I use to watch fishing shows on TV such as Jimmy Houston, Spanish Fly, etc when I was a kid and did not like watching tournament fishing and still do not like watching tournament fishing. I do watch many fishing Youtube videos and find them very entertaining. As for powerlifting,I have noticed what you mentioned about the lifting industry and theres a lot of shady stuff in the fitness industry that I am sure you are aware of. I have been powerlifting for almost 2 decades, still have big lifts, and I do not plan on completing in a powerlfiting meet since too many guys in those meets take anabolic steroids. I refuse to complete with person who takes steroids and I am sure there are many drug free athletes who do not complete in powerlifting competitions since they know they will complete against those who got their gains by abusing steroids. Many of these lifters juice a couple months of the year and stop for several months so it doesn't show up on drug test, so even the ''drug free powerlifting meets'' are tainted with these steroid abusing individuals. I am sure there are those in the lifting community that look down on drug free lifters for not taking steroids , but at least we are not cheating and taking drugs that are illegal in the USA for bodybuilding and athletic purposes.