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Everything posted by Hez

  1. HAHAHA!! It was a crazy ride...I was holding on like crazy...then I got brave and got the camera out lol...when I went out that morning...the lake didn't look anywhere near that rough...
  2. It's a 14 ft 1963 Richline - with a '88 30 HP Johson on it. I bought the boat for $300 in January, and spent some time fixing up the inside. I replaced all of the benches and the transom with "fir", marine grade plywood - added a battery compartment for dual batteries in the center seat. Added navigation lights, trolling motor, put some seats on it...I love it man...it's my boat. I haven't decided what to do with the outside of it yet...maybe next year I will take that project on. I just wanted to get on the water. I don't have that many great pictures yet...but here are some of the pics:
  3. I did go out, but the water was rough - so I wasn't able to get much fishing in. Plus there was a tournament going on, so there was a lot of pressure on the lake. I plan on going again this weekend - hopefully have better weather, and get better results. - This was the ride back.
  4. Hey guys! Wanted to start a discussion on the Harris Chain in central Florida. Anybody have any up to date news? Hot Spots? What have the fish been hittin' on? I was out 2 weeks ago and caught 3 dinks right after sunrise on a crank, but nothing more. Going to be heading out this weekend - anybody have any info to share? Thanks!
  5. Hey JuiceBass, I use navionics maps when looking for points and stuff. Check them out here: http://webapp.navionics.com/ Hope this helps.
  6. Thanks FishinDaddy!! Sounds like great information and I will definitely take your advice, all the way around. Will definitely look into joining the ABA as well. Hopefully I will get lucky and find someone with a wealth of knowledge that they'd like to share. Again, I appreciate all of the input that has been offered.
  7. Thanks for the reply Bubbafish. Will start fishing slower, dead stick slow lol. Going to venture out on Little Lake Harris in the next couple of upcoming weeks, see if I have better luck there.
  8. Hopefully my description of composition is what you are looking for: Composition of the lake: murky water, close to 10 ft in depth, not a lot of structure, few boat docks, saw grass and cat tails along the edges in some spots. I don't use my fish finder a lot, mainly so I know the depth.
  9. Hi Guys and Gals!! I joined this forum looking for advice (go figure, lol). I have been fishing the Harris Chain almost every weekend since February, and have only caught 2 bass with not many more bites. I'm beginning to get discouraged, so I figured I would maybe turn here for help. I'm originally from Texas and what always worked there - is not successful here in Florida. I would like to run through my usual routine hoping that maybe someone could offer some advice to help me out of my slump. I tend to fish mainly Lake Carlton, Lake Beauclair and Horseshoe lake. I usually have the boat in the water around 7:30 AM. I use a texas rig with junebug worm on a 1/0 hook. Dark colored weight, usually about 3/8 oz. I also like to throw a spinner bait and rattl trap - silver on blue. Am I fishing the wrong lakes? Am I using the wrong bait? Like I said, any input or advice to help me out of this painful slump is welcomed. I am just about ready to start seeking out a fishing guide, LOL. And you know how men like to ask for instructions Anyhow, glad I found an active forum with members around my area - maybe I'll see some of you on the water. Thanks in advance.
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