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  1. Well I did some fishing with the new pole. Was doing ok at first, but didn't last long. Two reasons for this I think, one being I've never used a baitcast, and two having a 7 foot rod. Wound up with birdsnest and went through the whole spool by the time I was done. I also don't think the line was put on real tight by the guy at gander mountain, seemed like I had to stretch the line a lot while using rod. Practice makes perfect I guess I see advantages to this set up but so far I like spinning that's what I'm used to though...
  2. Picked up a ABU Garcia black max combo this evening at gander mountain. It's a baitcast 7' long and has a good all around gear ratio. Since this is my first baitcast I wanted something that was decent but not over the top expensive. I put some stren line on it and am looking forward to learning how to use it.
  3. I like using the rebel poppers as well. Will the rod action your describing work with such a rod. I usually don't use a bobber but it's been snag city, with all the moss and junk Also as far as reel and line I'm thinking 8-10-12? I'm still learning about gear ratios and all that and a lot of the terminology. Looking to learn a lot here so I know better with what I'm doing. Thanks for the patience
  4. What is the deal with all these rods with the split grip? Looks awkward to me I've never owned one. Would appreciate feedback on what you guys think? Thanks
  5. Cheaper is ok if decent just don't want junk
  6. Yeah forgot to mention that part lol. As long as we are under the $200 range I'm fine. Would prefer $120-150 max but wouldn't be against spending more if it is justified.
  7. I have two small Ponds by my house that had much bigger fish in it than I thought. I was using a Daiwa light action rod with 6lb test yesterday and had to fight in a really nice sized bass. Was a workout but got him. The ponds have a little of everything BASS, Catfish, bluegill, croppie, sunfish and they are all really decent sized. What I'm looking to do is get a new rod and reel combo. I like using top waters or floating lures like poppers etc. there is quite a buildup of moss on the bottom so I actually use a bobber to keep the junk out and from losing equipment. What would be a good selection? I like using spinning reels but wouldn't be against trying a baitcast. Thanks in advance for the help
  8. Thanks
  9. I am new to the forum and am hoping to learn a lot from the site. I enjoy fishing it's very relaxing and very therapeutic at least for me it is. What I seem to struggle with at times is what many of your would call the basics, example: rod selection, line types and when to use when not to use etc. I am hoping to gain knowledge and support so I can make good decisions when time to buy, and not look foolish if I were to go on an outing with some guys. Thanks in advance.
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