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Everything posted by soflabasser

  1. Looks like a 2.5-3 pound bass.
  2. These $1 spinnerbaits are one of the best value lures in the market today.Got a whole bunch of them in different colors and they all catch fish for me.
  3. I agree with you 100% on this.I don't bend the hooks on any of my frogs and have a excellent hookup percentage.
  4. I have been using Shimano Spirex Spinning reels for over 20 years now and these are great reels for bass fishing. I caught my biggest bass to date on one of these reels,as well as my 2nd and 3rd biggest bass.The Spirex might not be a expensive reel,but it's a great reel for the price and can handle fish much more powerful than a bass.
  5. Fishery Biologist
  6. These $1 spinnerbaits are much better than most people give them credit.I tend to use them in places I might lose my more expensive spinnerbaits and there has been times these $1 spinnerbaits actually outfish the better quality ones.
  7. I have also lost big fish(saltwater fish) by having my drag too tight, it happens to all of us.Put the drag lose enough where line will come out when a big fish strikes,but tight enough where you can give a firm hookset to the bass.For example 7-8 pounds of drag is more than enough to set the hook on 30lb test braid,as long as your line is in good condition and you tied a good knot. 65-80lb test braid is excessive for frog fishing for me,but I can see it being used by someone who wants to feel strong by ripping the bass out of heavy aquatic vegetation.
  8. My better half knows every single location I fish and knows every single technique I use.She is my #1 fishing partner and she (besides my family members) are the only ones I take fishing with me on a regular basis.Its extremely easy to find a fishing buddy, but its hard finding one that you can truly trust.Too many fishermen love to show off their pictures on the Internet and then they wonder why their fishing location gets more crowded and harder to fish every time they go fishing.
  9. It's hard being a weekend angler,that's for sure,but it's a whole lot easier than being a weekend angler that predominantly fishes from the shore.We all have to put in our time on the water and make sure we learn from every single fishing trip we have.
  10. 30 pound test big game mono is the heaviest I like to use for bass fishing.
  11. I have seen Pennsylvania license plates numerous times and almost every single state license plate.Many of these people are visiting here for vacation and a percentage of them are moving down here to stay.I agree with you about how close to freezing(or below freezing) temperatures is not enjoyable, I would also move South to avoid that type of weather.It does get very hot/humid down here,but even the hottest day isn't that bad.You can always go to the beach to cool off and relax.
  12. All I know is that I catch lots of big bass on what many like to call "structure on structure".
  13. Glad I live in South Florida and don't have to deal with snow.
  14. Saw a car with a Alaska license plate a couple months ago and see cars with license plates from New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts,California, etc almost every single day.
  15. Your former fishing buddy has a type of personality that has become too common in today's age and those types of people spend more time struggling in bass fishing than they do doing well in it.He is learning the hard way that it takes more than having a good spot to be successful in fishing.
  16. I fish a lot of highly pressured bodies of water and have lots of success in these locations. It took years to get to this point and what helps me in these places is thinking outside the box(different fishing techniques most people don't use).
  17. A different lure makes the bass bite again in situations like you described.
  18. Lots of good answers.You can easily bass fish with a size 2000-3000 spinning reel ,but I prefer using a size 4000 spinning reel since I can use this reel for both freshwater and saltwater applications.
  19. Everyone has their own style of bass fishing so you are going to get many different answers.I fish with inshore rods that are rated at medium heavy or heavy action most of the time.
  20. Won't be surprised if somebody catches a +20 pound bass out of this lake.
  21. @jaysen , how did your last bass fishing trip go?
  22. Lots of people that live in Florida are originally from Northeastern states.
  23. Looks like a good meal to have if someone is in Vietnam. Too bad the canals in South Florida are highly polluted with several species of fish having consumption warnings.
  24. Interesting subject. I have a YouTube page that is older than most Youtubers pages,yet I don't advertise it on Internet forums.I made these videos to have the memory of me doing some of my favorite sports and I am still making videos.Its nice to have these videos and look at them whenever I want.
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