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Everything posted by soflabasser

  1. Had something similar happen to me like that. I hooked a decent bass and it broke my line near a dropoff. A couple days later I went to the same spot with a different lure and caught the same exact bass with my other lure hanging from its mouth.I was shocked that this bass would hit so soon and I took both lures off and released it.
  2. I agree with you Geo that adjusting to weather changes is tough,but it's also extremely rewarding figuring out how to catch bass in these circumstances than catching bass when it's easy.
  3. I use Trilene BigGame Fishing Line
  4. Welcome!
  5. It was in the 80's yesterday down here.
  6. That is intriguing,I wonder how that happened.Don't really believe in luck but I have been fortunate to catch several different types of rare fish.
  7. Welcome!
  8. Hollow body frog.I cast it in thick lilypads and haven't lost one yet while reeling in a hawg.
  9. Just listen to the instructions given to you by the guy that will rent you the boat and you will be good.Have caught some nice bass there.
  10. I see alot of "dinkis minimus" being caught but not enough "hawgus maximus"
  11. Has anyone gone to El Salto here and caught a bass over 13 pounds?
  12. Having enough time to fish as much as I want.
  13. I have done some fly fishing it's fun.
  14. I enjoy reading about the biology of the fish I target,so I learned a couple scientific names of fish.One of my favorite names is Megalops atlanticus.
  15. Make sure the guide you get offers some type of money back guarantee if you don't catch fish,or don't get a Bass over 5 pounds(at least).I know this seems like a lot to ask,but almost every body of water down here has 5-8 pound bass that can be caught from the bank.Makes no sense to hire a guide if he can't guarantee a 5 pound bass or better from a boat.Same goes for a Saltwater guide,if he can't give a guarantee find one that does. There's tons of guides here so you have many to choose from.
  16. Doesn't matter what bass do to avoid us,a good bass fisherman will always find a way to catch lots of quality bass.
  17. Thank you for posting this.The last paragraph also applies for South Florida.
  18. Thank you for posting this!It's nice to see some exotic fish.
  19. Highly recommend you fish both saltwater and freshwater when your down here for vacation.
  20. I have the most faith on any lure I am using at a given time.You need to be 100% confident on each and every cast in order fish at your best.
  21. I agree with you that unsafe drivers are much more dangerous than Alligators can ever be.
  22. Congratulations on catching your first Peacock Bass!They definitely fight harder than a equal sized Largemouth Bass.
  23. Spend more time on finding the best spots on the bodies of water I fish to catch more big bass.
  24. Interesting subject.I have personally seen big Bass in schools as well as small /medium Bass in schools.Have noticed that most of the time if you make a wrong movement they all get scared and leave the spot.Have also seen them at times when they bite like a school of Bonito with little care of watching their buddies getting hooked.One thing is for certain big Bass are much smarter than little Bass when it comes to being recaptured multiple times.
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