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Everything posted by soflabasser

  1. Treading water is keeping your head above water while your body is vertical. I would not solely rely on threading water to save my life and would focus on learning how to be a strong swimmer ( focus on endurance not speed, speed is nice but doesn't do much for being on the water for long periods of time) and learning drown proofing techniques (from a qualified professional). Swimming is like bass fishing, the more you practice it the better you get at it.
  2. Welcome to the forum
  3. I came back a couple hours ago from night fishing in Lake Okeechobee from land. It was in the mid 40's-low 50's, very windy, and not the best conditions to fish. I ended up catching a bunch of specks and saw a beautiful sunset on Lake Okeechobee. I would go out on and fish another similar day like this for sure.
  4. Today I went night fishing to Lake Okeechobee from land for some specks and saw how ruff the lake was. Whitecaps where visible from shore and there was lots of big waves. It was very windy, easily +15 mph winds and it was cold for South Florida standards( mid 40's-low 50's). It was very dark tonight, I would not want to be in that water at night. I hope they find the man and hope that boaters learn to drive slower and more careful when on Lake Okeechobee .
  5. My favorite sport is freedive spearfishing. I am more fond of freedive spearfishing than I am of bass fishing, which says a lot how comfortable I am in the water. You have to be a very good swimmer to excel in this sport, and be calm under pressure that most men would not be able to handle ( sharks stealing your catch and you defending yourself). Have done many +10 hour beachdives where I do not touch the floor for the whole duration of the dive. I do lots of running to keep myself in excellent cardiovascular shape since it helps with the endurance needed for long hours of diving. With that said, I will never go on a boat that I feel has a unsafe captain. I will not enter a boat without a lifejacket, other flotation devices, and a good marine radio. I will not go on a boat with someone that likes to ''run and gun'' and drive the boat too fast.
  6. On Friday I watched Jumanji:Welcome to the Jungle. It was ok movie but I prefer the original Jumanji more.
  7. Whole wheat sandwich or a meal replacement bar.
  8. Do you only fish this private lake for bass and not over locations in the 3 years of data presented? Maybe its time to try other locations, including public bodies of water. It seems like the catch rate of small to regular bass is good but low for bass over 5 pounds. I find these results surprising for California since its a well known state for big bass. I see a 8 pounder in 2016 and none over 5 pounds in the whole year of 2017. Maybe the bass are getting pressured too hard and they are not biting as much, might be time to change the lures you use and how you present them, and maybe there is not many big bass in the private lake you are showing data from. You can contact your state and they might be able to help you. It is very possible he might be over pressuring the lake, especially since its only 100 acres. I tend to rotate many of the places I fish and find new places to add to my list of fishing locations in order to not over pressure bass in any location. By doing this I am consistent at catching big bass month after month, year after year.
  9. Never found a parasite in any hogfish( saltwater fish from Florida) I have caught and its the best tasting fish I have ever had.
  10. Welcome to the forum
  11. Welcome to the forum
  12. Welcome to the forum. Go fishing with him more often, he will appreciate it more than any gift you can give him. Also print a bunch of pictures of his favorite recent catches and make a album of these pictures.
  13. Good observation. I have had lots of chihuahuas bark at me when running around the neiborhood. Many of these chihuahuas do not have their leash on or their owners are nowhere to be seen. Maybe the owners spoil these small dogs and let them get away with anything and the big dogs are trained better to not bark and case runners? Would be nice if people trained little dogs more to not bark at every thing that moves, at least where I run.
  14. A TrophyCatch sized largemouth bass in the state of Florida is 8 pounds, and 8 pounders tend to be around 24 inches in length, give or take a inch or so in length depending on thickness. 10 pound bass are rarely only 24 inches in Florida, more like 25-27 inches in length. I know this from experience weighing 100's of big bass( 5 pounds or better) in Florida. Our state rewards anglers who properly document largemouth bass over 8 pounds and that are approved by a team of biologist who know more about bass weight than most fishermen.
  15. You have had many of my favorite dogs and agree that Rottweilers make great pets. I have had good experiences with them and I remember one particular Rottweiler that was very friendly to me while I was fishing behind a friends house. This dog was 120-130 pounds of pure muscle yet was very friendly with me, I think it can sense I am not a threat and knew I just wanted to fish. Cant say the same about some small breeds, they seem to not be fond of fishermen and runners in my area for some reason.
  16. Caught 6 bass in less than 1 hour on January 1st. Plan on going again this weekend for more bass.
  17. Its going to be very cold this weekend for South Florida standards and most fishermen in South Florida are probably going to stay home. I am not one of those who get cold easy so I will be on the water this weekend, no matter how cold and windy it is.
  18. I use to watch fishing shows on TV such as Jimmy Houston, Spanish Fly, etc when I was a kid and did not like watching tournament fishing and still do not like watching tournament fishing. I do watch many fishing Youtube videos and find them very entertaining. As for powerlifting,I have noticed what you mentioned about the lifting industry and theres a lot of shady stuff in the fitness industry that I am sure you are aware of. I have been powerlifting for almost 2 decades, still have big lifts, and I do not plan on completing in a powerlfiting meet since too many guys in those meets take anabolic steroids. I refuse to complete with person who takes steroids and I am sure there are many drug free athletes who do not complete in powerlifting competitions since they know they will complete against those who got their gains by abusing steroids. Many of these lifters juice a couple months of the year and stop for several months so it doesn't show up on drug test, so even the ''drug free powerlifting meets'' are tainted with these steroid abusing individuals. I am sure there are those in the lifting community that look down on drug free lifters for not taking steroids , but at least we are not cheating and taking drugs that are illegal in the USA for bodybuilding and athletic purposes.
  19. This past weekend I meet a fisherman from Canada that was fishing in the same body of water I was. He approached me while I was fishing with my better half and I gave him some tips to catch fish. He seemed very happy that he was in South Florida, and not so happy that it was his last day before going back to Canada. I ended up catching lots of largemouth bass, peacock bass, and other fish this past weekend and plan on fishing this weekend coming up.
  20. Welcome to the forum
  21. Welcome to the forum
  22. Welcome to the forum
  23. Its been on my bucket list for years as well @the reel ess. I see that you are from South Carolina, you live in a very beautiful state. I have fished there before and plan on going there again in the near future.
  24. I live in South Florida where there is not much cold weather so I tend to fish almost every single weekend of ''winter'' we have. Last weekend I caught lots of largemouth bass, peacock bass, and other fish. I plan on fishing this weekend as well and every other weekend for the rest of the winter season. I would ice fish if I was living in northern states, especially for muskie, northern pike, and lake trout.
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