In my experience, the place doesn't have to have shiners for them to both work, and out fish every bait/lure I've ever thrown. Plenty of spots that I've fished have only produced a couple of bass under a pound in 5+ years throwing every lure imaginable, but as soon as shiners hit the water it becomes an absolute pig factory.
With that being said, to get the most out of shiners the area has to be just right, you can't just throw them wherever and expect to get hit. For example, the places where the shiners really excel for me is areas with a relatively small strike zone where you can let the shiner stay in one place and call the fish, such as a grass cut or where brush and grass meet. If you're shore fishing in tight quarters, they also work really well on depth changes where you don't have access to several different angles to target the change. On the other hand, when fish can be more spread out, such as grass flats or lily pads, lures tend to work much better for me as you can cover more ground.