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Everything posted by soflabasser

  1. Maybe but they might last 5-10 years. The one closest to my house does not have most of the fishing gear I use and I have to go to Bass Pro Shop, Walmart, or online to get my fishing gear. The employees seem to not have much knowledge of bass fishing, running shoes, or other stuff I have asked their opinion on.
  2. The topwater bite has been good as well in the places I fish and it makes fishing more enjoyable when they are hitting topwater. Will still fish other techniques if needed but it's hard to beat a big bass smashing a topwater.
  3. Sounds like he is a very greedy guy the way you are describing him. He does not buy you any snacks and drinks to eat and you take him out for free? He does not help with cleaning the boat,driving the boat,anchoring,or any other normal boat maintenance? You need to sit down and talk to this guy if he really is your friend and tell him to start helping more. If he doesn't well stop taking him.
  4. Looks like it might be a good lure for peacock bass.
  5. Sounds like he is treating you like a guide. I have had similar experiences and that's why I rarely invite anyone fishing with me, with the exception of my better half,my family,close friends, and maybe someone who can offer something worth my time(someone who also knows how to fish well and makes a good fishing partner).
  6. Does he have anything to offer you while you guys fish? Does he take you to good spots, teach you new techniques, help drive the boat, anchor the boat, bring food and drinks, help clean the boat,etc? If the answer is no to all these questions then it's time to tell him he needs to help out more and stop taking your lures.
  7. I am not surprised that this store is closing and I will not be surprised if this company goes out of business in the next 5-10 years.
  8. Well said @Bassin' Brad. Mr. Cullen was a extremely dedicated trophy bass fishermen that fished at the right places,at the right time,with the right lures. His achievements are real and it doesn't surprise me he has haters since any decent fisherman has a couple haters behind him. Georgia is well known for trophy bass and there are many little lakes that produce +10 pound bass every week of the year.Northern/Central Florida is another great place for trophy bass.And yes it's best to master a few lures known for big bass in the areas you fish than to fish dozens of types of lures but not really fish them well.
  9. What did you fish for when you where here in June and what did you catch? I wear long sleeve clothes+ bug spray in areas with lots of mosquitoes and seems to do well. January is a excellent month for targeting big bass as well as many other fish. You can't do any good diving in your state and that's a huge negative for me since diving is my favorite sport to practice (even more than bass fishing).The winters are quite brutal up north and snow+wind+trees with no leaves+gloomy skies is something I don't like. I would like to try ice fishing in one of my vacations but I have a feeling it's not as fun as fishing in warm weather. Our winters are very nice and that's when bass fishing and many other types of fishing is best in South Florida. You guys do have muskie which is one of my favorite freshwater fish so I do plan on making more trips up north for muskie fishing and to add new species of fish to my list.
  10. Welcome to the forum
  11. I have known about Mr.Cullen for 3 years now and I see him as one of the best largemouth bass fishermen that has lived. Its very impressive that he has caught over +1100 double digit bass with a Ugly Stik rod,Ambassador reel, and a buzzbait to fish with. I would follow his advice before I listen to some pro bass fisherman that hasn't caught a double digit bass or somebody that hasn't caught a double digit bass in over a decade.
  12. We have lots of mosquitoes in South Florida along with alligators, pythons,cottonmouths, black widow spiders,etc. I fish at least 10 feet away from the bank,near a source of light, and only fish for a few hours to be safe. It's been worth it to me since I have caught dozens and dozens of big bass at night time. I also don't like the +90 degree intense sauna like heat (unless I am diving) that South Florida has during the Summer so I prefer fishing lowlight conditions than dealing with the day heat.
  13. Sounds like a good time to try topwater fishing at night time.
  14. Have you fished for bass at night and how long have you been doing it for? Bass can indeed see at night and they have a lateral line that helps them track their prey at night. Night fishing is not for everyone but those who are willing to put in their time at night bass fishing are often rewarded with bass most people dream of catching.
  15. Fish at night or during low light conditions such as dawn,dusk,cloudy days,etc.
  16. Yes Leonardo da Vinci was left handed just like Michelangelo which is my favorite Renaissance Artist. Beethoven is believed to have been born left handed but he was able to use both hands equally (like many lefties). Many Presidents, Professional athletes, Artist, Scientists, Clinicians, etc are left handed.
  17. There are certain locations I fish that are loaded with toads and frogs. At nighttime you can barely hear any other noise besides the sounds these toads and frogs make, especially during the summer. Have caught many big bass at night with hollow belly frogs and topwater lures in these locations. I am confident these bass come out at night to hunt these animals.
  18. Both sound like decent choices. I would fish the one I have most confidence in and use techniques that are well known for lunker sized bass.
  19. One thing I have learned in bass fishing is that you need to learn how to fish all the seasons of the year well, and this includes summer time fishing. You need to adapt to the conditions and give the bass what they want, not what you want to give them since what you are offering might not be what the bass want. If they want a slow retrieve give them a slow retrieve. If they want to bite at night fish at night. Only way you are going to figure this out is by stepping out of your comfort zone and doing your best to figure out what the bass want in your area.
  20. Channel catfish
  21. Many non topwater lures can be worked as topwater lures.
  22. Happy Left Handers day!
  23. Welcome to the forum
  24. I have fished locations similar to the one in the picture and I have caught smallmouth bass with crankbaits.
  25. Another good tip is to fish with a friend who is a much better bass fisherman than yourself in the area you fish in. Most men don't like doing this since they like to be macho know it alls but its often best to learn from those who know more than you, even if it's 1 or 2 new techniques you don't know well. I learned a great amount from many fishermen I have fished with ,continue to learn from others, and plan on learning more as time passes.
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