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Everything posted by Hez

  1. Lake Harris Lodge is a great little place. The old man that owns it has worked on my boat before and he is a stand up guy. Coming out of that cove where Lake Harris Lodge is, you will be facing due east, with Long Island straight in front of you. This whole area is a great area during the spawn. In fact, this is where Bradley Dortch won the FLW Tour event last year (March 9 - 11 2017). Just on the other side of that island on the SW corner there is a fish attractor bouy placed by FWC. There are many artificial brush piles in this area. Tons of opportunities for you to catch fish, even from a smaller craft. As far as lures...you can throw a frog if you'd like - I never have luck with topwater though, due to the water clarity and the fishing pressure. You will have more luck with a soft plastic. During that time of year my go-to bait will be the speed worm (Zoom u-vibe). Either in junebug or green pumpkin. Fished on the bottom...slow...but not that slow...hopping it, letting it rest...you will definitely catch fish in said area with soft plastics. I'm here!! Just now saw the thread. Hope you're doing well Mike! Stay warm up there bud.
  2. Yeah...big Joe Holland fan here too....too bad he can't fish the FLW this year. I enjoyed watching him share from his perspective.
  3. I fished out of a boat very similar for a couple of years. I had a 55 lb. transom hand mount trolling motor. I ended up spinning the head around on the trolling motor, so that it would go forward - transom first...but the handle still face inside the boat....and I just trolled around like that. That was the best (cheapest) solution for me at the time. That rig is going to be difficult to control in the wind either way you go...keep that in mind.
  4. Florida is a huge state. You will have to be more specific on your location to get good advice. And welcome to Bass Resource!
  5. Right...only last year...someone posted a graphic here that had all of the windows opened all of the way through day 25...and we were only on day 4 or something. It was a bit of cheat...but it was nice knowing ahead of times what day you didn't want to miss the sale. I appreciate that though @A-Jay
  6. Darn....that was pretty cool lol.
  7. For the TW sale...for the 25 days of Christmas... was anyone able to locate the graphic with all of the windows (sales items shown) opened? It was posted last year...didn't know if it was found this year or not. Thanks.
  8. http://vexusboats.com/
  9. Oh ok, didn't catch that
  10. Keep in mind...IF those are official numbers - they were taken in March- 9 months ago...and only 1/4 into 2017
  11. Coolest? How about most fun? I have 2 techniques tied for 1st place if that's the case. 1. Heavy punching and flipping - The close combat stuff is really fun!!! Gets your adrenaline really going! 2. Chasing schooling fish - just did this for the first time last weekend - spent the day on the trolling motor, watching for bass to start busting on the water - and me and my son would throw some paddle tail swimbaits into the mix and BOOM!!! It was a blast! Busy fishing all day...constant. It was so much fun. Nothing over 2 lbs...but fun.
  12. Welcome aboard. I am sure others will chime in, but to me - your list above looks pretty good. The only detail that sticks out to me is using a spinnerbait on a faster speed reel. Down here in FL, the bass like the spinnerbaits slow-rolled, so I throw mine on a 5.x:1 low speed reel. It helps me slow down...because I sure like to fish fast. Other than that - your list above is a great starting place. Keep doing your research, get your line wet, take mental notes - then come back here and ask questions. You are definitely on the right track. Tight lines.
  13. I have been catching fish on the Harris Chain on a 4" zoom centipede. At this time of year, you have to downsize.
  14. Man...it's almost like I'm hearing voices...again...
  15. Jesus....is that really you?
  16. Thanks for the response. I will be off of W Maywood St. Near Wichita South Lake. I definitely plan to bank fish that body of water. Hopefully have a little fun while I'm there. If you could make any other recommendations, that would be great too! I plan on taking some squarebills...soft plastics...jigs...topwater...and chatterbait. That sound like it will catch some fish in that area?
  17. @Bluebasser86 - Are the fish in your area in an active fall pattern yet?
  18. Haha, thanks man - I appreciate it. Yeah - little bit of a jog.
  19. Hey Kansas guys: I have to travel to Wichita area due to a death in the family. I am going to be there until Thursday - can anyone clue me in on some good bank spots to fish for bass while I am there? Or even someone in the area that might want a fishing partner for a day? I know this is short notice - but it never hurts to ask. Tight Lines.
  20. Maybe they will attempt to detect infraction of these new rules through polygraph testing. Pretty sure they still do that, so they would just need to ask the right questions.
  21. Have you tried reading the beginning of this thread? Catt breaks a lot of stuff down. Get you the Hook, Line and Sinker map...go to page 1 of this thread...and start reading. You will thank me later.
  22. It's very bleak A-Jay. I have no desire to ever experience snow ever again. Much less live in it. My Aunt lives at 8,000 ft in the mountains of Golden, Co. and I don't know how she does it. Different strokes for different folks. I think there may have been 1 weekend so far in 2017 that I have not been fishing. I plan to keep on pace. I will fish harder for those of you who can't, and make a few extra casts in honor.
  23. I couldn't imagine not being able to fish all year round...
  24. Thanks Troy!
  25. Thank Catt. I feel that if I can acquire some of this knowledge and understanding - it will help take me to the next level. That's just one more level closer to you
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