing whatsoever since I prefer to fish for relaxation and spending time with my Wife, family, and close friends.
  14. I have gotten less than 3 feet from carp while freediving in lakes. Maybe the carp in your area do not like the bubbles that come from you Scuba diving. A otter will eat any fish it is able to catch and this includes bass. Otters are in the Mustelidae family which includes wolverines, badgers, and others. All of them are very tough animals.
  15. There are many big largemouth bass in Northern States but the South has much more. I have caught smallmouth bass in South Carolina where the weather is much warmer than most places with smallmouth bass. I highly recommend you fish for peacock bass if you get the chance to visit South Florida. Not only are they beautiful fish but they fight harder than a smallmouth bass or any equal sized black bass.
  16. Welcome to the forum
  17. Welcome to the forum
  18. I would not mind seeing more otters since I see less of them now than I did 10 or more years ago. Habitat destruction is one of the factors that is causing otters to come in those little man made ponds so many like to fish. Urban development is taking away more of the otters natural environment so the otters have forced to go to places they would not go to before.
  19. The place I have seen the most otters is in the Everglades which is a one of the best places to go fishing in Florida. You cannot compare a little man made pond to the Everglades. Otters where here before man came so they deserve respect since they are the true natives. Have caught 10 pounders, had 100 bass days, and other great fishing days in areas with otters, alligators, and other wildlife that eat bass. I enjoy seeing these animals while I am fishing since I know they are a sign of a healthy ecosystem.
  20. From my personal experience seeing an otter is a good thing since it shows the area I am fishing in has a healthy population of fish. I have caught bass and other species of fish while otters where actively hunting in the area I was fishing in.
  21. River smallmouth bass love crankbaits, spinnerbaits, topwaters, and small soft plastic swimbaits. You can also travel to Northern Florida and fish for Suwannee bass with the same lures.
  22. The best time to catch a big bass is when you are able to go fishing. Everyone knows that the pre spawn and spawning period are very good but you will be surprised how good Summer can be.
  23. I have caught well over 200 species of fish and would like to catch as many new species as I am able to in my lifetime.
  24. I have fished bodies of water with sharks, alligators, crocodiles, stingrays, moray eels, and other potentially dangerous aquatic animals. On land I fished areas with bears, panthers, coyotes, pythons, poisonous snakes.
  25. Good Winter time subject. Based on what you said I have gone through all stages and now fish for whatever species I want, whenever I want, with whatever technique I choose. I will go out of my way to help someone if they ask me nicely but I prefer fishing with my Wife, family, and close friends. With that said I will continue to learn more about fishing since fishing is hobby you learn for a lifetime.
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