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Everything posted by fishnkamp

  1. I agree but since it came from them you may be stuck. Are they offering to pay for shipping? After all this is a brand new reel and you did nothing to it. This is a manufacturing defect. Is this where it came from? http://abugarcia.factoryoutletstore.com/?cid=219044&chid=2
  2. Boy that is a great price and I like that line.
  3. I caught it 5 years before the MLF guys got there and yes the spotted bass was huge. If you notice the water lines on this undercut rock and the stair stepped rock bluff the is a story behind it. We booked our trip in January when Craig Powers of CP Custom Baits came out to MD. for our state's biggest bass and boat show. He fishes the FLW series and had won a million dollars in FLW events. We booked him for two days of guiding during a week long vacation. I had been wanting to catch a spotted bass and was thinking of going to Watts Bar Lake near Knoxville. He told me instead to go to Center Hill Lake and that is where we fished that April. The Kentucky Spotted bass is a largemouth and smallmouth bass hybrid and no they do not have them as far as I know in Florida. Anyway that year had been really wet and as I am driving for 14 hours all I am seeing is muddy rivers. I was afraid we waisted our vacation. In a two week period Center Hill had risen 5 feet in height. Those undercut areas and the wall had that much water on them.The fish were tucked up inside those cuts and ambushing our baits. The wall was great because the spots like vertical structure ( like bluff walls, bridge abutments etc.) and just move up and down to stay in touch with the bait and their comfort zone. That fish hit a shakeyhead worm about 20 foot down on the stairs, She torpedoed down almost to the 60 foot bottom then tore back up to the surface as I frantically reeled in to keep up. It tail walked a few times before I landed it. Sooo Cool. The really funny thing about that lake is the lake is fed by 4 rivers (two of which go over waterfalls before entering the lake) but the main river enters through an hydroelectric power dam on the southwest end of the lake then all of the other rivers flow into the main body before it flows out the north- northwest end of the lake. So if you want to go "UP" the lake you have to go south and vice versa! The lake flows out that north end through another power dam again. All part of the TVA projects for flood control and electric power generations. Where are you going in Alabama?
  4. ZeroSync where did you buy the reel? I would contact them and return the reel for full refund or store credit. That is a very expensive reel and if ABU were interested in treating you well it would be different. Right now Tackle Warehouse has the original Shimano Stradic CI4+ reels on sale for $190 to $210. These are the old version. The newer version will have a better bearing set and weigh a fraction less but it is not in stock yet.
  5. If you click on my members picture that fish I am holding is a Kentucky spot I caught in Center Hill Lake which is located about 40 minutes east of Nashville TN. I did not know it but it was a state record that weighed 7 pounds. My guide was an FLW angler named Craig Powers. We both thought the record was over 8 pounds. It was my personal best and I released her. 5 years later I learned the record Craig and I were familiar with was an Alabama record not TN. Tennessee's record is only a little over 6 pounds. UGH!!! If you watched Major League Fishing when they competed near Cookeville TN, you saw a couple of anglers fish a steep bluff across from the ramp, that was her home. It is a 60 foot deep stair step bluff. Here is a pic of it. Also you saw the bridge some of the anglers fished. We spent some time there also catching bass like this one.
  6. Well I look at it this way I can buy a 1500 yard spool of Bass Pro Shops Excel mono in 14 pound test for $11.00. I used to use that line to fish with before I began using Berkley Original FireLine as my go to line on all of my spinning reels.. Now I use that spool for backing on all of my reels, never mind if it is a spinning or baitcasting reel. It also makes good leader material when fishing braid. I am convinced that I make my own luck by proper preparation. So I use good quality line across the board. I agree most times, while bass fishing, you will not have a fish pull that much line out. However I fish in lots of different waters. I live and fish on the Chesapeake Bay so when I fish for bass I can encounter stripers, bass, perch, pickerel, big cats and even snakeheads. All spring and summer the big stripers live in the main bay and the equipment to catch them includes big boats, planer boards trolling parachute rigs etc. During the fall they come into the creeks that have warmer shallower water and I chase them with my bass boat.. Here rattle traps mimic the food they are following. Along with them are some huge cats. So far my biggest blue cat was 18 pounds and yes he nearly spooled me as he hit the bait and ran under our boat. My partner had to run up and pull the trolling motor up for me. During a bass fishing trip, on Dale Hollow Lake in Kentucky, this spring we were fishing Z Man Ned rigs on G Loomis 6 foot ML rods with 6 pound leaders. My wife hooked a cat in 18 feet of water, it again almost spooled her and I got to laugh as that fish ran her from the front to the back of the boat several times. We had to work the fish very carefully as I knew what bit her lure. Since we had such a light leader and a really light action rod it was no easy fight. The fish emptied over half of her spool more than once. So I did not want her to break a $300 plus rod or lose the fish. She fought it perfectly. We even saved the TRD Ned rig. That fish weighed 6 8 pounds. Also when I change my line on a reel I almost never respool the backing so I want something good on there. Some of my reels have 10 year old backing on them Here is the pic of the cat and one of the bass we were chasing out there, most of the bass we caught were over 5 pounds
  7. If you were able to use the other spool you would have given up too much of your inches of line retrieved per turn. Just get another correct spare spool for your reel. If you are concerned that the reel would hold too much really small diameter line then just fill the spare spool 1/2 full with 14 pound inexpensive but quality mono for backing. You can purchase a 1500 yard spool of Bass Pro Shops Excel mono for just $11.00. I used to fish with it. I now fill all of my reels with 1/2 a spool of Excel, and use a uni to uni knot. Tie a good quality arbor knot on first and make sure it can not slip on the spool. Spool it on tight and make sure it lays really nice and smooth. This allows the drag to work properly. Next use a uni to uni knot and tie on your more expensive ultralight fluorocarbon. I use the same technique to make expensive braid fill more than 1 reel, cutting the cost per reel fill up in half. Doing it this way is both economical and effective. Only once have I had a fish pull the line out far enough for that double uni knot went out through the guides. I was striper fishing with rattle traps and a 18 pound blue cat almost spooled me before I could get the trolling motor up and the rod worked around the front of boat. I use the same double uni knot on rods I want to fish a leader on.
  8. No difference in sensitivity if you are using lures that fall within the rating on the rod. So if a medium heavy action rod says it is designed for 1/4 to 3/4 ounce lures that is what the blank should work well with. The rod should provide its best "feel" or sensitivity with lures that fall into that range. When a rod is rated as Heavy and says lures weights of 1/4 to 1 ounce then I expect it to work better with the lures that fall into its mid range or upper end. So 3/8 to 1 ounce lures will probably perform best here. How sensitive the rod is really depends on the graphite and method the blank is made with, so I do not expect a rod that retails for say $50 will ever be as sensitive as a top line rod like a G Loomis NRX rod costing $500 plus or even an IMX costing around $300. Any rod should should perform its best both in casting distance and sensitivity when the correct weight lure is used.
  9. Well I bet he is not sitting on the only tree in the area, so maybe he would be able to leverage against one of the others in order to get off the one he is stuck on. If he did get stuck on the only one, than he would have to be related to Charlie Brown!
  10. I have been using cxx for the last 6 years as a main line and leaders. I use 10 pound cxx moss green as a leader all of the time. A properly tied palomar knot, wet down before clinching, should almost never fail. That has been my go to terminal end knot along with the Trilene knot. I use backing on every reel I own. So every reel has a uni to uni between the backing and main line. I use a leader on over half of my rods so there is another uni to uni between the main line and the leader. I have no problem with those knots.
  11. Make it even cheaper to use. Spool 1/2 of the reel up with quality mono or copolymer first. Spool it real tightly and make sure your arbor knot is tight. Then tie on your new fluorocarbon ( and this goes for braid as well) using a uni to uni knot and spool the rest of the line on. Now you have plenty of flouro on but have used only half a spool so it will fill another reel. All of my reels are done this way and when it becomes time for new line it only needs a partial spool to replace it. Saves money.
  12. I like the Sellus rods. I would get the 6'8 M extra fast rod. That rod should work well for drop shots, but also for throwing weightless worms, light texas rigs, and Sencos. Also it would work well for throwing Ned rigs. If you have not fished a Ned Rig you need to. Look at Z Man TRD (The Real Deal) mushroom head jigs and Ned Rig worm bodies. It resembles a 3 inch senco. Their bodies use elastec plastic and last forever. I caught 15 bass over 5 pounds using one body. They were all caught during a week of vacation on Dale Hollow Lake this past April. My wife and I fish 7 Pflueger Presidents and love those reels. Right now they have a mail in rebate at Dicks Sporting Goods. A model 6930 will work great, if you want to go lighter than a 6925 will be your your choice. We own 25s,30s a 35 and a 40 so I have them all. I prefer the 30 and 35 sizes for all around use. My line choice for almost everything is Berkley fire line in 14 pound test with a 10 pound leader made of P Line CXX moss green. I first fill the reels spool half way with inexpensive mono for backing. The other spinning reel she fishes is a Shimano Symetre 3000. What a great lightweight powerhouse of a reel. We paid $100 for that reel because no one had it on sale. Cabelas has the SY 2500 on sale for $69.00 right now Looking at the specs on both the Pflueger 6930 and a 2500 Shimano I would pick the President, more bearings and less weight by almost an ounce. That reel cost $59.00 and Dicks is offering a $10 mail in rebate. That makes it a 10 bearing reel for $50.00. The Trion as mentioned above sells for $39.00 and has 5 ball bearings. Your budget will have to make your decision, but I have gone with the Presidents and never been sorry. My reels are from 1 to 10 years old and we use them for bass, stripers, and big cats. To date her biggest cat came on a 3500 President on a 6 foot M rod in 30 feet of water. It weighed just over 6 pounds. My biggest was a 18 pound blue cat, but it hit a lure on a baitcasting outfit. Good Luck and let us know what you get and how you like it.
  13. I would suggest you try either 10 pound cxx moss green or 8 pound Halo You will want to use some line conditioner on the cxx but both of those lines are built like steel. I would keep the 17 pound line for flipping or jigs
  14. The Fury is their entry level rod and it looks to me like the company has improved the quality of cork and installed a better quality set of components. That is what you should want any good company to do. I have had some of the newer rods in my hand and they look and feel great.
  15. Have you thought about a small jon boat instead.Sometimes you can get some decent 14 foot jons and a trailer cheap. That with a trolling motor and battery might work out for you. My first boat was a 12 foot jon set up that way without a trailer and 3 people fished out of it an a reservoir. Of course we were all high school kids at the time.
  16. tackle Warehouse has some special sales like the 4th of July or Christmas sales and other times where almost everything is 10 percent or more off. Susquehanna Fishing Tackle is another one that has some spring sales like that and yes those rods are included. Keep an eye on Gander Mountain outdoors they have some amazing sales periodically. Earlier this year hey had some terrific Diawa sales.
  17. First an EFI motor means it is not direct injected but rather throttle body and it works great. As for putting the money into electronics, he probably did not intend to sell this boat when he upgraded the electronics. Or one unit may have gone bad. I had a Hummingbird unit fail to communicate with its internal gps antenna, had to send it back and pay $250 just to get something that worked. After that i sold the brand new unit the sent me and put on a bigger unit from another manufacturer. I did not trust the HB again. Most likely he wanted better gps mapping. His "new" boat may have had better electronics on it so he did not wish to move his new units over.
  18. You really want a 10 to 15 amp per bank charger. i have been using the Cabelas group 30 series AGM batteries with one of these from Bass Pro. It distributes 10 amps per bank so it is a two bank charger supplying 10 amps to each and keeps my batteries alive and well. I purchased the batteries, charger and boat back in 2010
  19. One nice thing that pole is real sturdy and does not bend. It is an aluminum pole with ridges all the way around it.
  20. Here again the telescoping pole with the duck foot may have saved you from that. try one they can be a life saver
  21. I totally love the idea of a larger upgrade done one at a time. Dobyns and Powell would be my first choices, but if it does not fit your budget than that is fine we need to get a little creative. I fish with certain baitcasting rods that do a good job and cost less than $100 and I fish with some other rods that cost more than $300. Here are some more affordable suggestions. Falcon Buccoo rods fish very well. I use a 7 foot Medium moderate tapered rod for throwing rattle traps, crankbaits, and it could easily throw spinnerbaits. This rod even says Trapmaster on it. They retail for $100 and can easily purchased for $50 at some WalMarts. There are some other actions and tapers to choose from for other purposes in this series. The next rod I would suggest is a Quantum Escalade. I fish a 7 footer that rates as MH Fast. It can handle lures weighing 1/4 to 1 1/2. This can handle plastics, jigs and carolinas easily. This can be picked up at Dick stores or directly from Field and Stream online. It says it retails for $100 but is always on sale for $50. Abu Garcia Veritas rods catch a lot of fish around here among my friends. Sometimes they can loose a guide ring but that has not happened to me. I fish a 7 ft HVY for deep jigs and a 7 ft MH for frogs. They have been great for their purpose. They retail for $100 and can easily be found for $75. The 7 foot Medium is also a great crankbait $ trap rod. The next rod I can suggest is to go to your local Gander Mountain. They have a rod series called the Gander Mountain Tournament Series. If you look online you will only see three possible rods. Gander Mountain does not show rods online if they are not in stock at the main warehouse. The stores may have more models. This is fact because I wanted to get my wife a spinning rod in that series, it did not show up online but was in stock in my local store. Check a few out. They retail for $79. They feel terrific but I have not fished with one yet. One rod I fish that cost $129 (which is above your budget I know ) is an Abu Garcia Ike Series rod. He has designed 15 different rods and I fish his 6'4" jerkbait rod which is fantastic, very light and sensitive. Just in case you up your budget. One last, thing make sure you add one high quality spinning rod that will let you throw light baits like sencos,light texas rigs, unweighted worms, drop shots, and Ned Rigs. I see you fish the Potomac so if you are anywhere near Baltimore ( or interested in coming up here) we could meet and let you cast some of these rods. I run mostly Diawa reels on them along with a few BPS Extreme reels. You are welcome to switch your reels onto them and cast them to see if you like the combo before you spend any money.
  22. is the prop the item scratching the paint. If so perhaps always turn it to the outside when you put away.
  23. Back in 1998 I purchased a brand new ProCraft fish and ski with a Mercury 200 EFI. I ran that boat for over 10 years. That engine was great. Extremely reliable and it provided a terrific hole shot. Back then the Opti were known as Opti Pop and in my opinion they still are!!! The low end is really good on the EFI motors and the power response was immediate. The only thing I did to that motor was use the Mercury TCW3 oil, change the plugs every other year and replace the water pump impeller every other year. Once I had to replace the diaphragm in the fuel lift pump ( installed a complete kit) but that was do to the Oxygenated fuel MD. forced us to use. That motor was fantastic.
  24. I own an Ike 6'4 jerkbait rod and it feels great when I fish it, and I own 6 G Loomis rods and love them as well. All of my Loomis are IMX or GL3 so I am not sure how close the new lower end Loomis rods compare. What I would suggest are two other rods I know how they fish. One has been mentioned and for your purpose I would consider strongly the St Croix Avid X 68mxf rod. The other rod I would suggest is a Dobyns Sierra series SA693SF. It was made to do what you want to do. They run $160.00. It is 6'9" rates 3/16 to 5/8 and is a medium with a fast tip. They suggest it to be used with jigs ,shaky heads , texas rigs, sencos and wacky rigs.
  25. If you go look up at my previous post (3rd one from the top) I had posted two boat pictures. In the bottom picture there is a two toned high back seat (it is closed) that came from Cabelas. I believe it sells for around $50 each.
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