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Everything posted by Hez

  1. The supporting article: https://www.bassmaster.com/news/nation-angler-killed-lightning
  2. And I guarantee you it will do the job sufficiently. I actually have 3 (1 for each battery - 2 deep cycle and my Cranking battery). I opted for this route as opposed to an $400 3 bank onboard chager.
  3. The Amps statement I can not speak on - because I am not very educated in electrical terminology. What the product that I linked does have, that does agree with Way2slow is: Smart Microcontroller Our onboard computer assures correct level of power is sent to the battery at all times. ISM Adaptive Charging ISM (Infinite Sequential Monitoring) adapts to the battery’s needs hundreds of times per second. Connect and Forget It Once connected, the Battery Tender manages your battery’s health on it’s own. Based on this statement - I was trying to help you make a sound economical decision - and not damage your batteries at the same time...by suggesting a known working product (has been charging my deep cycle batteries going on 3 years)
  4. ....the "Gospel" This is what I use: https://www.amazon.com/Battery-Tender-021-0123-Junior-Charger/dp/B000CITK8S/ref=pd_lpo_vtph_263_bs_t_1/131-1522934-7840100?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=MSE2CCC64CM2N3AK8TJ7
  5. This charger will not charge your deep cycle batteries to their fullest potential. This charger is great for dead CRANKING batteries. Deep cycle batteries are built differently, and need to be charged with a "Trickle" charger.
  6. She's purdddy
  7. Must...not....order... Must....resist...urge.... eh - screw it - order placed.
  8. When I want to reduce a picture file size from iPhone...I just email it to myself via gmail. When you send the mail - it asks you if you want a small, medium or large file size - I usually choose small. Open the email once it comes and save the pics...boom - done.
  9. https://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-videos/How-To-Fishing-Videos
  10. Did somebody say hashbrowns?
  11. Oh man...I feel your pain. It will definitely hurt for a while...and you will play it back over in your mind many, many times...and think about what you could have done to change the outcome. Just know, this is part of fishing. You'll get another bite though...and you'll get another fish...this is 1 experience of many more to come. The downs in life make the ups that much better.
  12. I have heard several people complain...but I never seem to find issues. Once you become familiar with the layout - it becomes easier.
  13. Congratulations Pops!
  14. Definitely normal
  15. Welcome aboard neighbor. Tons of great info shared here! Welcome back to the world of angling too!!! Some of the best entertainment there is - especially for the kids!
  16. What about "Best rod and reel under $100" That's a staple in this community
  17. Coming up this weekend, I'm heading to Lake Toho for the first time. My September tournament is there - so it's time to start practicing. It's about an hour from me - and I'm super excited to start fishing there. Don't think I'll be locking out to any other lakes just yet - even though I hear Lake Kissimmee is on fire. My tournament is Toho only, so need to venture further than that yet - I'm sure there will be enough action in Toho to keep me busy. My first priority will be to familiarize myself with lake itself, the characteristics and the details. Details, details, details. And maybe get on some big fish before it's over with. Cant wait!
  18. I have caught some interesting fish while bass fishing. Bowfin Chain Pickerel Catfish Crappie Bluegill While fishing a tournament on the St Johns river 2 months ago - we made the run up to Lake George. There I caught the following: Lady fish Puffer fish Stingray Armored Catfish The stingray and the armored catfish were very cool. The lady fish would surge and jump into the air like 10 feet...it was crazy
  19. Oh, it's addictive for sure. I just want to get better at it for now. I appreciate your input and help. It's kind of hard on the Harris Chain, because there aren't (or I have not found) a lot of spots to punch. I found a few today on Lake Eustis....but only a couple where ideal (until I get another setup and can be more versatile with my weight and presentation). That is the best I have found so far. I know of a few pad field, so we will see. Thanks again for all of the input and help. Once again, you guys have made me a better fisherman!
  20. BOOOM! First punching fish. She was probably a solid 3lbs. It was text book - I pulled up on this spot of thick lily pads with a few reeds mixed in next to some kissimmee grass. Picked up the 1 oz tungsten rigged on a 4/0 trokar with a beaver style bait. Flipped it in a couple of holes...hit the third hold and BAM! There she is. What a rush!! Definitely a fun way to catch fish. Missed 2 more bites in that same area then moved around the lake to similar looking spots to try to get another bite but never did manage. I'm trying to learn something with every cast...every flip. I definitely gained a little confidence today. Thanks for all of the help guys.
  21. Good to see you back Shane!
  22. Hey Fish, Your story seems a lot like mine. I just got my first bass boat too after "getting my ears wet" in jon boats for a few years. Welcome aboard - tons of great info around here - provided by great people.
  23. I figured those dead mats were no good - just wanted to go through the motions. Thanks for the elaborate response. I am not sure whether I have the TK 130's or not...I stocked up a while ago...but the ones I have are the ones with the red keeper. Thanks again for the feedback - I'll make it down that way one day. I will shoot you a message ahead of time. Thanks bud. Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it. I'll be working on all of the details.
  24. Thanks Mike - this was some of input and feedback I was looking for . I was hoping you would chime in. Yesterday was my first day at attempting to punch. The Harris Chain doesn't have a whole lot of "punching" potential...but I was able to locate a few spots...mostly mats of dead grass that has accumulated on one side of the lake from the wind. I did get to practice the technique.....get a feel for keeping the "splash" to a minimum while entering the water...and tried to just get familiar with the basic fundamentals of Pitching the Heavy mats. I am sure with time I will get better...it will definitely be a learning curve. Will keep your sweet beaver and pit boss in mind...wasn't to too crazy about the Gambler Why Not...but it has a small profile...so that is why I started with it. Can I ask you about your hooks...what hooks do you use? I was using the Trokar flippin hooks...3/0 in size I believe to fit the Why Not well...other than the large hook keeper.....I like how strong the Trokars are. Thanks again for the feedback. @Mike L - Maybe some day I will make the trip down to South Florida and we can fish together.
  25. Thanks for the helpful feedback guys - it's appreciated!
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