Not a successful hunt, but my favorite one yet:
Started hunting last year, and never got in range. Finally got close a few weekends back with the bow but missed!
Tried out a small management area close to where I’m currently working Saturday afternoon. Property is a couple hundred acres, swamp on the SE corner, large creek runs the northern property line. Middle of the area is a mixture of fields and woods.
Place was packed and I didn’t see any deer, but it was also covered up with deer sign so I figured it was worth trying again.
Got off work Tuesday, and figured it would be a good day to try again. Got to the parking lot around 6:00, 5 other vehicles in the parking lot. Grabbed the bow, and decided to still hunt/scout along the property line with the bow in hand. With only an hour and a half of shooting light, didn’t feel like messing with the climber, plus I felt the other folks were likely hunting the field edges already.
Jumped one doe 100 yards from the parking lot laying in a field. Figured that was a good sign.
Tucked into the woods along a field edge and followed a trail paralleling the northern property line (adjacent to a creek).
Made it about 100 yards down the trail and start seeing tracks, very heavily used area.
Moving slowly, I creep along a little further. Find some acorns on the ground and what I believe was a scrape? Low hanging branch broken and missing it’s leaves at chest height, ground was scratched below it. Tracks all around as well.
Go just a little bit further, and movement catches my eyes.
It’s a deer!
Head down so I can’t ID it. Bucks and does are both good to go, but I still wanted to know what it was before flinging an arrow.
Finally looks up after going from broadside to facing away, it’s a doe. Very slowly feeding away from me, I cautiously took a step or two to keep it at 35 yards.
Turns back to broadside. I draw back…and a tree is blocking it’s vitals. I let down, it turns away and I’m staring at it’s tail.
Turns back to broadside, I draw back and take the shot…missed low! Arrow went right under. Luckily no branches were hit so it was pretty quiet.
Doe seemed to know something was up at this point, but it wasn’t fully ready to leave the area. It moved about 15 yards back to where it came from and looked around for a minute. I stayed as still as possible.
It put it’s head down again and I drew back to take the shot. Arrow hit a vine, deflected, and I missed again!
Sound of the arrow hitting the vine sent the doe hauling back into cover. Game was over with that one.
In about 20 hunts, I’ve never had a deer in range before. Real bummer to miss not once but twice once I finally had the opportunity. Not sure what else to say other than target panic took over there. Thought I was comfortable with the bow on the range but drawing back on the doe made it clear it’s not at muscle memory for me or even close to it.
On the flip side, it was still an exciting hunt even if I clearly need to spend some more time on the range. And if I’m going to miss I’d rather just downright miss than get a non lethal shot. I’m starting to see more sign when picking spots so I’m at least making progress. Just need to keep at it and eventually should get it done.