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Everything posted by Hez

  1. I don't have electronics on my boat and I use the navionics app on my phone to locate points and to know depths - among other things. they also have a website version, which I study pretty regular - and always check before I fish new waters. http://webapp.navionics.com
  2. That's what she said
  3. Telling a Texan how many fishing poles he can use is like telling him how many guns he can own - it won't go over well
  4. Sorry to hear that man - I lost 1 rod over the weekend that fell off the boat while motoring to another spot on the lake, I can't imagine losing all of my poles. At least you are safe and was able to save most everything else. Hard lesson learned, I suppose - you are now that much wiser. Have a good day bud.
  5. Good input guys - I appreciate it. You guys basically confirmed exactly what I was thinking, that they were 2 total different ends of the spectrum and require different equipment. Even if my jig setup has 50# braid? Or are you referring to just the rod itself. I appreciate these rod examples. Sorry I forgot to give a price range. The rod I lost was 6'6" medium moderate fast tip - had a good parabolic bend...I believe it was a cheap ($50) Daiwa. Will be looking at these rods in the meantime, thanks again.
  6. Ok - so I searched the forums for this - because I know this type of question has probably been asked 100 different times, but I couldn't find anything related to what I'm looking for - and with the summertime here - and the need to go deeper is apparent - I decided to ask this question anyway. Is there an all around cranking rod - that works for shallow and deep cranking applications? I had 6'6" medium action rod that was my cranking rod, and I lost the setup due to an unfortunate incident on the water yesterday - rod, reel, lure and all. So in my quest to replace said equipment, it brought me to wonder about the "hybrid" rod. I am not that experienced in deep cranking - but am reading a MH 7'6" rod is about where I would want to start looking - that seems too heavy for a shallow cranking rod. Is this true? Thanks for any input offered.
  7. As a matter of fact...when you queue up several videos to watch - Yes, there is a NEXT button
  8. Hi Glenn - first of all - I'm glad you didn't take the criticism harshly - it wasn't meant to be. Honestly, I think the only reason I thought that they were on private lakes is due to a couple of reasons: 1. In the few videos I watch, you never identify the body of water - leading me to think you don't want your viewers to know where it's at. I personally like knowing the lakes that you guys are fishing on - helps me understand and relate to the weather and water conditions - and also try to relate to the fishing pressure on that certain lake. 2. There never seems to be any boat traffic or any traffic of any kind - just a small observation that lead me to believe it was on private waters. I understand about you practicing your lines, I would be the same way - wouldn't want to be fumbling and bumbling around with words while trying to get my point across - when all I'm actually doing is sounding foolish. Again, we appreciate your instructional videos - and now that I know they aren't scripted - I will watch them a little more open minded-ly please keep up the good work.
  9. I'm probably going to be shunned for saying this - but I have to admit, every Bass Resource video I watched felt scripted. I like how some of the You Tubers just wing it - go and fish...talk about what they are doing, while they are doing it - and discussing whatever happens. Also, I can't help but to get the feeling that most of the Bass Resource videos are filmed on private lakes that are stocked with bass...where it's super easy to catch the fish. Not to say that they are not informative - just my opinion on them.
  10. If your batteries are next to each other - 6 gauge should be fine. I have my batteries runnig parallel, and I use 2 chargers to charge them with - just to be sure they both fully charge, however - you can charge them both by only connecting to 1 battery - it's just a personal preference for me.
  11. Very cool - thanks for sharing.
  12. I've been planning my weekend fishing adventures the last few days, and I see the winds are going to be about 15 mph on one of my lakes at one point this weekend. I plan to give it a shot, planning to fish from the side of the lake where the wind is coming from - it's usually pretty good fishing down there - and I think I can stay safe from the wind. When looking at the forecasts before you guys plan a trip - what is the threshold for wind before you pull the plug on the trip and cancel your plans?
  13. Nicely done Mr. Ajay - nice rig!
  14. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! So that's what I have to do... Stopping on the way home and getting a brand new sharpie marker - I'm gonna catch me some "big'uns"
  15. Nice fish sir.
  16. http://www.bassresource.com/fish/fishing_log.html Here is the fishing log BR offers
  17. I have yet to try this technique - is it really that simple? Hook a worm perpendicular in the middle and go to town?
  18. My first thought coming into this topic was "Spro" - I love their little johns, although they are not necessarily 6'-10' depth.
  19. All 3 pictures are from Little Lake Harris - Harris Chain - Astatula, FL April 2016
  20. ? I know exactly what you mean from snacks to the plug!
  21. I'm in Florida now, originally from Texas - so I make the drive across the atchafalaya quite often. Always wondered what it was like to navigate and fish a seamlessly endless maze of water.
  22. Ok, just making sure! Glad to help Ray - that's what it is all about. I don't know a whole lot - but whatever I have figured about about these waters, I will gladly share.
  23. Ray, I sent you a PM yesterday too with some more local information about Lake Harris.
  24. buzzed bait - you make another great point about the lack of hookset required
  25. When I think of a bait that is easy and catches fish - I think crankbait. That is what I started my son on - it kept him busy, caught fish, and is simple to use - just explain what the bait does, show her how it swims in the water - and make sure she understands it's purpose - IMO can't go wrong there.
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