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Everything posted by Crankin4Bass

  1. I never knew this. Thanks for explaining. I have a few spincast reels for when nieces and nephews visit. Anyone have recommendations for mono line brand for spincast reels in the 4 to 10lb range?
  2. The one labeled "new" is the CU200PGK which is a 5.0:1 cranking reel with 21" IPT line retrieve. PG stand for "Power Gear." https://www.academy.com/shop/pdp/shimano-curado-200-k-baitcast-reel#repChildCatid=10277407 The other listing is for the 6.2:1, 7.4:1 and 8.5:1 speed reels https://www.academy.com/shop/pdp/shimano-curado-k-saltwater-baitcast-reel#repChildCatid=4800057 Academy has them as two separate listings while Shimano list them all on the same product page. https://fish.shimano.com/content/fish/northamerica/us/en/homepage/Shimano_Product_Page.P-CURADO_K.html
  3. Nice but is that a Daiwa rod? Not sure that is legal. ? In all seriousness, what rod is that?
  4. 5" Senko, color # 297 Green Pumpkin with black flake
  5. Good recommendations above. Some new ones for me to try. I will add that Costco branded bourbon is surprisingly good.
  6. I can throw on casting but prefer to throw it on spinning. I some times use a swivel and leader too. Throw it into down trees and it give it twitch and it gets bit on the fall. I also prefer the strike king caffeine shad.
  7. 100+! Now we know the real reason why they are sometimes sold out. I only have 9 Shimano's, but they all have a little play or they are doing what Phish Li said. As everyone else has said, everything is normal. Just go fish and have fun!
  8. Owner Single Replacement Hooks https://www.ownerhooks.com/product/single-replacement-hooks-x-strong/ They have this treble to single size conversion table in the pictures.
  9. Spyderco Delica 4
  10. Great video! Thanks Glenn!
  11. I've taken the boating safety course given by the Coast Guard Auxiliary here in Massachusets. It was great and I learned a lot about rules and safety. I totally recommend it. I have never owned a boat, but took the course to prepare myself to buy one someday. I left the course wondering if there were any courses that taught more about boat operation. Something like auto driving school. Any suggestions or did everyone just learn by doing or from a parent or friend?
  12. Getting the kayak off the truck, loaded up, PFD on, all ready to launch and realizing you forgot your paddle.
  13. Sorry to hear about your son. I hope he heals soon. The advice above on PT is great. We have unfortunately had to make a few visits to our local children's hospital orthopedic department for a variety of injuries and found they also have a great pediatric PT department. It was way better than any PT we have used before. They were really focused and specialized. Some even have sports rehab clinics. Maybe something to look into. I have an idea for you so your son can pitch when he heals and you can watch his mechanics. After a certain point my dad couldn't catch for me either, so I built a frame in the yard and hung a heavy net to pitch into. I put two 12 foot tall 4x4 posts in the ground about 10 feet apart. I then attached a 2x4 across the top of the two post. Then I attached screw hooks every 12 inches around the frame and I used those to hang up a heavy net to pitch into. I then threaded a white rope into the net to form a rectangle as my target strike zone. I even built a mound and installed a rubber and a home plate. Hope this is helpful and that your son heals soon. * Edit: After typing all this, I now see you can buy something readymade. https://www.dickssportinggoods.com/p/easton-7-xlp-training-net-16etsustn7xlpntxxtra/16etsustn7xlpntxxtra
  14. That looks nice. Is that a tackle or a tool box you have the rod holder attached to?
  15. Calcutta 200d will last forever. Super smooth and very comfortable with the smaller palming side.
  16. Both. I'm right handed and most of my reels are right handed. This year I tried a left handed reel for topwater and I like it. I found I'm so much better at imparting action, like walking the dog, with my dominant right hand. I guess I could have used spinning reels I already own for topwater but the bait monkey said NO. ? Still prefer cranking with a right handed reel.
  17. @A-Jay Thanks!!! Happy New Year!
  18. @Bass_Fishing_Socal I haven't read this book, but working on your short game is great advice. Back when I played competitive golf, I spent many hours at the practice green and practice bunker working on all kids of shots. After you get some basics down, a fun thing to do is throw balls randomly and hit all kids of shots with just a sand wedge. You will learn to get up and down and save par quickly. Get yourself a shag bag or tube to make collecting balls easier. Back in my day Phil Mickleson was the man when it came to the short game. He is one of the all time greatest at the short game. Check out this video: Another tip is to film your full swing. It will help you fix flaws quickly.
  19. I believe those were made by Daiwa. Don't know what the Daiwa equivalent would be.
  20. @Bass_Fishing_Socal Do you still have the Pescador Pro 10? I have that kayak and I use a 240 cm Werner Camano. It's higher priced than what you are looking for, but maybe take a look at the Werner Skagit. It's $135 but you can get 20% of at REI right now if you are a member with code "GEARUP2020" bringing the cost down to $108. It's the same shape as the Camano and has a carbon/fiberglass shaft.
  21. Another good one is Valentina for tacos. It's not very hot, (only 900 scovile) but it has a nice flavor that complements pork tacos.
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