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Everything posted by PourMyOwn

  1. I just did some real @TnRiver46 stuff this morning, I'm sharing in case anybody else find themselves in the same situation. I haven't taken my bass boat out all summer, mostly due to an illness in the family. In the meantime, yellow jackets made a pretty good sized nest under my console. This morning at 7 I put on a beekeeper suit (bought online for <$50), filled my shop vac with water and dish soap, and sucked them all up. I'll make one more pass this afternoon to see if I got them all, but I can finally get out again. Anyone else deal with this? Did I miss anything?
  2. I got a life membership in my early 20s, primarily for the magazine. It still goes to my parents' house. My mom hands them to me, I put them in the recycling when I get home.
  3. I net them all and take them out with a gripper. (Imitation Boga Grips) I've been hooked too many times!
  4. Same, a 32 Oz Gatorade bottle WELL LABELED is a must!
  5. @ol'crickety great post,, as a NH resident I can confirm!
  6. One thing a lot of budget conscious guys do is flip their braid when it gets worn. Tie the end of your braid to a tree, take it all off of your reel. Next, put it back on your reel starting with the end tied to the tree. When you're done all of the used line is on the inside, and the fresh braid is on the outside.
  7. I pour all my own plastics and jigs, and my terminal tackle is enough to last the rest of my life. Don't get me started on rods and reels. All I really buy these days is old 1980s crankbaits like Bomber 4As and mud bugs. It's about 60% collecting, 40% fishing. One of these days I'll sell off a bunch of stuff.
  8. Which reel? I know nothing about the Abu, but my buddy uses that Curado and it's really nice. I'm a Daiwa guy, but I'd buy that reel if I found a good price.
  9. @papajoe222, a day or two in advance is key.
  10. Daiwa Pixy for me, but these guys are also right
  11. A lot of good info in this thread, I'll second all of the good things said about Columbia and Huk. I grabbed a couple of Hanes' sun shirts on Amazon and they are great for yard work and general around the house activities. But they're a far cry from the name brands for staying cool.
  12. Those 6.3 Royal Express were racecars in their day. I threw a lot of Silver Minnows on mine, and it still works great. If you don't have a full arsenal of reels I'm sure it will fill in a niche eventually.
  13. I've had good luck with a safety siphon shaker style hose. I just have too many cans to be able to justify another. That type of thinking does not apply to fishing equipment!
  14. Just watched while eating lunch. Very informative, thanks Glenn!
  15. I'm a one meal a day guy with a very specific carnivore diet. I bring a piece of pemmican and I'm good.
  16. @WRB, thanks for the history lesson. Love reading these kinds of posts.
  17. I've never stopped throwing them. Mann's Augertails (down to my last 100 count bag) and the ones I pour-which are a lot like the 7.5 Culprits are my favorites.
  18. I've spent a little time in Wisconsin, great people and fishing there. Really wish we had walleyes in NH...however, I'm headed out for some crappies and largemouth tomorrow. I've got a few new homemade lures to try! Go Bucks!
  19. @ol'crickety, another Buckeye in Yankeeland! Yeah, fishing pressure is much lower up here.
  20. I just bought ($109) a 50 AH "Moseworth" for my 10' jon boat/30 lb thrust Minnkota. It should easily last for the few hours I'll be able to stand being cramped in that little boat.
  21. No you don't need to buy anything special. I did a guide years ago with old braid and super glue that was good enough until I broke the rod. I would have any of my nice rods properly fixed, but for your situation you'll be fine.
  22. Very cool, and thanks for the nice write up.
  23. It really is. For anything within an hour of home it's perfect.
  24. I have a 1990 Lowe 1600V with a 40 horse Johnson. I originally bought it to flip but I fell in love with how it handled waves compared to my Tracker 175. Pros: Tows great Loads easy on trailer Very fishable Old enough that I don't worry about rocks Cons: Rod storage for anything > 6'6" Not big enough for Winni Not good in rough water
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