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Everything posted by PourMyOwn

  1. Please let us know how those new parts work out.
  2. I'd watch a once a year "senior" tournament.
  3. Guitar strings work too- I also use them to snake carb jets.
  4. I know you meant "overcome adversity", but what you wrote is the most unintentionally hilarious thing I've ever read.
  5. They must not know what's out there. If I needed a sub 100 dollar reel I'd buy used. Curados, Citicas, Team Daiwa Advantages etc are all so much nicer than Kast King and the like.
  6. It's easier for me to speed up, but after a handful of casts I find myself back to normal speed again. I really have to focus to do anything other than reel at my normal cadence. That's why I have reels ranging from 4.9 to 8.1. (22 IPT to 34")
  7. Same here- my Tundra doesn't mind a gallon of 50:1 in its 20 gallon tank. I also have access to ethanol free gas which is all I use in my small engines/outboards.
  8. People like the repeatability of Domino's, Little Caesars, etc. Most of them just aren't adventurous eaters and see no need to change. I know this because I am related to a bunch of these folks. I make my own pizza dough, and keep a bunch of dough balls in the fridge or freezer. I wouldn't trade my sourdough crust for any I've had...and it's significantly cheaper than take out.
  9. If I weren't sitting on 20 pounds of Hula grubs I'd be all over that!
  10. I can understand why, not too many people go that far north- it's not the Appalachians, but it's beautiful country.
  11. From Portland Maine points north it's really beautiful. Otherwise it is a human conveyor belt, no thanks.
  12. I fish a lot of black because it's what I make with remelts. They flat out work here too.
  13. I've been told that he is NOT a stand up guy.
  14. Thank you so much. I've been there before, but (like a couple other fishing sites that aren't this one) it's not the best on a mobile phone. Time to dust off my laptop!
  15. Every TD-X model, several TD-Zs, TD Zillions and a few others from that era.
  16. Gentlemen, where would I go to find out information like what's in this thread? I have a ton of Daiwa reels and don't know where to start.
  17. I always have a hula grub on a football jig on my deck when I'm fishing for smallmouth. I use it primarily in 12'+ in rocks-usually a 1/2 or 5/8 oz. I also always have a tube, finesse squarebill, and a 3XD crank.
  18. When I worked in the restaurant industry, changing shoes mid day really helped. If I wore the same ones for a 14 hour day I paid the price, for some reason different pairs made a huge difference-at about 22,000 steps per day.
  19. I said I'd buy a mold to pour my own Ned worms when I ran out of Elaztech. I have two bags left, so maybe in 2025 I'll get a mold.
  20. I have the 6'8" ML crankbait rod arriving today. I plan on tossing Bandit 200s and finesse squarebills on it. I'll give an update when I receive it.
  21. Couldn't agree more with this. I scored a 5'6" Falcon on ebay that I could never have afforded when it was new. It is absolutely perfect for finesse squarebills. It's a joy to use.
  22. Extra spark plugs? Sounds like you're really prepared. Have a great time, amigo!
  23. Crocs for me too, with socks to prevent the polka dot sunburn. A lot of ramps in NH require me to walk in the water to load, so Crocs are a must.
  24. The last post in this thread was old enough to drive.
  25. The original Lews speed stick pistol grips are nice rods too.
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