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Everything posted by jlperkins

  1. Just ordered a new spinning reel, had the option to get it shipped free, with economy shipping, or pay $12.95, for 3 to 5 day shipping. Not wanting to pay $12.95 for what could of shipped for $ 5 so i selected the free shipping, ( Economy Shipping) It then told me i could expect my order Feb 2 thru the 8th, that would be 13 to 19 days to receive my reel, This is day 2 and my reel has not started the process yet, Does Economy just mean, since I didnt pay for shipping it can set in the warehouse and give everyone else priority that paid for there shipping, Just wandering if any of you can explain the process, I just needed to vent also, Got a blizzard suppose to hit Ky. tomorrow so guess I wont need it for awhile anyway, Thanks Jeff
  2. As already said go with circle hook, i had a pond with a lot of cats that i fed, i rarely fished but would let kids fish, had a lot gut hooked till i found the circle hooks, problem solved i had everyone to use circle hooks, I only had one of the gut hooked fish die that i seen floating, i would just cut the line close as i could, And as stated also keep a tight line sometimes a cat will just pick it up n set there eating the bait, would be hard to detect with slack line.
  3. Was just sitting thinking about the good times me and my grand pa had, one in particular was the spring night crawler hunts, after or during a rain at night, we would get our flashlights a bucket and head to his favorite hunting spots, These spots were highly coveted and secretive as you couldnt just go anywhere to find them, And there was a lot of other people also hunting them, The general way to hunt was to walk softly through the yard or field using the flashlight to search for them, as any quick movement or shaking of the ground would send them Very quickly diving back in there hole, You would then bend over and grab the night crawler before it made it back in its hole, I can remember catching over 100 in a few hours, he then had a cellar with 2 large stone crocks he would keep them in, He would keep the tops of the crocks of covered with moss he collected out of the woods, and feed them coffee grounds and other table scraps, We would have night crawlers all summer long to fish with, Just wandering if any one else and what states have hunted Night Crawlers
  4. Thanks for the info
  5. Hello just ordered some flies, gonna try some float n fly for smallies, I have watched all the videos i can find, and read the articles, it seems to be fairly popular in my area said it started on Dale Hollow Lake, But im not seeing a lot about specifics, Like line length from float, do you work it after the cast, and how would you work it, and any little things you all might know. I will be fishing a clear deep lake, 25 to 50 feet points, Thanks Jeff
  6. Thanks a lot for all the info
  7. what does it mean on a rod when it says fast or extra fast what are they talking about, and on a reel what does the ratio like 5.1.1. mean is that the distance of a turn of the handle, and how do you interpret that Thanks Jeff
  8. hey sprint 61 sent you a message
  9. Thats what i was thinking i would be just following behind him learning.
  10. we didnt do too good in the tourney, we had 2 keeper fish, out of 129 boats 25 boats weighed in 5 fish limit, winner had 15.05 lb. It was overcast all day was expecting some nice fishing but it was tough, Thanks Yall
  11. Was fishing yesterday morning and caught my best bass and it was a small mouth at 20 inches, Didnt have a scale but thats ok it was a beast to me, Iam pretty new to bass fishing used to go occasionally with a friend,but me and my son got a boat in august, and my son has taught me a lot as he has been a avid bass fisherman, I have learned a lot here also, So now im hooked, Caught it on a shakey head, Me and my son is fishing a tournament in the morning so hope we can find a few big gals, It will also be my first tournament, other than a small group of guys, expecting 90 plus boats, Great spending time with my son just hope he stays patient with his old dad lol,
  12. Hello neighbor
  13. ok thanks
  14. my son tried to register on the site and it said the community could not accept his email, any help appreciated
  15. dont see nothing like broken seals or new parts, usually the cranking battery shows a full charge in just a few min. 20 - 30 min. so i think it is charging ok, Thanks
  16. Was excited to go pick up my boat this morning, i had a Helix 7 installed, when i got there he had a small problem with the wiring he noticed my fuel pump was running all the time he said it should prime up n shut off, but thats not the big problem, he noticed one of the coils on my stator was black, and asked if i noticed any missing or engine problems, I havent seems like everthing runs great, So i guess im looking for a 2nd opinion, Should i replace the stator now or will it last for awhile, will it leave me stranded at some point if it goes out, could it be missing a little and i cant hear or feel it, I am a fairly new boat owner so i have no idea, He said it would leave me stranded one day, One more question would a used stator just be more problems on down the road i found one on ebay. Thanks everyone for your willingness to help other people on here Glad i found this site.
  17. yes it is drawed down in the winter, summer pool is 723ft. winter pool is around 680 to 690, it was held at appx 680 ft. for the 7 year period which allowed all the vegetation to grow,
  18. I live close by and fish Lake cumberland, it is a flood control, and electric generating dam, for the past 7 years there had been a problem with the dam and the water had been drawed way down while they was fixing the problem. There is now small trees that growed while the water was down some of these 15 to 20 feet, tall, that is now submerged plus numerous trees still sticking up out of the water, So the question is how do you think the lake will benefit over the next few years, thanks for your thoughts, Jeff
  19. Kentucky started this a few years ago, before a jon boat or canoe with a trolling motor was legal, No need to register it. there was lots of boats and canoes with no title or regisration when the new laws went into effect, If you have owned the boat for 6 to 8 years they will issue a title, if you sign a statement stating you have been the owner, so this helped a lot of people and they get there tax money. It took a few years and lots of complaints before they allowed this,
  20. Hopefully keep fishing right through on any nice days, The small mouth fishing is still good here on lake cumberland, There is a local tournament here on thanksgiving day that draws quite a few boats.
  21. I like the evening last hour before dark, and sometines for another hour or so
  22. Seen a reel giveaway on homepage yesterday, guessed the weight of the fish, was looking for it today and cant find it, i have tried search and looked at multiple categories, could someone direct me too the thread, Also my memory is not as sharp as it used to be, I might of dreamed it.
  23. Thanks so much for the detailed answer, going to look at it now Jeff
  24. I'am having a problem with my livewell I will try to break it down by sections, It is a 1997 sport 80, under the throttle is 2 levers for the livewells, flip it one way for empty the other way to fill, 1st problem livewells fill with water when switch is on empty, 2nd problem one livewell will not drain when switched to empty, I have never had a boat with a livewell, I dont understand what the switch moves when flipped to empty or fill, I assume it controls a plug or valve somewhere on the livewell, but iam having problems locating it. Here is what i have done i have used a plunger to try to unstop it, i have tried to run a close hanger both ways but dont seem to get very far either way, Thanks for any advice you all have
  25. Great site been reading for days now, finally figured how to get profile loaded, computer skills not my strong suit, looking forward to reading the many articles i havent got too yet and the new ones everyone is posting, I am in Jamestown Ky, 5 minutes from Lake cumberland, and great smallmouth fishing, 30 minutes from Green River Lake, a smaller lake but has some great bass fishing, And 30 minutes from Dale Hollow lake, yes I feel blessed, Good luck to everyone Jeff
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