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Everything posted by soflabasser

  1. Solid bass!
  2. Great thread! I have several +20 year old rods that I still catch big bass and big saltwater fish on.They all have the same action as the first day I fished with them decades ago.
  3. I agree with you 100%
  4. I do not fish bass on nest,but I consider this +10 pound bass impressive since it was caught from the shore!
  5. Congratulations on catching a big bass from the shore!
  6. Your welcome!A boat is a big advantage but not needed for bass fishing here in South Florida. All the +10 pound bass I caught down here where from the shore.
  7. Those are solid big bass!
  8. There's lots of big barracuda down here!I have caught several of them over 5 feet long.The teeth on these big Cuda are very large and sharp.
  9. Doesn't surprise me one bit!I know several speck fishermen who have caught +10 pound bass on small crappie jigs.
  10. Have tried both and have noticed that it doesn't make a difference. What matters most is the type of lure you use and how you fish it.
  11. Holey Land is a good spot to fish .
  12. Yes sir both spinnerbaits and hollow body frogs are great lures,have caught many big bass on them
  13. Thank you for your report!
  14. I have read similar studies as well which say certain bass seem to be less likely to bite a lure compared to others in the same body of water. These non-biters may or may not have been caught before and seem to be more intelligent than the biters.This is one good reason why we should release all large bass,we don't want to remove the ones that are more willing to bite which can reproduce and make more biters. Other studies say that Florida Largemouth Bass are harder to catch than Northern Largemouth Bass.There is an article that says how a pond owner in the south was complaining that his pond has very little bass in it yet it was filled with trophy bass when the lake was professionally checked.This was a shock to the pond owner to say the least,but frustrating to him as well since it was difficult for him to catch bass in his own private pond.
  15. Yes bass have several amazing senses that allow them to track their prey in pitch darkness.Another fish that does this well is the snook. You can catch snook on the darkest night since they rely on their lateral line to find forage in these conditions.
  16. Bass don't need to see a lure in order to attack it.An example of this is night fishing for bass in the middle of the night on a new moon in a area with no city lights.Bass have a lateral line that allows them to sense a lure/baitfish from a good distance alway.
  17. I am looking towards the day I can go to Cuba to bass fish!I have read that several fishermen have caught +20 pound bass here.One of my fishing buddies told me his biggest down there was +17lbs and he has seen bigger ones caught in person.Jimmy Houston's personal best bass came from Cuba too.
  18. I think we all have experienced similar events like you have experienced with family or friends!Down here most with boats prefer to fish in saltwater and not many fish freshwater.I have had many friends question me on why I turn down a invitation to fish on their boat in saltwater to go fishing for bass in freshwater from the bank.One of those friends got very angry with me one day and gave me a +30 minute speech on how I am wasting my time fishing for bass when I should be on his boat fishing in the ocean.They just don't understand how fun it is to fish for those little green fish called bass!
  19. Can't go wrong with a Stradic, especially if you want a tough,reliable spinning reel!I have a +10 year old Stradic that has helped me catch everything from panfish to large sharks.Its drag is still smooth as the first day I fished with it too!
  20. Solid bass!
  21. That's one of the many reasons bank fishing here is so good!We have several saltwater fish that live in our freshwater canals. Snook,Tarpon,Mullet,and Jack Crevalle are the most common ones,but we also have Barracuda,Redfish,Mangrove Snapper,Cubera Snapper,Sleeper Gobies,Bull Sharks,and other saltwater fish in our freshwater canals.
  22. South Florida is fishing paradise!
  23. Lol that place doesn't count! Most bass fishermen rely on boats and electronics way too much,would like to see these same fishermen read a body of water from land,now that would be something to see!
  24. Would like to see more competitions like this! Let's see how well they fish on land without a boat and without any electronics.Put all the fishermen on the same section of land with the same lures. Now this would be something to see!
  25. Agree with you 100%!Pretty much any lure will work in a Golf Course pond.Those bass will hit anything that passes in front of their face.
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