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Everything posted by soflabasser

  1. Congratulations on catching peacock bass!They are one of my favorite fish to catch in freshwater.
  2. Rapala X-Raps are great lures for peacock bass as well as largemouth bass.
  3. It all depends on where you fish!I caught a +10 pound bass from a highly pressured lake from land not that long ago.This is a public lake where hundreds if not thousands of people fish every year and most never get a bass over 5 pounds from.People have even talked to me while I was fishing this lake and told me that I was wasting my time there!!!Those fisherman have very little patience and patience is something I have in very large amounts .I could only imagine fishing that lake with a boat with a fish finder,it would make it so much easier to get more big bass! A boat with a fish finder makes it much easier for a bass fisherman to reach and fish a good spot,there is no denying this fact!These spots see less fisherman so the bass in these spots are much easier to catch compared to a spot a shore based bass fishermen and boat bass fisherman fish from.One exception to this is fishing golf course ponds that few people fish.These golf course ponds are full of big,stupid bass that will bite anything that moves in front of their face.So in this situation fishing on a boat in a public lake is far more challenging than fishing in a golf course pond.
  4. Rapala X-Raps are excellent lures for Peacock Bass.
  5. Trout is #1.Just look at how healthy and fat those California Bass are!
  6. Most of my rods are at least 5 years old with most in the +10-25 year old range.They are in great shape and I would never consider replacing them for a new rod since they do a great job at helping me catch fish.
  7. It's great Fluorocarbon line to use for leaders.
  8. I am currently training for a marathon that I will do at the end of this month,so I would greatly prefer doing my long distance runs in 40-60 degree weather.This has been the hottest winter I have seen down here and running long distances in +80 degree heat with +90% humidity isn't fun.Much easier to run at a good pace when its cool outside compared to when its hot.So yes I welcome as many cold fronts down here as possible!
  9. Congratulations on starting a workout plan!Train smart,don't overtrain,eat a well balanced diet,and you will get to your goal.
  10. I wouldn't mind some colder weather down here!
  11. I agree 100% with you! I love bass fishing and few things get me as happy as catching another Double Digit Bass.I do other forms of fishing and I still rather get a Trophy Bass over a Trophy Grouper, even over a Trophy Snook!
  12. Congratulations on your new personal best,I have a feeling you are going to beat it soon!Those are some big,fat,healthy bass!Solid channel catfish as well!
  13. Those bass are very well fed which shows they have plenty of baitfish to eat.This is a sign of a healthy population of bass and I won't be surprised if you catch a double digit bass from that spot!
  14. I agree with you that fishing from the shore is much more difficult than fishing on a boat. Anyone can get a big bass from a boat but very few bass fishermen can catch a +10 pound bass from a highly pressured lake from the shore.
  15. Those are some fat bass!What were their lengths?
  16. Lake Toho or one of the well known big bass lakes in Winter Haven.
  17. I know Golf Course bass are very dumb so I can believe how a single bass can be caught 27 times in a day there.You will be lucky to catch the same bass twice in a highly pressured lake,especially a big bass.
  18. When it comes to fishing I only buy what I need and don't waste my money on overpriced fishing gear.Bass don't care how much your gear is worth ,Bass care how you present the lure to them!My favorite bass rod/reel is less than $100 and it has caught me enough fish to prove to me I don't need expensive gear to catch a bass.
  19. I agree with what @Hawgenvy wrote in regards to fishing highly pressured small bodies of water.One of the highly pressured lakes I fish is a public lake and I barely fish it since it gets to crowded for my taste.It's also one of the spots I got a +10 pounder from land.
  20. Cut a foot or so below the kink in the line and tie a new knot . Check the line for nicks,if it's damaged remove that portion and tie a new knot.Spool up with new line if the line is old or in bad shape .
  21. I enjoyed reading books from Larry Larsen,he is a well known expert on both trophy largemouth bass and trophy peacock bass. One of his best books is called "Trophy Bass an Anglers Guide".
  22. Looks like tannic water with decent visibility.Bass should bite well.
  23. Solid catches!I fished the last day of the year as well and caught a lunker.
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