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  1. Wprich's post in Old Town Sportsman 120 Autopilot. The Perfect One Man Bass Boat? was marked as the answer   
    I have the same kayak just got it back in July and already it has changed my fishing.  It's my first vessel of any kind I had only been a bank angler until now so I've been able to take it to place on lakes I could not in the past and even fish some lakes that have 0 bank access.  
    Accessories is a deep hole!!!  I was buying them way in advance and it costed me to waste some money buying things that didn't work for the Kayak so I would only get necessities in advance.  PFD, Paddle, correct cart, and maybe even the battery ahead of time and stop there.  It's a great kayak and I am sure you will enjoy it and I can't wait to see how you rig yours out.
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