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Everything posted by Hez

  1. Thanks for all of the replies. a lot of what you say makes sense. The only reason I mentioned it was because that was one of Z-mans selling points and something that set them apart from the other stick baits. They explain this in one of their videos. Again, thanks for all of the replies - good stuff as always.
  2. Has anyone ever messed with their TRD (Ned Rig) in a sink or some other closed environment? I had mine out yesterday, and found out about half of the pack was not bouyant. I would place them in the water and some of them would float and some would sink. I initially discovered this when I filled up the sink to check the action on the ned rig I had just tied on. I put it in the sink and it just laid on the bottom...and I thought to myself that wasn't right. i pulled up the ned rig video and sure enough, they are supposed to stand up and have live action. Mine did not.
  3. LMAO!!!
  4. Guilty as charged!!! and I am a daily offender!!!
  5. Unfortunately, I get the same treatment 90% of the time in my jon boat as well. I have had people in bass boats fly by me so fast in a canal it nearly tipped my boat. Countless times I have been fishing a bank...and someone in a bass boat just come and try to be a bully and cut me off directly...while I'm trolling down the bank. It really ticks me off sometimes. Most of the time I can bite my tongue. Only once have I had to say something to someone...after they cut me off 3 times within an hour. Total disrespect. I try to be considerate of other people in every facet of life...especially being on the water. Sometimes people are just ignorant to certain things -and they mean no harm...just need to be educated. Other times...people are just being jerks...those are the ones I hate dealing with. OP - you did good by being the bigger man. I can only hope I make the same positive decision when faced with that situation again, as I know I will be. This is something I have to work hard on every day
  6. Hi, welcome to Bass Resource. I purchased the Humminbird 698 for my jon boat. It is retail $349 with $150 in rebates. It took about 3 months to get the rebates - 1 came as a check the other as a visa check card. The unit itself works great. I wish the screen were bigger...but it is fairly inexpensive. Bigger screen....more $$. http://www.gandermountain.com/modperl/product/details.cgi?pdesc=Humminbird-698ci-HD-SI-Chartplotter/Fishfinder-Combo&i=770809&cvsfa=2586&cvsfe=2&cvsfhu=373730383039&s_kwcid=adwords__&gclid=CIPyh56D1tICFVM8gQodREQNgw
  7. Nah...it is probably junk. I will PM you my address...you can send it to me...I will dispose of it properly. BTW, Welcome to BassResource
  8. No sir - was out making some extra $$ today. Wish I could have been there. Was glad to see that rookie win! We sat beside his parents yesterday. Seemed like really nice folks. Real down to earth. I like to see when genuine hard work pays off.
  9. I never stated it was part of the Harris Chain...because I do not know for sure if it is classified as part of the Harris Chain, although I do believe it is. However, It was part of the FLW event on the Harris Chain. The pros were allowed to fish these waters, whether it is classified as part of the Harris Chain or not. A few of them started their day there on day 1 - which is what I based my statement off of - You can see all of the lake included in the tournament here: https://www.flwfishing.com/news/2017-03-08-what-the-harris-chain-has-to-offer - with a quote there saying: " Apopka is 3 to 4 feet higher in elevation than the rest of the lakes in the chain, and it is the first lake. Its water flows all the way through the others and out of Griffin. " So, I guess the point is arguable. FLW sure seems to think Lake Apopka is part of the chain. What I do know is this: Lake Apopka is actually connected via the Apopka-Beauclair Canal. The waters flow from Lake Apopka through this canal to the rest of the chain. In fact, this website: http://www.floridabywater.com/lakes-and-rivers/harris-chain-of-lakes quoted saying - " Lake Apopka is connected via a lock thru the Apopka Canal " So...I appreciate the positive feedback. Hope I was able to clear up the whole Lake Apopka bit for you - happy fishing!! It was exciting seeing all of those high dollar rigs and the jacked up battle wagons hahaha. Cool stuff...and best of all - no high cost entry fees or anything!
  10. Well, we went to the weigh-in yesterday. It was fun, although I didn't have a chance to get out on the water and see them in action. We did get to see Scott Martin. That really made my son happy - we watch him on the regular on YouTube. Scott was a great guy. Super nice, especially to the kids. He was actually in his truck - pulling out of the parking lot leaving, and stopped and got out to let a small child get a picture - made that kid's day. That was cool of him. I also got the chance to meet Jimmy Houston. No pictures on this one (I'm not a big picture and autograph guy) - but it was very cool being in proximity of an outdoors legend.
  11. Well, day 1 is here. FLW at The Harris Chain. How exciting!! Unfortunately, I'm stuck at work today and tomorrow - but will definitely be following it online. Saturday I plan to take my kids out there - fish the Venetian Gardens location and check out the FLW Expo and the weigh in. Should be a blast. The Harris Chain has been fishing really well...even with BASS here in January. Someone already has an 8 lber in the live well from Little Lake Harris. It will also be interesting to see how they do in Lake Apopka (once known as one of the most polluted lakes in Florida), it is on the upswing and a quite a few local tournaments have been won out of that lake here lately, especially around the spring.
  12. I fixed it for you...your transmission will thank me later All is great advice, btw!!!
  13. HAHAHA!!! This is spot on!! This weekend, I unpackaged a brand new Hildebrandt spinnerbait and tied it on. 4th cast....BOOOM! 10 pound bowfin hammered it.... Needless to say it bent the spinnerbait to where it was completely straight. IT WAS FUN THOUGH!!!!
  14. Sounds great, will definitely give you a heads up. Griffin is part of the Harris Chain. Same for you - let me know when you're heading this way - I will let you know whats happening over here. Soft plastics is king here in the Harris chain.
  15. Welcome to Bass Resource. I live in Central Florida myself...near the Harris Chain. I've heard good things about the Stick Marsh...it's on my to-do list sometime in the near future.
  16. I use the alberto knot when I fish clear water lakes with micro guides and have no issue. Main line is 50 # power pro tied to 15 # flourocarbon I had the same concern at first, but after quite a few fishing trips and 2 tournaments fishing this setup..with the micro-guides, I definitely have confidence in it.
  17. Yep, no problem. Sorry I could not have been more help.
  18. I don't have any personal experience with boat rentals - but I saw where someone recommended the boat rentals at Turkey Lake in Orlando. http://www.theotherorlando.com/contents/chapters/16/turkey.html
  19. x2 on this rod. Lightweight...manufactured well...and the thing I like about it most - is the hook keeper. To me - it was just the little bit of extra thought that was put into the design of this rod that sold me, and I have loved every cast with it.
  20. Welcome to the Bass Resource Wes - I am from Florida too. You've found a good place here, tons of resources and knowledge. Welcome and enjoy.
  21. Totally agree! Great job guys!! You keep us coming back for more! It is nice to have all of this information available - but what makes it THE BEST is the constant POSITIVE COMMUNICATION You see some disagreements here and there (all good entertainment btw), but for the most part - everything is positive...and that is well needed in this nasty world...especially on the ever so hateful "internet"
  22. Wow! nice job!
  23. I just briefly browsed through this thread - as I'm in a bit of a hurry this morning....BUT...I think I may have just what you are looking for (my apologies if it has already been mentioned). https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003M1IHB8/ I just purchased this for my tournaments as a co-angler, and was very pleased with it. Check it out. Let me know if you have any specific questions about it.
  24. Just hit the SUBSCRIBE button - Loved your vids.
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