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Everything posted by Hez

  1. Nice!!! Did you submit it to the Trophy Catch program?? Some pretty nice incentives.
  2. As I stated in my first post in the thread: If I'm fun fishing, and I think they are in a tournament...I will always give them the right of way. I don't expect them to change their game plan because of me, and I want to have little to no impact on their fishing...out of respect.  You made some very good points above. The other persons actions always have an effect on the situation...if they are rude and inconsiderate in their actions, they will probably get the same treatment in recourse.
  3. Has to be over 20 lbs What a ride!
  4. Who said I would be rude? You're missing the "difference" in my actions in tournament fishing and fun fishing. In fun fishing...I'm giving up the spot...in tournament fishing...on a spot I've scouted...I'm not giving that spot up for someone coming down the bank. Who would? I never said I would be rude. I would still be humane and respectful...why be rude? But yes...being in a tournament DOES effect my decision making...not how I treat people.
  5. Not sure what is so bad about that? If I have a purpose for being on that spot, then I expect the same MUTUAL respect that I would give someone else.
  6. I always try to spot another angler fishing the same bank as I pull up to a spot and will avoid an already occupied bank, in most instances. If I do find myself fishing head-on with someone, my actions are usually determined by the specifics of the situation. If I'm fun fishing, and I think they are in a tournament...I will always give them the right of way. I don't expect them to change their game plan because of me, and I want to have little to no impact on their fishing...out of respect. On the other hand, if I'm tournament fishing...and this is a spot I scouted and have marked...I'm not giving way. We can respectfully troll right by each other and keep fishing as far as I'm concerned...but I have a purpose in being there...and I'm staying focused.
  7. Google Micro Power Pole...that is what I've seen used and it works very well
  8. *** is a website that specializes in selling used boats. You might have to google it, don't think we can post the website address here LOL...nevermind
  9. Dude, where's my car?
  10. I am sure he means pitching. They terms seem to be interchangeable nowadays.
  11. *GASP*
  12. Hez


    Welcome aboard neighbor. Was pondering on heading over and fishing the St Johns sometime in the near future but have heard it is not doing too well...the bite is super tough and the water is muddy.
  13. Yep... Only questions my wife asks is "Aren't you going fishing" ...or..."I thought you were fishing, why haven't you left yet?".....or "you're still here?"
  14. Do not put too much thought into being stealthy when flipping. Put more focus and thought into hitting your targets and being ready to set the hook. Down here we are trolling through slop with the trolling motor on high a lot of times and still get bit. The splash your lure makes could very well be confused for something falling out of the sky.
  15. It is still a very valuable tool...especially in our neck of the woods. Soft plastics is king around here...especially on the Harris Chain.
  16. Bass tend to move based on weather conditions and seasonal patterns. Another major factor that plays into their migratory patterns is the stage of spawn they are in.
  17. My old lady knows where I'm at lol. She knows if I'm not at work, home or baseball practice...I'm out fishing.... Plus all she has to do is check the garage to see if my boat is gone lol. Like others said, she knows how much I love fishing...and that is most likely where I will be.
  18. That's a nice looking ride. Good for you man.
  19. Yes sir, that thought did cross my mind. Pre-spawn this was probably close to a 9 lber
  20. Hahaha, thanks. It was a rush for sure. There's a small backstory to this: The week before we were fishing about 100 yards down the bank from this...where we found a honey hole. We were catching largemouth pretty much back to back. I latched into a fish bigger than this one that broke my line and got away due to my drag being too tight....so catching this fish was not only exciting...it also brought with it a great feeling of redemption.
  21. New PB registering just over 7 lbs on the scales. Caught her on Lake Dora on a Spro Lil John MD in Chartreuse Fire Tiger. As you can tell by my hat and shirt...the wind was howling. I actually caught her on the end of that dock you see to the left in the background, with the 1 x 4 boards lining it. Caught a 4 lber off that pier the cast before...re positioned the boat and duplicated the cast and latched into this hog. What a great moment. We did put her in the live well to make sure we could get the bleeding to stop and then successfully released her back into the lake unharmed.
  22. Absolutely. That's a no brainer....especially for resale value. I'm still scratching my head on this, lol.
  23. You don't think that brand new 150 4 stroke is jacking up the value? $17,000 for the motor - $10,000 for hull and accessories? Although...I have not read the fine print.
  24. https://www.basspro.com/shop/en/online-catalogs?catalogCode=BassPro/SummerAngler_18_cat It is in their online catalog too: page 34
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