I would have spent more on the rod, less on the reel. I have 10-12 "combos", most of which are approaching 15 years old (had a ton of disposable income in my early 20s). It's all high quality Fenwicks, Falcons, early Johnny Morris and Team Daiwa reels. I take great care of my stuff, every year I maintain my reels, all that sorta thing.
As it stands now, I only buy rods and reels with BPS/Cabela's credit card points. Last year I picked up an Abu Garcia Silver Max reel-I know, not exactly a tournament pro quality-but it's a nicer reel to fish with than my 1990s $200 dollar reels. I figure it will last until I want another one, then my nephew gets it. Point being, all of my sweet reels that cost me a ton of money are obsolete, but the rods are not.