If people want to use live bait let them,as long as it's legal in their area.If using live bait was so easy everyone would have +10 pounders as their personal best(in areas where bass get this big).Live bait fishing is an art in itself and takes years to learn well and there are many times lures outfish livebait, at least in the spots I fish. I have caught more big bass and more numbers of bass on artificials than I have on livebait.
With that said, I have been strictly fishing artificial lures for largemouth bass for almost a year now.I do this because I find it easier to fish with lures. I don't have to worry about catching bait,keeping it alive,and playing the stationary waiting game that one has to do with live bait.I enjoy walking long distances when bass fishing, and it's easier to fish this way with lures.