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Everything posted by Hez

  1. Welcome aboard
  2. I just found the pic I took of the price tag...my memory did not serve me right...it was actually $104k. Sorry about that. But...I don't think it flies...but I bet it goes really fast.
  3. Especially the "battle wagons" the Pros all have now. Those are probably closer to $100k than $35k....and the price tag on the Ranger at the FLW weigh in....$108k...all decked out
  4. I just love the entertainment that the NBA Playoffs provide in general. A couple of my kids root for the Warriors - I even have 1 rooting for the Cavs. I think you are spot on about the Warrior - hitting their stride at the right time. They are a very strong team. A lot of depth and talent. And Steve Kerr is perfect for them. You are also right about Lebron not going quietly in the finals. It will be interesting to see how the east plays out for sure - last year it was the Pistons that gave the Cavs the most trouble. I don't see Boston clearing the hurdle either though...we will have to see though. Hopefully it will be a great show.
  5. Even though I didn't really know anyone - I enjoyed watching that, thanks for sharing.
  6. I couldn't imagine 9 months of winter. Being born and raised in Houston and then living the last 6 years in Florida....I've never experienced more than 3 consecutive days of winter at once....and wouldn't have it any other way lol. Fishing all year is a HUGE advantage.
  7. - Here is footage of the catch
  8. Was out in the yard playing with my kids yesterday evening and a neighbor walked by. We got to talking about the neighborhood bear that has started coming around again this season. Then he proceeds to tell me that the other night he saw a panther in his back yard. I asked him if he was sure it wasn't a cougar. He described a big body...long tail...small head... I have never heard them scream or anything - but I live within a mile from a large state park....lord knows what kind of animals reside in there.
  9. If you really want to learn to become a good fisherman - this is the best thing to do right here. I am a testimony of Buck Perry's work. Got the book...read it...studied it...am reading it again...and putting what I read into action on the lake - and I am consistently catching fish. It is not easy...you still have to work at it, and put in the time on the water - but you will be glad you did once you start catching fish regularly.
  10. Great philosophy
  11. The last time we caught a fish on the first cast - we didn't have trouble finding the fish after that....THEY ALL KEPT GETTIN' OFF!!! HAHAHAHAHA...it's hilarious thinking back on it...but it sure wasn't funny then
  12. @jimf HAHAHA - My son and I joke about this. Every time that we catch a fish on the first cast...it always ends up to be a tough day. The last time my son caught a fish on the first cast...we lost at least 6 fish that day before I was able to break the curse and boat a fish. Once I boated that fish and the curse was broken...all was good.
  13. I am not ashamed to set the hook on a piece of grass...a stick...a wave...or even thin air!!! I say it all the time! Hook sets are free!
  14. I say the same thing about the Texans!! Please don't bring Romo on
  15. It's funny. I read through this thread this morning...and then I stumble across this article. http://www.tbo.com/news/florida-panther-kittens-found-north-of-caloosahatchee-river-for-first-time-in-decades-20170327/ Figured I would share it with you
  16. You have to learn to be a "Line Watcher". This happened to me yesterday. I pitched a worm near the grass line...barely felt something (felt like my lure hit a piece of grass on the way down) and then my line started swimming off. I set the hook...and BOOM. 6 lber was on.
  17. I agree with J Francho - fix the rivets. It is not hard. First of all - I have been through this - this is what I have learned: 1. JB Weld does not flex...so as it will temporarily solve your problem...the first time you hit a big wave or your aluminum flexes, the JB weld will no longer work. I recommend 3M 5200. This stuff seals and flexes...trust me. 2. It is easier in the end to replace the rivets. The hard part is finding the right size rivet to go back in there. There are 2 measurements when looking for the correct rivet. Shaft length and shaft width. A. I also have truss head SS phillips head screws with lock nuts as a backup plan for the rivets if I drilled the hole too big getting the old one out. B. Easiest thing I have found to do when getting old rivets out, is to get a chisel and chisel off the flat side (from the inside, if it is accessible). Once you chisel that end off...punch what is left of the old rivet through the hole by hitting the shaft. If the rivet is not accessible from the inside - then you have to try the same technique from the outside - which may lead to you having to drill out the rivet...making a hole bigger than you originally planned...which the Truss head SS screw and lock nut is once again a good solution. 3. When inserting new rivet/screw...be sure to coat hardware in 3M 5200 sealant - let it cure for 24 - 48 hrs and you are done...good to go. I have never used the flex seal. From what I researched, it added weight...and it was not a sure fix. I want(ed) a permanent and for sure fix.
  18. I had never even heard of Smithwick until a month ago - when a guy in my tournament won that event with a Devil's Horse. I went home and researched it and found Smithwick manufactured them. Since then - the name Devils Horse or Smithwick keeps coming up - I think it's a sign... I might place an order...
  19. Yeah - he was really cool. I mentioned this in another thread, but as he was leaving...he stopped his truck and got out and asked a kid if they wanted a picture with him. Then proceeded to get out of his truck and go over there and take a picture with the kid. You know it made his day. I gained a lot of respect for Mr. Martin after that...became an even bigger fan. This was the Saturday after he failed to qualify. A lot of guys would have hit the road and went home after being eliminated the day before.
  20. I would assume it will become available tomorrow - once the classic starts.
  21. Me too - I like Scott. Got to see him at the FLW event on Harris Chain earlier this month - he was a great guy. Very nice to the kids and his fans.
  22. Welcome to Bass Resource - I think you will enjoy it here.
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