Living in Greensboro and just 20 minuets from the nearest body of water. Now when the air temps drop below the mid 40* it's tough but Lake Mackintosh and the same for Randleman Lake near Level Cross are my go-to lakes close by. Although Randleman is closed this time of year Macintosh is the go-to lake this time of year with a sprinkling of Belew's Creek up near Stokesdale NC. Now the goal is to catch Bass. Maybe some time or another might run into you guys, Fish Tax and Pat Brown. At any rate a tip to what bait I've had most luck with a watermelon/blk flake Senko rigged wacky style and a natural colored watermelon1/2oz jig with a touch of orange. I've pitched these baits primarily everywhere in every lake, Macintosh, Badin, Belew's Creek, Mayo Res., Jordan Lake, and at times even Hyco just North of Roxboro, NC.