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Everything posted by soflabasser

  1. When it comes to fishing nothing beats experience earned while on the water.
  2. I agree. Country music is one of my favorite music I listen to, but I prefer listening to older Country Music. I do like to listen to other genres of music, some that are very different from Country Music. In the end, you should listen to music that brings happiness in your life, that is what is most important.
  3. This past Winter did seem to come later, but it was much colder than usual. Fall is my favorite time to fish in Northern waters, and it is a great time to catch some very nice fish in Florida.
  4. Last Winter was much colder than usual, I will not be surprised if the Farmers Almanac is correct for this Winter being colder than usual. Let's see what happens. Hope all of you are enjoying this Summer, it seems to be passing quickly. Fall is approaching, which is a great time to fish.
  5. The Farmers Almanac is predicting a colder than usual Winter, so there will be plenty of time to go ice fishing.
  6. You can skip a spinnerbait and many other lures once you become proficient in casting. Most people skip soft plastics under docks, it's a good technique in many bodies of water. In South Florida I skip frogs under overhanging trees in canals, lakes, and other lures under mangroves in the ocean. Have caught some big fish that way that others miss since they can't cast in these tight spaces.
  7. Booyah makes some of my favorite spinnerbaits, have caught a lot of big bass on them.
  8. I brought up bass fishermen frowning upon spinning reels since I saw a YouTube ''fishing expert'' saying you should not use spinning reels with certain lures. This YouTuber has never caught a 8 pound bass in his entire life, yet he lives in a place full of big bass. With that said both baitcasting and spinning gear can be used to catch bass, what's most important is knowing where, when, and how to fish spinnerbaits.
  9. I like using a size 4000 spinning reel with a medium heavy action rod for spinnerbait fishing. There are certain advantages to using large spinning reels that I like, such as IPT, more line capacity, ability to use the same reel for both freshwater and saltwater fishing, and other things. I also use spinning tackle for crankbaits, jerkbaits, and other lures. Many bass fishermen will frown upon using spinning tackle with these lures, yet I have done well fishing this way.
  10. Most people fish spinnerbaits on medium heavy baitcasting gear, with 15-20 pound test line. I prefer using spinning gear, have caught lots of big bass that way.
  11. The Alabama spotted bass have caused much damage to many native black bass populations, that is fact. From what I researched these Alabama spotted bass were illegally released into Georgia waters by fishermen that wanted easy to catch bass. These people do not care about the rare native species of black bass in Georgia, so of course they will defend the invasive populations of Alabama spotted bass in Georgia. Everyone I know that enjoys catching rare species of black bass in Georgia does not like what the invasive Alabama spotted bass have done to native black bass populations. Many keep the Alabama spotted bass to eat, or give away to others that want them to help the native black bass population, this is a good thing.
  12. These skills are extremely important for anyone that bass fishes in South Florida. A lot of big bass get caught during the Summer this way and other times.
  13. Looks like a good place to fish a hollow belly frog, spinnerbait, etc.
  14. I feel that my best ability in fishing is having the ability to adapt to different bodies of water. This is a skill that took me decades to earn and I am still learning.
  15. Here is a list of black bass species that can be found in Georgia. Alabama spotted bass are non native and are considered invasive in Georgia since they hybridize with native black bass species; 1. Florida largemouth bass and intergrades (occur naturally in Northern Florida and Georgia). Florida largemouth bass are most common in Peninsular Florida where they are native. 2. Northern largemouth bass 3. Redeye bass 4. Altamaha bass (Altamaha Bass can only be found in Georgia) 5. Bartram's bass 6. Chattahoochee bass 7. Tallapoosa bass 8. Shoal bass 9. Suwannee bass 10. Smallmouth bass 11. Spotted bass 12. Alabama spotted bass Alabama has 2 black bass species that can only be found in Alabama; 13. Cahaba bass 14. Warrior bass Florida and Alabama have Choctaw bass; 15. Choctaw bass Texas has Guadalupe bass; 16. Guadalupe bass Mexico has Cuatrociennegas bass. Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Kansas have Neosho smallmouth bass. With time other varieties of black bass might become official species. This is what happened to ''redeye bass'' which now are split into several different black bass species. I rather catch a pure Bartram's bass of any size in its native habitat than catch invasive Alabama spotted bass. I enjoy catching these little rare black bass species as much as I enjoy catching big largemouth bass. With that said, I enjoy catching all species of black bass.
  16. There are more than 9 black bass species. Fortunately I have caught most of them, and have researched them all since I enjoy catching different species of bass, besides the 3 most common ones everyone catches. Did you know there are introduced populations of redeye bass in certain parts of California? I strongly suggest you fish for them, they are beautiful fish. Have you fished in Georgia before? If you have you would know Georgia has the most black bass species of any state and that Alabama spotted bass hybridize with many rare black bass species. I suggest everyone who loves to fish for bass to research the different species of black bass, where they are native, where they have been introduced, and the harm introduced Alabama bass, smallmouth bass, and other introduced black bass species can cause to native species. Those Guadalupe bass are beautiful fish, thank you for sharing these photos. Introduced smallmouth bass are a big threat to the native Guadalupe bass, and I hope Texas succeeds in increasing the population of Guadalupe bass.
  17. Alabama spotted bass and spotted bass are 2 different species of black bass, they are not the same species, even though some think they are. Alabama spotted bass are not native to Georgia, spotted bass are. I have caught hybrid redeye bass, so I have personally seen how Alabama bass can be a problem for rare black bass species. There are many people with much more experience than me catching these hybrid redeye bass, and most of these people agree that Alabama bass threaten the long term survival of many black bass species.
  18. Alabama spotted bass are a problem in Georgia since these Alabama spotted bass hybridize with several native black bass species.
  19. I would use 8-12 pound test Berkley Big Game mono or 10 pound test Powerpro braid with a mono leader. Use a wire leader when needed.
  20. Welcome to the forum
  21. Fall is a great time to go bass fishing.
  22. Welcome to the forum
  23. For frog fishing I like to fish with a 6-7 foot heavy action rod with a strong backbone that I can flip a 5 pound or better bass if needed.
  24. Welcome to the forum
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