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Everything posted by soflabasser

  1. I won't be surprised one bit if the current Florida state largemouth bass record gets beat in the ''official way'' in the next 10 years. Hundreds of +10 pounders get caught every single year in Florida, many of them over 13 pounds. A young man came close to beating the state record largemouth bass last year with a bass close to 17 pounds. Thats one of the many reasons why Florida is known as the fishing capital of the world and why so many out of staters come spend their money in Florida to have a chance to catch a new PB that they might not be able to do in their home state.Yes its very nice to catch pure strain largemouth bass in its native waters, and I am very grateful for having the privilege to live in Florida.I have caught Suwannee bass, they are fun to catch and much stronger pound for pound than a largemouth bass of equal size.
  2. I store most of my lures in Plano plastic tackle boxes.
  3. I have had a different experience from you and found that sunshine bass are a extremely hardy fish, just like a striped bass and white bass, which I have caught as well in my vacations up north. I tend to catch my sunshine bass in the South Florida ''winters'' when they are at their strongest and most likely to bite, they tend to not do so well in the summer heat in South Florida. So far I have caught several sunshine bass over 20 inches, with a couple of them over 24 inches. They don't get much bigger than that in South Florida, at least from what I have seen in photos down here. Sunshine bass get much bigger in Northern Florida and they are places up there where they catch 24-26 inch sunshine bass often, since sunshine bass are a temperate bass and grow better in the cool waters of Northern Florida. Striped bass, sunshine bass, and white bass are much stronger pound for pound than a largemouth bass of equal size, and they are almost as strong as a peacock bass which is probably in my top 5 favorite freshwater fish to catch so far.
  4. There has been several bass bigger than the current state record caught in Florida but they where not submitted to the state for the official state record. There has been several documented cases of Florida largemouth bass over 30 inches, mostly in Central/North Florida. I myself have caught several largemouth bass in the 25-27.75'' range in South Florida where largemouth bass don't grow as big in the state and lots of +28'' largemouth bass are caught every year in Central/North Florida. Florida fishermen tend to be tight lipped about their catches and many Florida fishermen would not reveal where they catch their potential state record sized bass and I don't blame them since the place would get hit very hard from people all across the nation and the place would no longer be as good as it was before.
  5. Welcome to the forum
  6. Welcome to the forum
  7. Welcome to the forum
  8. Nice sunshine bass. They are one of my favorite freshwater fish to catch in South Florida.
  9. Good subject. I am a multi species fisherman who enjoys to travel to fish so I do not have 1 specific location as my favorite place to fish. I have a lifetime ahead of me so I plan on traveling the world to catch the fish on my bucket list.
  10. It was in the high 70's today and will be in the 70's this whole weekend in South Florida. Looking towards to fishing this weekend. He's probably in South Florida now on a nice beach soaking in the nice weather.
  11. Good subject and I agree that its a good idea to release most if not all smallmouth bass, especially the state citation sized ones. I have released every single smallmouth bass I have caught and will continue to release every smallmouth bass I catch on my vacations.
  12. The asian citrus psyllid is well known for spreading this nasty disease. I went to Home Depot recently and the citrus they where selling was loaded with asian citrus psyllids and many of the plants showed signs of greening. There is no cure for greening and this disease is can kill a citrus tree in less than 6 years of being infected.
  13. There are no smallmouth bass in Florida and the closest fish we have to smallmouth bass are Suwannee bass and Shoal bass which are located in some rivers of North Florida. Smallmouth bass where stocked in some Northern Florida rivers( Chipola river) in the early 1900's but they did not successfully reproduce and died out. There are smallmouth bass in Northern Georgia and South Carolina, which is the closest smallmouth bass waters to Florida. The peacock bass population is doing exceptionally well in South Florida with lots of +6 pound peacock bass caught every year by many South Florida fishermen ( I am included in this group). The bullseye snakehead are not having much of a effect on bass populations and baby snakehead are prey for peacock bass and largemouth bass. In fact I catch more largemouth bass and peacock bass while fishing for bullseye snakehead than I do catch snakeheads and I am specifically targeting snakehead when I fish that part of the state. The island of Oahu of Hawaii has largemouth bass, peacock bass, and smallmouth bass and people are known for catching all 3 in the same day. There are also other introduced species of freshwater fish to catch.
  14. Welcome to the forum
  15. Welcome to the forum
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  18. Welcome to the forum
  19. Welcome to the forum
  20. I did ok this past weekend considering the wind. Ended up catching 12 bass from 16-23 inches from public waters. Going fishing this weekend as well.
  21. Welcome to the forum
  22. Welcome to the forum
  23. I am going fishing this weekend. The bass will be biting along with other species of fish.
  24. I fish the same line I use during the day that I use during the night and I do well during both times in the day.
  25. Welcome to the forum
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