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Big bass hunter

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Everything posted by Big bass hunter

  1. Swimbaits but thats all i fish now besides gaint terrestrial baits but most are swimbait kinds tho.
  2. thought of picking up matts tournament series swimbaits was looking at the smallmouth pattern looks killer. I know baby bass is a popular color but never seen or heard of anyone one talking about smallmouths being cannibals. Do you think this would be a good color.
  3. Spring...... Swimbaits Summer..... Swimbaits Fall...... Swimbaits Winter...... Swimbaits If i get tired of chucking big baits all day i just go sturgoen fishing sit back in my chair and wait for a dinosaur.
  4. Ive been looking at this bait for awhile but not alot of info or swimming vids on it it cost a pretty penny for one. Anyone one have one and if so how do you like it and would you recommend it.
  5. Can go wrong with them i have the 50 version and its my go to bait if im not getting bites this lure will produce for me.
  6. I have the natural brown color i tend to keep to match the hatch colors and white and black but there is alot of hype i hear about the mourning dawn if i do pick up another one it will be in mourning dawn
  7. Spro 50 rat usaully let me know if there is bass in there or not pretty fast but i guess a senko could do the same
  8. I have the 50 version ive caught bass from 1 pound all the way up to 6 pounds most fish i do catch on it are 2 and 3s but im upgrading to cl8 big possum its body is 8 inches long with the tail its a total of 16 inches long the state record is only 10 pounds something oz here in idaho but im getting greedy i really want a 8 pounder ive seen them but miss hooksets, followers, and they see you before you see. them i just got to keep putting in my time and i will have a new pb
  9. Is there anything like mend it for pvc plastic swimbaits like storm wildeye and northern forage swimbaits? I heard it wont work havent had to repair one but im thinking about picking up a few for my trout fishing i really like those four to six inch swimbaits for river trout. Gives me a break from pond hopping
  10. I dont have the savage gear but i am picking one up as soon as i can got car problems to take care of first but i hear the 5 inch swims on its side for alot of people and the 6 inch swims straight but im picking up the slow sink version
  11. So i got the islide 262 but im having a hard time of trying to figure out on how to use this bait i cant get a consistent walk the dog retrieve out it so far all ive been doing is a twitch twitch pause while slowy reeling at the same time.but im not sure what type of action im really looking for and. On a straight reel it does glide back and forth. But from what i read it doesnt get really bit. Also what are some hook option
  12. So ive notice different strokes for differnt folks. If you could give me one or two tips on why and how you go about on the lures you use. and what what spots you use and why there your go to lures. As a swimbait angler i can tell you day in day out im hiting points with big baits hoping for big bites but i know im missing some hot action for big bass flipping jigs in heavy timber in the shade side of trees. Tell me whats your big bass tactic for what time of year and why. I never pitch a jig before cause i dont have confidence in them or a buzz bait before and i know poeple swear by them i frog fish and swimbait fish thats it.but i know im missing some gaint bass in having timber because where i fish has no docks and timber is the alternative for them
  13. I know you are asking about the s waver. But the next savage gear lure im picking up is the savage gear six inch gill. But as a go to swimbait for the summer the bbz rat is hard to beat it catches number and size for me and at a good price as far as most rat lures go
  14. Thanks for all the imput i realized the answer was right in front of me just was looking to hard into the question and wanted someone exspainig how and why instead of using my eyes now i see the tank testing vidoes and tinkering was the awnser i was looking for
  15. K i try agian and see if i miss something i keep finding on how to do the silent killer mod to a slide swimmer and repairing your deps and hook mods but nothing on the bb tune ill keep searching
  16. I like snag proof frogzilla i take the rubber legs off and add rubber skirt legs to make it even bigger and and more plastic beads for more sound as well add small suction cups to the eyelet if i want it a poppin frog. Havent tried manns goliath frog yet but will do if live target made a magnum size hollow body frog that would be my go to
  17. Ive been reading about the bb tuned on the deps 250 where it falls a foot about every four seconds. All by changing the weights and hooks but i havent found any info on how to do the tune or where to find one allready tuned but i do know there is two differnt production runs of this bait. So are the new ones allready tuned if not where can i find the info on how to do the tune also i have seen the weight they sell as an after market part for the 250
  18. Its a nice area just alot of people go on the green belt for a number of reason swimming jogging and biking. But its not just gangs i have had an issue with just normal people trying to start stuff compare fishing to very graphic homosexual stuff and as well. Just having long hair. I mind my space and wont fish over others even in these small ponds but still get some type of flap from some angry person. Im just there to enjoy fishing and catch the biggest fish i can
  19. The gangmembers are not in groups usaully but with there mian squeeze and childern but still like to make noise so their not up to illegal things other then harrassing instigating the issue becomes a game of he said she said as far as the goes but would call if i had something that would stick i go for the cops will call the department tommorow and see about what i can do about that issue cuz it is more then one type of gang i have had a an issue of hassment from
  20. Not sure if i can top anyones but the strangest has to be a couch a harley Davidson and my little brother but that was on the cast at the dock dont know if that counts
  21. Its mostly people trying to impress there friends or gangmembers seeing me as target cause i dont look like them. Or someone hates there life i guess or something just cant stand someone enjoying the little things i would tell you what we as a fisherman from all walks of life were being accused of but would most likely be banned for those types of l language and references. It just kind of sucks dealing with those types of people already and summer hasn't even hit but will be looking into a GoPro and pepper spray if I'm unable to walk away just sucks though
  22. Ive been having this problem more and more often i fish the boise green green belt most people are nice and helpful. But ive been getting more and more people just angry and trash talking me while im fishing and trying to instigate a fight. While i would enjoy putting them in there place cause i wish Karma could act as fast as my right hook. I love shooting guns and would hate losing that privilege even tho its a right to bare arms. probation doesnt. See it that way or getting a felony for assault and battery losing it forever. But i had a guy tonight making some pretty crazy accusations that would make blood boil about fisherman. I was able to walk away. So my question is does any body have this happen to anybody and does any one have any advice on. How to deal with people like. This
  23. Thanks for all the imput i plan throwing anything and everything from 2 to 10 oz and upgrading to a stouter rod for those 8 to 14 baits latter on. I got sturgoen poles that can handel that but defintly wont be thinking fishing after 60 to a 100 cast with that type of settup
  24. Im getting a real detacaded swimbait rod i was going to get a okuma guide select rod but i made the mistake of spending less and get what you paid for for my reel luckily upgrades and some tinkerling will help me get that max drag up. But my question is should i get the new guide select rods for the price point. Or should i go with the more expensive tried and true like a I rod. Or a dyobins or something. Okuma has a lifetime warranty but how good is it if i break my rod
  25. I like wildeye series for the price point and really like strike kings shadalicous four inch just like the thump it gives out. Havent tried berkly hollowbodys but all i hear is people like them better than strike kings nothing but good things
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