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Everything posted by soflabasser

  1. I prefer fishing with my Wife and family than fish by myself.
  2. Welcome to the forum
  3. I went fishing this Memorial Day weekend and caught lots of fish.
  4. Nice golden largemouth bass. There are some places I fish that I catch bass with a golden metallic color. As for peacock bass I have caught several dark ones in some of the places I fish. In other places I have caught vibrantly colored peacock bass. It is amazing how much color variation these fish can have.
  5. Weather has been beautiful this whole month in South Florida. It might rain in a couple days which is good for my garden.
  6. Most soft plastics have a scent on them which is more than enough to catch bass.
  7. I have caught tilapia on jigs, crank baits, and other lures while fishing for other species. They give a good fight for their size.
  8. Nice catch. I would say that bass is over 9 pounds maybe 10 pounds in weight. Next time weigh the bass on a good scale or at least measure both the length and girth to get a weight estimate.
  9. Throughout the years I have fished for bass every hour of the day. Sometimes bass bite better in the middle of the night in a place they do not not bite well during day.
  10. You should be able to catch a 8 pound or bigger bass in Central Florida since it is one of the best places in the nation for catching a 8 pound or bigger bass. Focus on using proven big bass techniques. Try fishing at night if you have enough time.
  11. I have caught several carp over 40 inches, they are a fun fish to catch but I much rather fish for bass. People that kill native bowfin and gar are googans to say the least.
  12. The carp you are holding in your hands is a mirror carp.
  13. The catfish you showed in the picture appears to be a channel catfish. It is not a white catfish or brown bullhead, I know since I have caught several of them. You can find catfish identification pictures online and you will see that the catfish you showed in the picture is most likely a channel catfish.
  14. The catfish you showed in your picture has a forked tail.
  15. I have freedived next to big sharks and it is something I enjoy doing since they are impressive and beautiful animals. They are not the monsters some people think they are. You will be surprised how many sharks swim in the beach in South Florida right next to people. They can sense fear so as long as you are not afraid of them and remain calm you should be ok. If this is too much for you then maybe diving with sharks and shark fishing is not the hobby for you, maybe it would be best for you to stick to bass fishing. lol
  16. Thresher sharks look like a hard fighting species of shark. I know California has a healthy population of great white sharks, some of them get so big that they cannot be landed with even the strongest of fishing reels. Florida also has great white sharks but they are much more rare compared to California. We do have hammers, bulls, tigers, lemons, and several other species that grow large and can be caught from the shore.
  17. That is a nice reel. I have Penn Senators that are older than myself and have caught lots of sharks on them. What species of sharks will you be fishing for?
  18. I prefer fishing with spinning reels over baitcasters since I find it more fun and effective for the way I fish. I use the same spinning reels for inshore fishing for powerful saltwater fish so they can easily handle any bass. There are several inshore saltwater spinning reels that have a much better drag system than bass baitcaster reels. I fish the flats and catch large fish with the same spinning reels I use for bass fishing. With that said a person can fish with whatever reel they want if it makes them happy.
  19. Central Florida is one of the best places in the world to catch a 8 pound or bigger bass. Even small ponds have these fish so do not underestimate ponds that allow fishing from the shore.
  20. I prefer to go to another one of my spots since I rather not deal with these types of people. I know how to fish and have no need to get close to another fisherman unlike these desperate greedy googans.
  21. Topwater
  22. I saw that video a long time ago, it is amazing how fast those saltwater crocodiles are.
  23. I prefer to leave a spot if some clown is bothering me since I know several good places to fish and I know how to fish unlike the googans that love to get next to someone since they are desperate to catch a fish.
  24. Fresh cut bait is a good bait to use for catfish.
  25. This weekend I had several people get close to me while fishing. I was the only person fishing for hundreds of yards in a canal yet people would get close to me. These people need to understand that the fish are biting throughout the canal so they can do good if they just focus on their own fishing. This happens often where I live since there are many people who do not know how to fish and are desperate to catch fish.
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