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Everything posted by fishnkamp

  1. Places like Eastern Marine Trailer Super Store carry them but if you look I bet you have a tire center, West Marine, or local trailer parts store. Check the price on other places on the internet as well. Just remember if you buy the tires you still need to find a local shop to install them. Both of my local trailer parts places will sell and install them as well. For bigger 14 or 15 inch tires you may also want then balanced. I hear it makes a difference.
  2. If you end up changing the carpet on the bunks the easiest thing to do is get the bunk covers I showed you or there is a product called Gatorbak.This product is one of the best synthetic board coverings available. But anyway just launch and tie up the boat on the water. Now take a razor knife and cut off the old carpet, slip the new covers on and with a battery operated screw gun or cordless drill install the screws in the side of the covers/boards. Takes maybe an hour. That is exactly what I did on my Lowe trailer.
  3. Me neither so you are not the only one.
  4. Look at the Irod Genesis II IRG744C It is a very well balanced light and sensitive rod for $150. A Dobyns Sierra SA735C might work well also.
  5. Gander Mountain has some other good combos http://www.gandermountain.com/modperl/product/details.cgi?pdesc=Gander-Mountain-Myth-Baitcast-Combo-7-Medium-Heavy&i=848910&r=view&from=grid http://www.gandermountain.com/modperl/product/details.cgi?pdesc=Abu-Garcia-Pro-Max-3-Baitcast-Combo-70-Medium-Heavy&i=912222&r=view&from=grid
  6. Welcome to the forums. Take a few minutes and run down the forum this is asked hundreds of times a day. Everyone has their favorite rod & reel and there are two ways to go. One is to look at an inexpensive combo more or less referred to as a beginner set. I do not suggest you go that route, it will stunt your learning and enjoying so here is my preference. Go look at the Lews Mach 1 Speed Spool combo for about $129. That combo begins with a reel that has 10 ball bearing reel and a good drag. It sells for $119 by itself.They include a IM8 rod with decent components. With that combo you will be able to fish a lot of different lures. The other way you could go is to buy a quality reel like a Diawa Exceler for around $75 and then choose a rod like this http://www.dickssportinggoods.com/product/index.jsp?productId=33262186&clickid=body_rv_img&bc=RecentView_5 or http://www.gandermountain.com/modperl/product/details.cgi?pdesc=Gander-Mountain-Tournament-Casting-Rod-70-Medium-Heavy&i=813708&r=view&from=grid These with that reel would last you very well. And yes I fish the Quantum rod with an Exceler reel. I also think there are tons of other options but these will fish well for you One last tidbit to save you from getting into trouble. There are tons of different lines on the market today. I am amazed by the cost of fluorocarbon lines and braid as well. If I was going to set up just one rod for everything I would use 30 pound braid. But I would start by filling my reel half full with 14 pound mini like Stren Blue. Then add my braid and if I was fishing in clear water i would add a leader of 10 pound mono.
  7. No question to me FR 735C Mag heavy for sure. The other rods will work okay for Horny toads in more open water situation. Do not get me wrong, I love the other rods, but not for heavy cover frogging. If I want a frog flippin pitchin machine I go heavier. when I think of the 734 I think of single hook reaction strike baits more like spinnerbaits, chatterbaits, senkos, spinnerbaits. When i think of throwing hollow bodied frogs over top a lilypad field, hydrilla and other grass mats then i loo more towards a meat stick with enough tip. Personally I use a 7 foot bu Garcia original series Veritas in a MED HVY. All Veritas run on the heavy side of their rating so it more like a HVY with a quick tip. Another nice thing about the 735C is it can double for a carolina rig or a rod to throw big jigs deep.
  8. What rod? Each manufacture is different.
  9. No the bunks are the wood boards the boat sits on while it sits on the trailer. Replacing the carpeting is easy, they sell carpet cut for this a Bass Pro. It just gets stapled on. Another option is to go with a special type of bunk covering like this. This is what I used only Bass Pro was carrying it then. http://www.jmsonline.net/tie-down-engineering-self-centr-bunk-glides-2x4-tie-86162.htm?gclid=CIbxpcXdtc4CFZNZhgod4DQC2Q
  10. Speedo does not even matter as good electronics with a gps /sonar eliminates it anyway. Boat speedos ar useless because of their inaccuracy. The water temp ( if that is engine water temp might matter. If it is engine temp I would only fix it if the boat had water pressure as well. I would change it to water pressure if it did not have one. Outside water temperature would be useless again since my good electronics will cover it.
  11. Check one more this is located at another one of my friend's dealerships. Take a look at this http://www.lakesidemarinepa.com/index.php?view=inventory&viewid=780 This is a 2008 Alumicraft Navigator. This is a nicely loaded boat, 2014 galvanized trailer, Honda 90 motor etc .The boat has a Riptide 80 # hand control trolling motor. They will pull it and put on whatever you want so I would go with one of the Minn Kota Power drive or something like that. Barb and I have been doing business since 1990 and I have sent several people up there. The good news about Alumacraft is if you buy one we have a dealer right here in Middle River, about 10 minutes from Route 40 and the 695. His shop is called Port Side Marine. The boat is a 2008 and has a lot of goodies including 1 power pole and good electronics. Lakeside Marine is located just outside Harrisburg PA.
  12. i assume when you say " This boat he's on now fits his needs and wants almost perfectly." you mean the boat he is interested in at this moment. The Xpress boats are well made, and the 150 Yamaha is a great motor. The list of goodies sounds good. Do not worry about the carpet on the bunks it is easily replaced in fact there are better options to put n its place. The speedo is probably either a gauge issue or a blocked pitot tube neither of which matters. The temp gauge is no big deal either, most likely a bad sender or connection, could even be a gauge problem. That is easy to fix. Have you and your dad go look the boat over physically and get a boat ride. Make sure things like the livewell work, the engine runs fine etc. I think if all that checks out dad has a new toy.
  13. I am sure he used a hole saw. That is what i would use
  14. Chances are he also used a bit of glue on the backside of the flange to hold them in place. He also taped them to the original tubes. He happens to live pretty close to me and belongs to the local bass club. I see him at some bass tourneys once in a while.
  15. You could try power pro Spectra. I use a lot of it in both 30 and 65 pound test and have no problem with it. I know braid is expensive especially to just try out but if you try the Power Pro I think you will like it.Also if you install a 14 pound mono on fist 9 1/2 a spool) as a backing a new spool of braid will fill a couple of reels. I really do not notice the line fade you mention either.
  16. i own the Falcon Bucoo 7 MH trap caster and for an all around rod it is great. I fish it mostly for traps, small cranks, and square bills but that is because I have other rods to do lots of other things. I do not think you will be disappointed in it. Sometimes at the end of season Wall Mart sells them for $40. That is what i paid for it and 2 of my friends did the same.
  17. The thing you left out was your budget. It takes a bit of money to buy a decent baitcasting reel with enough quality that it does not hinder your learning curve. Good quality but moderately priced reels include reels like the Abu Garcia Silver Max, and some of the lower end Diawas, but Lews has been doing a great job putting together a combo called the Lews Mach 1 Speed Spool combo. It is a 6'10 MH IM8 rod and a rather high end 10 ball bearing reel with a dual braking system. Now this reel cost $99.00 by itself and the combo is selling for $129.99. This is not a combo you will get, fish, and outgrow. I really do not like to suggest going that route. $130 for a complete combo is a really good deal especially when you are getting higher end stuff. As for the Dobyns, I love them and the Fury FR734c is a great choice, but it sells for $109. If you go that way consider, a Diawa Exceler reel, it sells for $99, but can be had for around $75. Another good choice is the Diawa Tatula, the Excelers bigger brother and a terrific reel for its price. It normally retail at $149 but can easily be purchased for around $110. The Lews Mach 1 Speed Spool is a good choice for a reel at its $99.00 price. Your budget will determine what to look at. Give us an idea what it is.
  18. Would you consider a really sharp looking used boat. Go to Reading boat works. http://www.readingboatworks.com/pre-owned/aluminum They have a nice 2002 Lund 1700 Angler SS It has a 80# I Pilot trolling motor, a 3 bank on board charger, top line electronics etc. It does have 2 Honda engines on it. The kicker motor is a 9,9. That is an expensive option. The boat is on consignment, meaning the boat would have to be purchased as it is packaged, but I talked to the salesman and he said it was possible the shop may be interested in taking it in and giving you money for it. I know where the dealership is and I had dealt with them years ago. Their price for the package is $13,900 The boat is 17 foot 2 inch with a 93 inch beam
  19. Are you looking at a Lund Impact 1775 ss?
  20. Yes I had taken my motor to the repair shop i had a piece of magnet break off. We decided to run it without totally replacing the magnet setup ( may have lost 5 pounds of thrust verses a big repair) The guy working on the motor showed me when he readjusted mine.
  21. Just make the physical jumper wire, going between the batteries, big enough. I would get some *** or bigger wire and some good solder on terminal connectors. Again use some heat shrink tube to shield the connection so nothing can arc across the terminals unless your batteries are in battery boxes rather than just battery trays.
  22. You could look at the Dobyns Savvy Micro series. Take a look at the SSM735C it might meet your needs better than the Fury. Go to Dobyns site click on rods, then click on the Savvy Micro rods. If you then click on the SSM 735C it says it works with frogs, flippin,pitchin, small swim baits,, and the for secondary techniques it says big jigs and carolina rigs. The price is $179. That would be my second choice behind the Champion series. One nice thing with a Champion XP is they sell the exact same rod as a split handle rod with cork and another full handle cork rod depending on what your preference is. That Champion is $260 so the heart and wallet will have to argue about the extra $80. That dang bait monkey is smiling isn't he?
  23. Take a good look at Dobyns rods something like a Fury FR703C or FR 704C The price is about $110 and they are workhorses. For a bit less you could go for an Abu Garcia Veritas2 7 foot Medium Heavy in either the regular or micro guide series. They ordinarily sell for $100 but can be found for around $70 often.
  24. You could cut it off on both ends I would put a piece of heat shrink tube on it. I would go get a new plug and install it then i would add heat shrink over the connections. I do not fool around with connections. I like to solder and heat shrink wires and then put a bigger piece of heat shrink over the two wires and heat shrink them all together, It is extra work once and not unreliable multiple times!
  25. Okay you left out your budget for each rod and reel combo. But the most cost effective quality equipment run in the $150 price for a reel and the same for a rod. Let's start with a reel.If you want a quality long lasting workhorse of a reel look at several Diawas. First is the Exceler which is sorta the Tatula's little brother. It retails for $100 but can easily found for around $70. Next above that is the Diawa Tatula and Tatula CT Both of these can be found for around $130 or less. For most techniques get a 6.3 to one ratio. For techniques that you decide you want a faster reel go for a 7.3 to one or even 8-1. Now rods. You need a rod for cranks, traps, and some spinnerbaits. Consider a Dobyns Fury FR705CB. That is a 7FT medium moderate action rod. Next for all of your jigs, carolina rigs, texas rigs consider a Dobyns FR704C, Another rod would be a Powell Max3D 683 CEF. Read the Tackletour report on the original Powell Max 683 CEF. I own one it is my most versatile rod. Also in the same price range look at the Irod Genesis II IRG704C. It is a 7 ft Heavy action rod rating 1/4 to 1 1/4 ounce lures. Lastly look at an Abu Garcia Veritas 2 7 foot MH in either the standard or micro series. These run $100 but can often be found for like $75.00 Now if your budget is bigger than rods costing more than $100 to $150 then move up in the Dobyns series to the exact rod in a Sierra series which will be a bit lighter but the Fury series is really great for that price range. I fish rods from all of these rod companies in these series so I can confidently suggest them. I also fish some $350 rods as well.
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