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Everything posted by soflabasser

  1. Fishing is hobby I plan on doing for the rest of my life,so I hope to surpass that amount of time several times over!
  2. It depends on what my goal is.If I want to catch a big bass I will fish the same lure for the whole day.If I want to catch large numbers of bass I will change the lure as often as needed to continue catching bass.
  3. There's a good chance the baitcaster you bought isn't designed for bass fishing and is designed to be used for saltwater fishing when casting a lure/bait over 2-3 ounces in weight.You should get a baitcaster specifically designed for bass fishing which let's you cast regular sized lures or use spinning reels for bass fishing,which is more than enough for bass(I can cast well with a 4/0 Penn Senator,yet I still prefer using Spinning Reels for bass fishing ).
  4. I agree with you 100%! People spend way too much time on buying gear and not enough time spent on learning how to catch what they are after. Nothing replaces the time spent while learning on the water!
  5. Thank you for posting both videos,they are awesome!
  6. +1 In 2010 we lost a lot of our exotic fish because of extreme low temperatures (for South Florida ).Since then the exotics have greatly increased in size and numbers, but even now a 5 pound or better Butterfly Peacock Bass is a Trophy sized fish. Maybe the OP is talking about another variety of Peacock Bass ( Speckled).I doubt that Peacock Bass can thrive that far north,unless the pond owner finds a way to keep the pond above 60 degrees or more 24/7.
  7. Time is better spent working out or fishing than smoking or vaping.
  8. Very well made!
  9. The jigs came out good!
  10. Like others have said those lures are most likely cheap knock-offs of poor quality.Many people buy them in bulk online for $1-2 each (or less),paint them,and try to sell them to anyone that will fall for it. I would stay away from these inferior knock-offs and avoid buying any "custom painted" megabass lures.
  11. I agree with you that 4-5 combos should be more than enough,this is the max number of combos I bring with me when bass fishing.Most of the times I only really need 1 rod/reel to have a good fishing trip.
  12. Solid Crappie!
  13. Yes we have Sunshine Bass (Hybrid Striped Bass),Striped Bass,and White Bass in the State of Florida. There's also another Hybrid Striped Bass called the Palmetto Bass.
  14. Those are some since Hybrid Striped Bass,we have them down here as well and they are much stronger than a Largemouth Bass.The first one you posted looks like the Hybrid Striped Bass I catch down here.The only way to truly know is to have a Biologist examine it.If it's a White Bass it's a monster!
  15. That fish is a Wiper Bass aka Hybrid Striped Bass.
  16. Solid bass!
  17. Solid bass!
  18. I agree with you that he should get a multi-piece rod instead of a telescopic rod as a travel rod. A 2-3 piece rod that has at least medium action should be good for light inshore fishing.
  19. Awesome Northern Pike! I would enjoy making a trip up there to catch a couple of those!We have Barracuda down here which are somewhat similar fish in terms of how aggressive they are when hitting lures.
  20. I use the Rapala Knot for Frogs.
  21. Send some Northern Pike down here!I will appreciate catching them since I enjoy targeting several species of fish.
  22. Thank you for posting your report!
  23. Bass fishing has been great for me this whole year so far with a couple bass over 5 pounds in January. February has been good as well and I am looking towards the weekend to go bass fishing.
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