Thanks for this post, I will certainly give thought to all of your points.
To give you a little more info, I mostly fish about 3 - 4 local ponds that vary from 15 to 50 acres in size, an average of about 30, though I do plan to start fishing some medium size lakes and resovoirs in the upcoming season. All are totally or mostly man made.
I wrote this this post hoping to get some ideas about how others develop a pattern on unfamiliar waters. I only fish about 1 - 3 times a week during the spring through fall, for about 1 to 4 hours at a time, unless I specifically plan a full day trip. I've only been bass fishing for about a year and a half now. I have basically figured out that I can catch a bass or two on every trip out up until the late spawn and post spawn period about 80% of the time or better and then the bite usually becomes less consistent and I have to break from a set gameplan on every trip out to even scratch out a little one.
My goal this season is to work on getting on the fish more consistently during the seasonal/biological cycles (spawning, "winter patterns", etc.). I've done a lot of reading on this forum and on the website, read bassmaster magazine articles and just finished a library book, and have looked at many videos, including glenn may's and others. All of these resources have been really helpful- the above posts included. Thanks to all who made them available.
But to simplify my question in the original post-
Im confident that I know how to use the tools (how to fish lures, tie rigs, cast rods, etc.) but I want some resources (that you've had luck with) that will help me choose when to use them.
I know now that all this will come eventually with experience, but where do you start off when you're working on establishing a pattern ?
To start off, I'd really like to know how you all figure out:
1. What the fish are eating (crawdads vs. bluegills)?
2. When are the peak times for bass feeding (from what I've read and have experienced to a small degree in ponds, bass tend to feed heavily at certain times of the day in certain systems and that "golden hour" can vary depending on conditions)?
3. What times of day or when in the year will bass key on certain structures or will that stick to it all year long? If so, how do you pick out a certain spot (one specific rock pile or one specific tree stump) in a big body of water?