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Everything posted by soflabasser

  1. Welcome to the forum
  2. Live Target and Booyah
  3. Welcome to the forum
  4. There are many cases that a public body of water has more numbers of big (but hard to catch ) bass than a private body of water and the bass might be bigger in a public body of water. It takes a lot of available food for several bass in a particular body of water to get +8 pounds and some private bodies of waters might not the right conditions for these +8 pounders yet a public body of water might have them. There is a public body of water I fish in South Florida that I caught a 10.3 pound bass from the shore and that place is loaded with big bass which are extremely difficult to catch. Illinois has good fishing, especially in the rivers for smallmouth bass and muskies.
  5. Welcome to the forum
  6. Welcome to the forum
  7. There is no doubt that the bass in less pressured bodies of water are easier to catch than bass from a highly pressured body of water, but the bass might be bigger in a highly pressured place. Those bigger bass become quite good at evading most if not all fishermen since they had a long life to learn fishermen are no good for them. There are a couple public bodies of water I fish down here where I have caught several +8 pounders ( including some over 10 pounds) and most people never catch a single bass over 8 pounds from these places. You have to know how to read the conditions on any particular day and know what to use to get these big bass to bite. Putting the time on the water is what has helped me the most, and its the same for most good bass fishermen I know. Private waters is different, its like shooting fish in a barrel and not much of a challenge to fish those places. Watch your surroundings when you fish, keep safe, and most importantly have fun.
  8. Welcome to the forum
  9. Welcome to the forum
  10. Welcome to the forum
  11. 1. Yes. Try fishing a highly pressured public pond in South Florida from land and you will quickly learn how smart bass can be, especially +8 pounders. 2. Both have their place and time that they do best. 3. Depends on what mood the bass are in. Sometimes I will use a attention getting technique if the bass are very active (to get reaction bites), other times I use a slower technique or a technique that I know most people are not using in the areas I fish (difficult to catch bass).
  12. Been bass fishing for well over 2 decades now. Have caught several double digit bass, hundreds of bass over 5 pounds, and had +100 bass days. Also fish for other species( both fresh and saltwater) and I tend to do very well with these fish. What has helped me the most is putting my time on the water and doing my best to learn from each fishing trip. I keep a open mind when it comes to fishing techniques and new areas to fish.
  13. On average I fish 4-8 times a month, mostly on weekends. I am a multi species fisherman, and fish many types of fish, not just bass.
  14. I fish often fish ponds, canals, and other small bodies of water and I tend to do well by being as quiet as possible. I walk slowly along the shoreline and try to make as little sound as possible. As for clothes, I tend to wear drab colored clothes and avoid clothes that have bright colors so the fish have a harder time seeing me on the shore. Sometimes the path less taken ( possibly has snakes, alligators, etc) is the most productive path since less fishermen take it. I tend to take these paths and do well and I am always watching where I step and whats around me.
  15. Welcome to the forum
  16. Welcome to the forum
  17. Welcome to the forum
  18. Welcome to the forum
  19. Welcome to the forum
  20. Nice pleco. I have caught several plecos as bycatch while fishing for other species.
  21. If I was forced to only fish with 1 lure for bass I would fish with the lure that has helped me catch most of my big bass.
  22. I would donate my fishing gear to kids and not sell it online, but thats just me.
  23. Welcome to the forum
  24. Welcome to the forum
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