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Everything posted by PourMyOwn

  1. Thankfully shipping costs have really curtailed my rod buying habit. I honestly have a problem buying reels, though. Thank God they are rarely over 75 dollars, I mostly buy used stuff.
  2. If it's abrasion I would jump up to 12 lb leader and change it more frequently. I also use mono/copoly leaders instead of fluorocarbon.
  3. The floppy issue is most likely due to not mixing the plastic well enough before heating. I know you may have shaken the bottle until you got dizzy, but sometimes that's not enough. I dump my gallons in a bucket and use a paint stirrer on a drill for a solid minute prior to use. That's the only way to get everything properly mixed. Dead on plastic is particularly sensitive to this. Lots of new guys watch a WWF video, grab a gallon of Dead On and get gooey baits.
  4. Tom mentioned overload, which I think is really important. When it was a month before I'd get a new In-Fisherman or BASS magazine I had time to process and work through a new technique- using critical thinking and patience. Now with the onslaught of information I would imagine it's a ton to process for new anglers. A former student stopped by my house last month because he's into fishing now and had some questions-plus I told him I would help him get his new reel set up. He asked me questions about fluorocarbon and leaders, if his reel had enough bearings, etc. He was going bank fishing for sunfish....
  5. I've spent over a week in Spain, Mexico City and I lived in Ecuador for 7 months. Argentina is the only place that I really want to go- beef, wine, fishing all are supposedly excellent. In the US, I want to go for big perch and walleye in Minnesota or the Dakotas. And I want to get my diesel Benz back on the road.
  6. Quantum did start off as a Zebco higher end offering. I had lots of Quantums over the years, really no complaints. My old Energy spinning reel was pretty great in its day.
  7. I'd load up on Wiggle Warts in the 1980s so I could sell them now and retire early!
  8. My dad worked setting up boats in the mid to late 80s. I've heard a lot of anti Bayliner/Force rants!
  9. I can send you a bunch of my stickbaits. Green pumpkin red flake ok?
  10. I also couldn't stand the stuff on spinning gear. I went back to my 3000 yard spool of Silver Thread.
  11. Still in production, but barely- Norman Fat Boy. They are down to just two colors and I think it's a shame. Glad I'm sitting on about 30 of them. Sorry-these aren't balsa. I need more coffee.
  12. I have two and one is brand new. The other is a 3/4 ton truck of a reel that my buddies who barely fish use for frogs.
  13. Those look great!
  14. I took a Citica E on a trade, not being much of a Shimano guy. I was blown away by how it performed, and even more so when I found out what the cost was new.
  15. This bilingual redneck has an affinity for all things Napa Cab! (Especially with some manchego cheese and a SF sourdough)
  16. I'm in the habit of buying molds, shooting 1000 baits and selling the mold for zero loss. Not sure how to do this math...
  17. And they are a great place to put the charcoal chimney when you're lighting coal for the large kettle. To the OP, pretty good so far this year. I've smoked a couple of top rounds into roast beef, my usual chicken things, pulled pork, a chuck roast on 3, and these ribs.
  18. Don't forget park their Subarus on the ramp and leave them there.
  19. The Mrs worked in the veterinary field for 5 years-office manager- and word is that any of the deals like that are for counterfeits. My springers live in the woods, and Soresto collars have really helped. I often find dead ticks on my pup that never reach the skin. They die halfway into her fur. It's crazy. Hell, I'd wear one if I could.
  20. I think I have at least 6 of these TD-X,and three or four TD-S. They are just fantastic reels. I agree with you 100%! The TD -Z is worth trying too, love my Zillions and the 105 for throwing Bandit 200s. I really doubt I will ever get a reel newer than 2010.
  21. I just bought an OG Fuego. It may be time to sell some things.
  22. There's a few things I just can't say no to- TDX and TDZ reels at reasonable prices, and the Fuji Lews rods from the 70s. And Bandit 200s. And mud bugs. Oh, and Collins jig molds. So unlike you guys, I don't have a problem at all.
  23. 4" are good on dropshot too.
  24. It all goes in an old coffee can with a lid. The soft plastics I just save and remelt.
  25. I think it will treat you well. It's a nimble winch of a reel.
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