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Everything posted by Crankin4Bass

  1. I use this KastKing rod rack. The ones I use frequently have reels and go in the front. Always retie. Less used rods go in back without reels. I used to have them stacked up in a corner but a couple rod tips developed a little bend. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07CXZRJDH/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Unused reels go in soft padded case: https://www.basspro.com/shop/en/bass-pro-shops-extreme-reel-tote
  2. Hi Kevin. Wellcome to BR! 1) I have a GLX 783c MBR I bought in 2018. It's a great all-around rod. Very light and definitely not tip heavy. I don't have a Metanium MGL, but I have used it with a Curado 70 which is only 0.3 oz heavier and it balances well. I totally understand about not being able to see it in person. It's hard to find more expensive rods in stores these days. My local Cabela's had the EX version of the 783c MBR in stock so I went to check it out to get an idea. I liked the way that felt so I took a chance and ordered the GLX from the Cabela's website. The handle is the similar but the blank, guides, and finish are much better. 2) Sorry I don't have a NRX to compare with. I say go for it!
  3. The Shimano Bantam MGL is available in 5.5:1 in Japan. Japan Tackle has them in lefty. I haven't used it so I can't give you feedback on this specific reel, but it's another option for you. https://japantackle.com/casting-reels/shimano/low-profile-casting-reels/reg0000234.html I use a Shimano Calcutta 200d. Upgraded from a Gen3 Winch after reading @A-Jay's review. It's a little bit heavier, but it's an awesome reel. The side plate is smaller on the palming side so you barely notice it's round. It's the smoothest reel I own. I liked it so much I bought another 200d and a 300d.
  4. I've had a Perception Pescador Pro for about 3 years now and I've been pretty happy with it. It's my first kayak and just getting off the bank is great. When I bought it, having a frame seat and lightest weight were the most important things to me so I went with the 10.0 which is actually 10'6". If I had to do it again, I would have gone with the 12 footer. The seat is really comfortable and the kayak is pretty light (57 lbs). It's definitely not stable enough to stand up and the rod holders are terrible. I use a crate with a 3 rod holder zip tied to it. I use this for small ponds around me and it's perfect for that. I got it at REI when they had it 15% off. I think they do this sale twice a year in May and June. I would also suggest you take advantage of demo days to try out several kayaks to see what you like. Another one I would look at is the Old Town Topwater.
  5. The casts Angler Saito makes into tiny pockets are impressive! I love watching his videos.
  6. That's definitely a moderate action rod. He has his own line of Duckett Rods. Here's his cranking model which is a medium heavy power/moderate action: https://www.duckettfishing.com/products/rods/jacob-wheeler-series/casting-crankin-spinning/m.products/563/view/524 Here's the whole line up at TW: https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Duckett_Jacob_Wheeler_Series_Casting_Rods/descpage-DIJW.html TW says that one is composite. So it's a blend of glass and graphite.
  7. Wish they still made something like this. Saw on reddit today.
  8. Anyone use this reel? Is there really a benefit to the arbor spool? http://www.pfluegerfishing.com/pflueger-reels-spinning-reels/pflueger-arbor-spinning-reel/1280268.html#srule=price-low-to-high&sz=15&start=6
  9. I have three Presidents and one President XT and both models are great. I prefer the XT but it doesn't balance well on some heavier rods. The bait monkey says the solution to that is to just buy some new lighter rods. ?
  10. My order of Rapala Subwalk came in. Now I can’t wait for the ice to melt.
  11. Which bearing did you replace on the the Curado 70 to take care of the grinding?
  12. All 4 of you Curado 70’s are grinding? Anyone else’s have this issue? I wonder what’s causing that?
  13. Fast forward ahead to 13:25 to see how Greg Blanchard attaches his bump board. I don't know if this will work for you but it's another idea. Maybe you can attache some bungies to your crate from the rear tankwell bungie attachment points or use the existing cord.
  14. I totally agree about the hemostats. I have some nice Dr. Slick’s ones and sometimes I just can’t seem get enough leverage to remove a hook.
  15. I use Texas Tackle split ring pliers. They are awesome for changing out hooks.
  16. What are your favorite pliers? I'm looking for some with a sheath and lanyard.
  17. I started a thread about this a couple weeks ago and a couple people said the replacement is the SLX MGL.
  18. It’s awesome you are getting out and catching. We are starting to get some ponds opening up here in the Merrimack Valley. What are you wearing when you kayak with those water temps? You have a a sit on top?
  19. I found they also have some smaller 7/16 oz saltwater ones with inline single hooks. The bait monkey made me place another order. ?
  20. I did too.
  21. Thanks! Sorry I should have used the search function. Just ordered 3 of them to try. Thanks for helping to feed the bait monkey. I can't wait till ice out...
  22. Nice! Are those the XRSB09's (5/8oz) or the XRSB15's (2oz)? What are you throwing those on?
  23. You might also want to bring your rod into a shop to test the reel with it to see if everything feels comfortable and balances to your liking.
  24. Another vote for the NRS Chinook. I've had one for 2 seasons and have been very happy. I've also thought about wearing the NRS Chinook for bank fishing. Some guys do wear them when wading in a river. My wife bought me a fly vest from LL Bean for bank fishing but I never use that either. I already had a Sims sling pack.
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