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Everything posted by fishnkamp

  1. What state do you live in?
  2. Go find a local rod repair guy and have it redone. If the guide is fine but just out of alignment you are probably talking $5 or $10 to fix it. I would have it fixed. If the guide is bent or defective I would definitely fixed. I think the last time I had a guide replaced it was $10 or $15 total. An off centered guide won't ruin anything, but it would bother me too much to leave it. That is a good rod I would get er done!
  3. Well I guess Gary's info was not good enough to pull the trigger. The problem might be you want a rod that cost $300 + but you want it for $110. The Fury is one of only a few models like that. He spent over 2 years working on that series till he got the high quality blanks just right. The only other rod I can think of that might fit your parameters would be a Powell INFERNO 765 SBR CF MH FAST CAST MULTIPURPOSE ROD. http://www.powellco.com/inferno-series-rods/Inferno-Casting-rods/Inferno-765-SBR-CF-MH-Fast-Cast-Multipurpose-Rod. I would not buy it without speaking with Keith, the owner of Powell Rods, first and get his input. I have spoken to him in the past and he was fantastic to work with.
  4. Look around for a deal on a Falcon Bucoo Micro Trap Caster. Look here they are $99 These normally run over $130. https://www.amazon.com/Falcon-Rods-Casting-7-Feet-Medium/dp/B0032Q02I4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1487425880&sr=8-1&keywords=falcon%2Bbucoo&th=1&psc=1 Thisis amazing since Walmart used to sell these rod and clearance them out for less than $40. That is what mine cost. These are great rods for small to mid sized cranks, traps, squarebills even slow rolling a spinnerbait or throwing a Pop R. They are worth the price Dobyns Fury FR 705CB is $109 but another terrific stick, This rod looks and acts more like a $150 to $200 rod. Powell Inferno 704CB $99 If these are just too high priced, look for an Abu Garcia Veritas 2 winch series 7 ft medium moderate for $79. see TW. For the bottom of the price range look at a Berkley Lightning rod Shock series. There is a 6'6 medium moderate that I use as part of my striper arsenal. During the fall the stripers leave the main body of the Chesapeake Bay and enter the tidal rivers chasing bait. At that time I need 4 rattle trap rods, so I add these two rods to my regular two crankbait rods. I normally fish 1 Irod and 1 Falcon Bucoo micro trap caster. I throw 1/2 & 3/4 traps, some Redeye Shad, some Bill Lewis Rattle Traps and some XCalibur/Boohya traps in regular and one knocker style. I use the Berkleys because I can not justify having $800 in just crankbait rods on deck! LOL. These rods do the job, but certainly are not Irods or Falcons. They have never cost me a fish yet.
  5. If that is what he suggested I believe it will work great. I also believe the 765 flip would work also. Anyway a new Champion DC 735C goes for $259.99 and is available in both a full cork handle and in a split cork handle. If you are interested in getting one of those rods, but would like to spend less money, I recommend you go on their website. Click on "store" on the top menu ( little red letters). Choose refurbed Dobyns rods. then choose refurbed champion rods. There is a #21 a refurbed 735C and it says it is a trade in great condition rod. That means it was traded in and fully inspected by the staff and determined to have no defects other than wear from use and it was determined to be in great wear condition. Sometimes the note for one of these rods might say refurbed and 1 guide repaired or some wear on cork. This 735C is going for $180 so quite a savings for a bit of use. They also have a split grip version #34 on the last page. That rod says trade in no repairs great condition and sells for $190.Again quite a discount for a lightly used rod. These rods carry a warranty so no worry either. Also there is a refurbed 766 FLIP for $180, says minor cork repair was done and it has a few scratches on the blank.. No big deal but these give somme great rods at a reduced price. Problem for me is I have the rod monkey on my shoulder, he is the cousin to the bait monkey and he is just as big of a trouble maker too!!!
  6. I have a friend that fishes Ardent reels and likes them. Put some line on it and give it a cast. Check out some of Glenn's casting a baitcaster videos on youtube or here
  7. Here is a case of a specialty rod design. The Medium rod was designed by the godfather of shakeyhead fishing so it is a brainchild of his. I have never touched the rod but unless a xhakeyhead rod is what you are looking for just look elsewhere in their lineup. If you are looking for a good medium rod for finesse baits look at the St Croix Avid X 6'8 medium rod with an extra fast tip. I have had that one in my hand. i disagree with its extra fast label, more like mod fast but a terrific rod to throw Sencos, shakey heads, light texas rigs ans even tubes or grubs. It rates for 3/16 to 5/8 baits. Othewrwise look at a Powell, Dobyns or Irod.
  8. The short answer is yes the P Line CXX is a copoly that floats. I have a friend that is one of the best anglers I have ever spent time in a boat with. He runs his own site, He is on the water about 3 days a week or more. Here is his list he actually uses for his fishing. I have watched him go testing lines for the last 5 years. He and his pro staff have been honing in on this for some time. Go here and read his list. I also recommend you spend some time reading some of the other forum posts and just quickly scan down through some of the "fishing reports'" from the main page. He is one of the best teachers of this hobby I have ever met. He also catches incredible amounts of big fish. His site is baybass,com and the link to the list is here http://www.baybass.com/forum/index.php?topic=1083.0 Good luck this season and let me know what you think of his site.
  9. For all you mentioned P Line Cxx in 10 pound test would work. I recommend you do several things. First add a line conditioner like KVDs from Bass Pro, or go get a bottle of Reelsnot. Periodically, just before you go fishing stand the rod up and walk out the line/ go back to the rod end and using a rag and steady pressure walk the line out pulling the line straight. It helps with line management. I do this maybe 3 or 4 times a year with all of my reels that are not filled with braid. You can add some line conditioner too help clean the line after you get the memory out. By the way 10 pound test P Line CXX in moss green breaks at about 23 pounds.
  10. If you fish normal spring summer fall in warmer months I will usually use 12 pound test P Line Floroclear line ( a copoly line with a fluoro coating( on a 6'4 Ike series casting rod. In cold water, when fish are sluggish, I use more of a finesse jerkbait technique. This calls for my 6'8" medium spinning rod. I use P Line Halo in 8 pound test. Here you get it down then jerk or twitch the bait, then it sits for a long pause before twitching it again.
  11. Garys whole team has been doing amazing things during all of this uncertainty. One top notch bunch of people. I have been keeping them in our prayers, if the dam goes there will be little left. Just remember this excess of water filled dry lakes and reservoirs after a VERY long & severe drought. Many of the California reservoirs and lakes were holding less than 40 % of capacity. Now this threat of flooding from excess rain and snow melt kinda blows your mind. To think it could fill that fast! I know that rod is going to become a favorite fast. Thaty means you ordered a refurb and ended up with a new rod. Kinda sweet.
  12. Here is my 2cents. I fish a total of 7 Diawa reels, 1 Exceler, 4 Tatula Type Rs and a pair of CTs. I fish 6.3-1 for small to medium crankbaits, square bills,traps, spinnerbaits,jerkbaits, poppers and smaller topwaters, chatterbaits and small to mid sized jigs and worms. I prefer 7-1 or 7.3 to 1 reels for deep water jigs, carolina rigs, and 8-1 on big topwaters like Zara Spooks and frogs. The high speed is there to aid in retrieving line fast so I can recast to a fish that misses it. The rod should be used to fight a fish and the reel is used more to recover the line. If I could only have 1 reel it would be a 6.3-1. I think that is the most useful gear ratio. If you would send me an email to fishnkamp@comcast.net I will show you where to get a brand new Tatula CT for $100 including shipping. My friends and I have ordered over a dozen reels from this dealer so far this year. I just can not share it here or it gets **** ed out.
  13. Do the materials or what combination of parts and pieces they put together really matter? Diawa keeps improving technology in their high end reels and then shares it with the less expensive models as well. Kudos for bringing the customer a great reel at an affordable price. So far, I love casting all 7 Diawa reels I own, from the Exceler to my Type Rs and my CTs. If by some magic combination they have shed some weight, and created a reel that will skip better and handle lighter baits then it will be a success. To be fair, not all of their offerings have been huge successes, happily more are than not. We probably need to wait till some "reel gurus" actually get these reels in their hands before we criticize or praise them. i look forward to some real time reviews, but since we are only in the PRE-ORDER stage I believe it is too early!!
  14. Dobyns Sierra, Irod Genesis, Powell Max 3D, Falcon rods, there are tons of good possibilities. If you be more specific in terms of what you want to fish. Are you looking for a jig and texas rig rod, a rod to throw BIG heavy jigs on deep river ledges or are you looking specifically to throw a deep carolina rig? The ideal rod can be a bit different for all of these. They all require a highly sensitive rod, but handle different average weights of lures. If you do not mind a used rod Dobyns rods offers a trade in program and also does a warranty program. Sometimes the warranty replaces a rod that needs only minor repairs such as an eyelet popped out so they send the customer a new rod. They inspect that rod and if it meets all of their inspection they repair it. Sometimes it had no defect at all. such as in the trade in program. They offer those rods at a discount price and they come with the full factory warranty, as if you purchased them new. Go to Dobyns rods homepage. Look in the little menu on top and click on "store" There you will find a category "mislabeled rods" and refurbished rods. Choose the refurbished Champion rods. Right now they have two Champion 735C rods, one with a full cork handle and one with split cork. Both rods list as "trade in & great condition. They are selling for $180 and $190. Both of those rods new cost $259. These would be fantastic for carolina rigging and big jigs as well as flippin, frogs, pitchin, and small swimbaits. They also have a refurbed 733 and 734 available at a discounted price. These rods are known for their sensitivity and great balance.
  15. I use 6.3 to 1 Tatula CTs and Tatula Type Rs for rattle traps, small to mid sized cranks, jigs, texas rigs, paddle tail swimbaits, jerkbaits, and spinnerbaits, unless I want to burn them. I use 7.3-1 for buzzbaits, chatterbaits, mid sized top waters. I use 8-1 reels for frogs and big topwaters like Spooks. I use left handed reels for anything I move with the rod and right handed reels for anything I chuck and wind.
  16. If you decide the Powell is not your best choice, check out the Dobyns Fury line. Personally I like some of each.
  17. I like a line like PLine Floroclear which is a copoly with a fluoro coating, but I have one reel with P Line Halo in 10 pound test and it works nice . As with any fluorocarbon stretch it out sometimes and use conditioner. Something like Reelsnot works good.
  18. Go look on The Tackle Trap they are taking pre-orders for the Tatula SV TW. Price is $199.95
  19. My setup for drop shotting as well as all of my spinning gear is Berkely Original FireLine in 14 pound test and a leader made up of either P Line CXX in 8 or 10 pound test or P Line Halo fluorocarbon in 8 pound test. Just my preference. Another terrible drop shot bait you should steer clear of is the Power Team lures JP Hammer Shad. Of course no way to guess who helped design them Jp Derose of course. They are terrible so you would not want to try them either.
  20. Look at the Daiwa Procyon spinning reel for around $159. I would look at a 2500 or 3000.
  21. The Tatula and the Tatula CTs are not going anywhere. The Tatula sv is a hot rodded version and will indeed be at a higher price point. It look like the new Fuego CT will be sold at the $99 price, it is a 6 ball bearing non T wing reel. Above that they offer the Tatula CT and the Fuego 100 for around $129. The Fuego 100 is built on the Tatula 100's frame size and has 12 ball bearings but no T wing. Above that will be the Tatula CT type R and both of the Tatula 100 series reels (ie Tatula and Tatula type R). I expect the Tatula SV model will either cost about the same as a Tatula Type R or just above it. Do not wait for the SV model. it is a specialty version just like the other Diawa reels with the SV spool. I just found a place taking pre-orders and I was correct it will be selling for $199.95. There is a way to get a brand new Diawa Tatula CT for $100 including shipping to your home. If you are interested I can tell you how offline. A bunch of members here have done it. Both my 2 CTs were purchased that way.
  22. The big reel manufacturers spend tons of time to build a braking system that works really well. I use them instead of wasting say $30 dollars worth of high quality braid or fluoro. As for your Curado it has its fans. I sold off all of my Curado B & E series and Chronarchs 200 E7s. I like the Diawa system better. My casting style and these reels match up great. I get my longest casting distance without issues from my Tatula Type Rs and Tatula CTs.
  23. There is no need to think,. The Tatula CT is the clear choice for the $100 reel budget. Hands down the winner.
  24. First lets look at the different types of braking. Most reels have either centrifugal or magnetic and some reels use a combo of each. A Shimano uses primarily the centrifugal brakes. Diawa used primarily magnetics. You seem to be asking about the Shimano style brakes ie two on two off. I used a lot of those reels in the past. I really dislike opening up a reel on the deck of a boat in rough water. Many believe the magnetic only reels won't cast as far. Not true! Diawa has combined an externally adjustable magnetic system that also incorporates an automatic centrifugal component, the moving drum on the spool. So now when you first start a cast the drum is further away, out of the influence of the magnets, but as the spool speeds up it moves into the magnets thus controlling the possibility of an over run, as the cast drops off the speed of the spool slows down and the drum automatically moves back and minimizes the influence of the magnets allowing for the longest cast possible. I get good long casts and have little trouble with backlashes. It works well for me.
  25. Like others have said I own a Powell Max, one of the originals. I was looking for an all purpose rod and read a Tackletour review on their 683 CEF casting rod. They said it was rated to throw 1/4 to 3/4 ounce baits. They tested it below the 1/4 and it did not perform real well which was to be expected. What they did not expect is how good it felt throwing baits much heavier than the 3/4. They even threw a 2.5 ounce swimbait and they said it was not over matched at all. The rod is my most versatile rod in my entire arsenal consisting of 16 baitcasters. I have only handled the Infernos but I am impressed by the craftsmanship of the entire line up. The rods are light and well balanced. One thing I found interesting is when Powell changed the Max to Max 3D and brought out the Infernos, they dropped the 683 CEF. I was disappointed, but was not in need of another anyway. I called out to the factory for another member on here. He was located in Toronto. I had a neat conversation with the owner of Powell. After getting answers for my friend I asked about the 683. He laughed, apologized and admitted that it was his mistake to drop that model. Then he said his tail end knew it because that was the rod most of his dealers chewed his butt off for dropping! Next he asked how many I would like since they were sitting on the rack ready for shipping. It is nice to see a a business listen that much to its dealers and customers.
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