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Big bass hunter

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Everything posted by Big bass hunter

  1. I say buy swimbait rod eversince i got the big bait bug i have caught more big fish in a single year then i have my whole life. If you have the patience and put in the work it will make you a better fisherman and understading big fish behaver. Also dont limit your self to just bass with swimbaits. I fish with gaint swimbaits for trout and yesterday i hook into my personal best didnt get it in. But ive caught alot of 18 to 21 inch trout but this thing was a monster compare to those ones ive caught before
  2. I was thinking about getting the 14inch slammer. Just becauce of how many people talk about the 9 inch slammer how it catches those 1 and 2 pounders all the time so i thought might as well get the biggest one i can get thinking maybe it would be a hot ticket for those 4 and 5 as well as a new personal best. Any thoughts on the 14 inch slammer not alot of info on it.
  3. I have duck lures i made out of a rubber ducky and bettle spin gubs for legs and made a micro duck. i will be throwing it. for big brown trout and a monster duck i made for bass that caught alot of fish in high fishing pressure inner city ponds. I also built a 27 inch line thru wooden snake im going to try for bass this year and. I. Will. Be. Make. a ten inch version. For brown trout. I came to the conclusion that big fish eat what ever will fit in there mouths and when there is alot of it around or more of that food. Supply they wont think twice.
  4. I go weedless 68 im waiting for the 8 inch weedless. To come out agian. I dont do the bb rigging, i do the mike long way with 2 split rings attatch to a barrel swivel and treble hook to the where you tie your line. I even do this to my strike four and half inch. Rainbow trout. For just cuz and the bottom hook is a fish looser. Even all you need is the jig hook. And for big brown trout and other big trout i rig mine up like from southern. trout eaters.
  5. Well here's my problem where I'm at we have a size limit of 12 inches or bigger for bass and the fishing pressure is high there's been a lot less three pounders and even less 5 pounders so now we have a huge amount of juvenile bass so for me I feel like they are having a harder time becoming a trophy bass do to haVing a high catch and keep Coulter. But we have bigger fish still but I'm kinda concerned about how it will effect the upcoming years.
  6. It's 400 feet deep but it is steep like 20 feet from the bank you can be 15 to 60 feet on the bottom then it drops into a deeper aybiss but most of it going to be like a steep hill and there tons of rock .walls
  7. Maybe a river otter in the area? ChasING them. But I have no fact to back up that theory tho
  8. Also I plan on throwing big swimbaits anytips on that for smallmouth would be helpful
  9. I'm looking for more information on lakes like this that are real rocky have bass 6 pounds + and healthy population of kokanee and a neutral and aggressive stocking trout population. It gets warm in the summer, alot of good night swimming but is over 400 feet deep and is 53 miles long that is filled with cold mountain run off. There is some really pigs in this lake. My question is if you are after some pig smallmouths how would you fish it looking for 6 plus pounders
  10. I've been catching bass on mine all summer aND still catching the mm on it but I let you know if I get way more fish in the spring
  11. I I meant to say Fish and Game website not Craigslist I'm just using my phone to type this and my phone is pretty broken so I haven't had time spelling everything right
  12. I haven't found in good ones in the boise area I've been to all the ones posted on Craigslist. There are many new pounds that have been built that are not posted But alot of them are young so they don't hold a monster bass and that's what I'm after I haven't tried any ponds in nampa Emmett surrounding area but there got to b a good one somewhere around hear but I keep getting told lake Lowell but I do catch bass bass in these pones just not the size and numbers I would like
  13. How do I get a hold of John Hopkins I tried Google it buy nothin other than pics furoms and videos.
  14. I found some on Google but I tried to add them to my caRt but didn't have any luck as theses companies have gone belly up like what is up with real prey swimbaits they made one but it seems they don't exist anymore I will check matt lures do you think they would be able to do custom patterns
  15. I need some some swimbaits that look like common carp,grass carp,goldfish,and koi fish. There is nothing I can find for sell on the Internet in these patterns other than deps swimbaits but those cost a Pretty penny and not exactly what I need right now but if anyone can make any soft plastic ones or hard bait on from 5 to 10 inches long would be willing to buy this would help me get an edge on those big bass in my inner-city ponds
  16. It's a really good idea if you have any questions on how I built mine I will be glad to help. But I grantee you you will be glad you have one or three of these in your tacklebox how I fish mine is I have a steady reel and do small rapid jerks like I Parkinson's and stop it now and then it imitates a baby duck putting it in high gear with a small little feet
  17. I made one out of a rubber ducky and beetle spin like that guy on YouTube that was before saw his I think the one I built is lot more stairght forward and simpler to build it takes me only ten mins to build one. I'm currently working on bluiding a monster duck I use frog hooks to hold the feet with a simple mod the only thing I wish I could figure out is to make it weed less so I'm up for ideas on that. But I caught a lot of bass in my inercity ponds helps a lot fishing in the city
  18. Thank you its great being here yeah the hudelson do make that pattern in there swimbaits I was like 85% confident in a lure that big cuz it's alot of bait for a smallmouth cuz of its huge body. But then again if I was a six inch kokanee or trout swimming through a pack of 4 and 5 pounders it does seem a little suicidal thank you for your input I feel very confident in throwing a bait that big for that big of a fish now
  19. I meant to say big bass lures for largemouth but I'm thinking about throwing the 6 inch huddleson for huge smallmouth do you think that's too big for 7+ pound smallmouth
  20. I've recently got into throwing bass lures to catch huge largemouth bass. My hometown lake dworshak reservoir in idaho has produced a nine pound 14 ounce small mouth and I witness multiple 6,7,pounders and a few 8 pounders come out of there do you think throwing the hudelson 6 inch Deluxe swimbait is too big for fish 7,8,9,10 + pounds. I seriously think there a record in there specially in the spawn. Like Ive seen one 8 pound in the middle of summer
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