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Everything posted by 68camaro

  1. For the average layman I don't think bass fishing is expensive, but I do agree we make it expensive on ourselves by our desire for best, newest, shiniest, most tech. laden, and in large quantities. Like Klebs01 says, at is core it ain't that complicated or expensive.
  2. I put one in cart, decided to think about it at work, came home and......foop!, its gone! Great deal though, kinda happy I missed it because I really didn't need it:)
  3. I just sent him my first reel, he was patient with my questions up to this point.
  4. I paid 180 on sale shipped for CI4+ 2500 in November, its a great reel, love it. 187 is very good IMHO.
  5. I think fish really only see the bottom of frogs so I focus on belly color. I have dark and light colors that I use. Not sure if one is better than the other.
  6. Hello neighbor and welcome. Bite is slow in local ponds and as long as they aren't froze over I am out here trying.
  7. I have a 634CB. Love the smaller size for snapping downward. Great rod.
  8. the KC is really made to stand and fish, as matter of fact you can turn seat over and use it as raised platform to sight fish. It was made with fly fisherman in mind, Very clean deck to not get flies caught on. Youtube has nice videos explaining it.
  9. Dypsis, in many ways I am where you are. I am looking for a canoe or kayak to stand and fish in, be somewhat lighter weight, use my troll motor with and can carry two (mostly me alone though). It has been an in-depth search but I have narrowed the search to: 1, Canoe with outriggers. Many canoe choices but I believe out riggers will end tipping over discussion. I am looking at the Wenonah Tandem Fisherman canoe which is really wide and gives a lot of room, but pricy. I would use outriggers with this canoe also. A lot of less expensive canoe options. If you want to take both kids a larger canoe is probably only option. 2. KC12 Fishing Kayak. This is really a cross between a canoe and kayak but can carry two and is super stable with large deck to walk and fish standing up from. Negative is not best paddling craft but I don't plan on far water trips, plus trolling motor will negate this. Kayaks that can hold two and you can fish from get way to heavy. The KC is 46 lbs. Weight is a big issue but I discovered Rhino Side Loaders or rear T-Loader that will make loading on my SUV much much easier for one person. I was told by kayak retailer today that when you pick up a kayak/canoe with one end stationary on ground, rule of thumb is you are picking up 40% weight of craft. When experimenting picking up craft today I noticed that the smoothness of the hull made it more difficult because nowhere really to grab from, even if weight manageable. Good luck, lots of choices and difficult to pick one. One final thought of mine is to pick up cheaper canoe with outriggers to use when with another (Wife, son or daughter) and get a solo kayak for me alone?
  10. I think this is a fair statement. However, I still bought one as variety is the spice of life.
  11. I was at BassPro last week and bought the sunfish and two whopper Poppers, a 90 and 110. So far only used the Whopper 90 and immediately lost it on 3rd or 4th cast:( I need to wait a while for topwater bite to begin.
  12. Just be careful she does't leave window open and the wind doesn't blow your jig half a foot...LOL
  13. Here in central va they are predicting 5 - 8". For us that is like NE getting 4 feet
  14. I have ponds like this and are shallow to boot. All topwaters work best. I do like spinners and very shallow cranks/jerks but hold rod tip up high to keep them out of weeds/grass. Due to fishing pressure from kids, plastic worms are very spotty at best, creature baits a little better. My most productive technique is standing off-shore a couple feet with muck boots and throwing parallel to shore and weedline. Poppers and dog walkers are best.
  15. I don't have boat but hired guide several months ago who also fished tournaments and his boat had one, he had two but took one off. soory can't remember why but he did say he thought one was better.
  16. As a NE fan this game is very scary to watch.
  17. In second half complacency is their biggest enemy. They can't let Seattle get back in...as you said keep pedal to floor an NO PREVENT DEFENSE!!!!
  18. I wouldn't worry about it, Carolina is dominating so much it negates that arguement.
  19. Did not know that. I don't use it as most people use a square bill. My water here has very soft weedy bottom, so I need to keep all my cranks just above it or they snag all the time.
  20. I am not a Carolina fan, but they look great. They have to be favorite to win SuperBowl, and thats coming from NE fan.
  21. I have been looking at a very lightweight canoe to use car topping as I am concerned with difficulty getting a heavy boat on top of my SUV. However, I recently found kayak/canoe loaders to help get boats on top of SUV. If these work as reported they can be a game changer and allow me greater options in picking a fishing yak/canoe. 1st is Rhino Rack T-Load Hitch Mount 2nd option is Rhino Universal Side Loader (RUSL) Does anyone have experience using these and do you think one would be easier to use than the other? Difference is about a $100. Thanks
  22. For cranks I like Gary Yamamoto in sizes 100 - 300 depending on desired depth. Also I really like LiveTarget Crawfish in several colors. I don't use squarebill but lipless I like Rat-L-trap and Strike King.
  23. Is there an advantage of a kayak over a canoe? You can get a outrigger for canoe making it stable to stand-in. Is it just 6 of one, half-dozen of the other?
  24. I should be able to sneak way tomorrow for a couple hours so I'll try a dark jig and trailer plus a spinner. BTW, I lost a Whopper Plopper 90 on 3rd or 4th cast to add insult to bad day:(
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