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Everything posted by Hez

  1. I save my old plastics too. I trim them down once they rip, and then store them in a plastic zip lock bag and keep in my truck for bank fishing when I come across a pond of something that interests the angler in me.
  2. In Central Florida - for clear water...go to: Butler Chain - some of the most clearest and pristine waters around. You can see 15-20 ft sometimes Johns Lake (Clermont) - This is not as clear as the Butler Chain, but definitely falls in the same category.
  3. Understandably. Gives me one more thing to look forward to. Thank you for that.
  4. Thanks, I appreciate your input. The good hardware is important
  5. Awesome! Looking forward to hearing how they perform for you! Please keep us updated
  6. Wecome to Bass Resource - I also live in Central Florida. I also posted a similar topic in October - linked below. I battle with the same thing you are dealing with.
  7. Stripper Lippin' - my favorite!
  8. I am curious to know the rules as well. The B.A.S.S. Southern Open is on my home lake this coming week - the Harris Chain. I have seen lots pros on the water this past two weeks - but everytime I look them up, I think they are FLW - not B.A.S.S. (Scott Martin, Tom Redington and there were some others I couldn't see their name). Then we have a pro (Brett Haus Cartwright) fishing the chain since December 31st with one of our professional guides. How do I know? I follow the guide on Facebook, and he has been posting pics the whole time. So it just has me curious. Are the FLW guys hanging around because B.A.S.S. is in town? The FLW tournament isn't here until March.
  9. Great find A-Jay I believe you must have a Masters degree in Google Searchologies
  10. Isn't that the worst? I get so mad at myself when I mess around and do that - especially on the first cast somewhere!
  11. I enjoyed watching this - thanks for sharing!!
  12. I KNOW!!!! TIRED OF THEM WINNING!! GO TIGERS! After tonight...I will go back to not favoring any team. I like watching the young athletes grow, especially the one's with good heads on their shoulders.
  13. I'm in Florida - we have no winter
  14. I'm excited to begin reading and digesting the info inside
  15. Seeing a Nutria Rat for the first time while fishing was also one of the more stranger things that's happened to me. Saw an otter yesterday that startled me lol
  16. What? No pics???? Congrats - sounds like you had a great holiday.
  17. This is why I'm a southern boy
  18. Yes sir - Little Lake Harris on the Harris Chain. The day before was tough due to the cold front conditions, but the bite was back on yesterday. Thanks everyone - and yeah, what a great way to start the year off for the boy.
  19. My son caught his new PB today. This beauty weighed in at 5.27 lbs His smile says it all. He caught it on a square bill crank in about 5' of water - after graphing the fish on sonar the first pass around. Exciting on many levels A lot of thanks to you guys for all of the knowledge and assistance you have provided along the way - here's to a great 2017 - and more big fish!!
  20. That's an old picture, when I first got the boat a little over a year ago - before I installed cleats all the way around. I just needed something to secure a rope to. Don't worry - it's rigged a little bit better now...but I'm southern - don't expect too much.
  21. Okay - because of this thread I picked up a KVD 1.5, as it seems to be on everyone's list. But then again...that is one of the reasons I love my Spro - seems to be a little bit different than what the fish see regularly.
  22. I actually have you beat. I fish out of a 1963 14' Richline. It's a solid old boat.
  23. HAHAHA - Have you been to Florida? The Harris Chain of Lakes (for example) can be explained in the same manner. EVERY PART of the lake looks "fishy"....EVERYWHERE! lol
  24. First of all - thank you for sharing your knowledge. My first question that comes to mind is this: Relating to "Function" - I think I understand how to tell if it was a feeding area by signs of baitfish and such - but how would you distinguish the bass's home from a stop over place from the spawn? If it were a place you regularly fished, I understand that - but would you be able to make that determination your first time fishing a piece of structure? What are some of the details you look to observe? Do Bass relate more to break lines in structure or are these used more as "routes" or "highways"?
  25. I like the 7" culprit Fat max for a few reasons: 1. It is a little bit heftier than the original culprit, therefore casts further 2. More durable than the original culprit (and other worms I have used) 3. I like the tail action 4. Culprit is a local company near where I live, and I like to support local companies when I can (if they produce a good product)
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