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Everything posted by Mwelder28

  1. He was asking 180. Nib
  2. Limited, I was just curious about it. I posted this prior to googling it.
  3. I read it's freshwater only so that's a bummer
  4. Yea I was just curious about it. I have a guy in my area selling one for a good price.
  5. Hey I was wondering if anyone has used this reel before?
  6. I'm in the Tampa area
  7. Check out Duckett they are nice as well
  8. I think I saw the tp for 129 recently
  9. Check out the ghost rods I really like them for 100 bucks.
  10. I guess with the amount of money we spend on are setups we should carry a gun when fishing
  11. What do you need a pistol for when your fishing
  12. So u think the tips are stiffer in the terex line as opposed to the micro magic line
  13. Hey jaw1 are the terex rods the same as the micro magic just with regular guides
  14. Yea wow on eBay 100 for the macro magic looks like a good deal
  15. Yea I like the ducketts as well. I want to try the terex rods
  16. Ghost guides would be fine for braid to floro leader. I was talking about the micro magic
  17. And I agree there is a lot too choose from. I would take your reel to bass pro and try several different rods to find something you like.
  18. The guides are really small if u have bad eyes u might get frustrated with it. When I first ran line through I missed an eye. Didn't notice till after a few cast from the bank
  19. Yes I have one and like it as well. If u are gonna use just straight braid or Floro or mono u will be fine. But if u want to use a leader then it want work
  20. I personally really like the Duckett rods. I have two ghost rods and I really like them. I have a chronarch on a ghost rod.
  21. I'll probably have to send it some where. no soldering iron. Just really frustrating. Three regular size reel screws ( same size as my other curados Citicas ect ) then one extremely small. I tried eyeglass screw driver and couldn't get it.
  22. There are 4 total screws to remove. I've cleaned other reels and never had a problem. There is one screw considerably smaller than the other screws. And I'm pretty sure it's stripped now. Wow what a day. Never had a reel I couldn't open to clean
  23. To clarify im trying to remove the handle side plate
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