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Everything posted by Hez

  1. Easier said than done, I'm afraid
  2. FLY THE W!!! Hands down, by far - the best baseball game I've ever watched...and I've been a baseball fan for life. This edged out Bautista's Bat Flip game last year....with that CRAZY sequence in the 7th inning....yeah....this was WAYYYY better! GO CUBS!!! FLY THE W! Hats off to Cleveland....they played a hell of a season...post season...and world series. It was fun.
  3. Looking good for the cubbies!!!!
  4. I had the same feeling this last weekend too - I caught 9 in 2 days on the Harris Chain - which is polar opposite of what I've been experiencing the past month or so. Happy days are here again!!!
  5. Just read in @JayKumar's bass blaster that Lews sold! That really surprises me. Wonder if the quality of their product will change. Thoughts anyone?
  6. Not sure why you lost - but I will say the Rattl' Trap bite was on for me this last weekend too - about the first weekend they have been actively hitting the moving baits. I think fall is here for us Southerners lol
  7. http://www.another site/blog/fishing-line-guide/ This page was always a useful tool for me when it came to which particular line is better for which bait. oops... that's bassfishin(dot)com/blog/fishing-line-guide/
  8. I believe it was you who originally posted this in another thread - thanks for that!
  9. I just purchased the Hummminbird 698ci HD SI with down scan and side imaging for about $250 (after mail in rebate). It was being discussed in another thread - it's a good deal. At Gander Mountain it is originally $699, on sale for $374...with (2) $75 mail in rebates...brings it to about $225 before taxes. This does not include the navigation card....regardless - a good deal considering. http://www.gandermountain.com/modperl/product/details.cgi?pdesc=Humminbird-698ci-HD-SI-Chartplotter-Fishfinder-Combo&i=770809&r=view&cvsfa=2586&cvsfe=2&cvsfhu=373730383039&s_kwcid=adwords__&gclid=CjwKEAjw19vABRCY2YmkpO2OzTsSJAAzEt8s280tUvtTOpdHhTEo209JR8qWsZAMPVH3uC6gNVFgnBoCCz3w_wcB
  10. The homeplate umpire was not calling a fair strike zone for the first 4 or 5 innings. It wasn't until Lester had a word with him between innings, that the ump finally called the same strike zone on both sides. Not to take away from Klubers' performance - I'm just saying...the strike zone was biased for the first part of that game last night. I did think that Lester handled the situation well...and nipped it in the butt.
  11. I'm rootin' for the Cubs to win it - but wow - Kluber put on a clinic last night. Gonna be a good series.
  12. @crypt I see you are from Central Florida too. You know Culprit is made here in Clermont? You're right - awesome worms for everything
  13. I love the culprit worms - but I specifically use the Culprit FAT MAX - 7" worms. The fat max are more durable, and easier to handle due to being a little bit bigger. As far as color - I always try to match the water color I am fishing....but I usually fish stained water and my go to color is Green Pumpkin. I also have a lot of luck with Crawdad color (black and brown) on sunny days, it's what I caught my PB on. As far as retrieval...I usually just cast to my target, let it sink to the bottom...and slowly drag it back to the boat...when I hit a patch of grass - I go even slower. Try to get as close to cover as you can. You will catch fish.
  14. I don't understand?
  15. hahaha - not hardly Go Cubbies!
  16. Which makes me smile.....and feel all warm inside
  17. What is "Crapped on Rod"? Very cool, btw
  18. Awesome! Looks like you got a good deal - too bad it's a FORD JK...you know how it goes
  19. Cool! Can't wait to watch it when I get off work tonight!!
  20. When I chased them last weekend and came up empty handed....I almost looked around for the camera...I felt like they got me good
  21. It is definitely bass chasing them. I'm thinking they are shad because I saw one jump up through the lily pads and get stuck on top for a few seconds, giving me a good look at it - all the while a bass was thumping around underneath trying to get it. Ok - so if you were dragging a worm (like most florida fish seem to prefer) and they were busting around, you would just ignore them and not go chasing them? My first instinct was to chase them...and I did the first day I noticed it...but nothing prevailed - and I fought the urge every time after that - and just kept fishing the worm on grass edges and such.
  22. I am in central Florida - fishing the Harris Chain of lakes. The last week or so I have been noticing bait fish breaking the surface more - and it creates a battle within my mind, making me want to stop dragging soft plastics around grass edges and start fishing fast with rattle traps and such - to mimic the baitfish - but everytime I switch it up, I don't get any bites, and always revert back to the worm/craw. What do you do when you see bait fish busting the surface? Do you chase them? Or is it a trick? Is this the beginning of fall and the bass are soon to follow? What is your take on this?
  23. Wow...just read all 19 pages...what a great thread...still...almost 10 years later. Lots of good info here
  24. Wow A-Jay - I always enjoy reading your posts...but to find out your a fan of the great sport of baseball...and a Red Sox fan...to add to your other awesome traits...you, my friend, will always have my respect and admiration sir.
  25. Stinky Cherrypopper
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